Body fat %

Post yours, post your target if you have one. No larping/cheating, it's pretty pointless

Translation for ameriniggers:

5 foot 10, 167 lbs (40 lbs body fat). 15 inch neck, 38 inch waist.

Goal: lose 6 kg (13lbs) of fat and be at 17% bf instead of 24%

I've lost 9kg (20 lbs) over the past 2 months

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>hungry skeleton
i don't have a weight goal

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like i didnt already fucking know

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Holy shit lad is this real? You actually broke the calculator

What do I win?


Holy shit

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It would be cool if I had the kind of depression that kills your appetite instead of the kind that made food the only thing that makes you happy

Do you dumb fucks actually believe that

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85 cm? Unironically a midget or just larping?

I don't believe it but I wouldn't be too surprised if it was real. Fat fucks exist and short fucks exist. Those stats are basically a fatter Danny devito

Nah, 185cm comes as 6'1 in burger units, it's just that the calculator is made only for 2 digits.

No goals in mind for the gastrically defective. If there were such a desire to live, then I suppose a regular weight might be achievable and sustainable under someone mounted feeding apparatus. That wouldn't improve quality of life though.

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Hehe yes Indeedle-dee-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny mugginses!!

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According to a dexa scan last year I was at 15% body fat. Height 179cm, weight was about 70kg. My current weight is 77kg, goal weight is 88.

Well you're not full Mr skeltal mode

Out of curiosity what's your tit size

I am planning to kill myself anyway

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88 @ 179? Going full strongman mode?

Good luck in your quest

>athletic tier bodyfat
>not that toned so don't have much to show it
Not so sure how much I believe this.

OP here, I'm confused are you talking about my post or about yourself?

i wouldn't say that it's dangerously low at all. i look close to a healthy weight and have little muscle mass at the moment.

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Well, accurate measurements matter too. If you fuck up the position or if the measure is angled instead of straight, you'll change up a few centimeters and a few centimeters (especially for the neck value) change the results drastically

I wasn't nearly as thorough, or allowed to be as thorough, with the measures individually. So it might appear that I'm not building my own amusement Park to countermarket Mr. Bones, but it certainly seems like I'm qualified. In Americano peso units my size is 34AA.

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Care to show what you mean? Not perving, genuinely curious

>body fat by measurements
this is not how this works faggot

the ONLY way to check your bodyfat is by hydrostatic underwater weighing

Be my gf if EU
Be my gf if EU
Be my gf if EU


This is a method used by the US Navy to see if you're fit for service. Of course, it can't be 100% accurate because it works based on trends and known data but it's a decent predictor. For me at least, it's accurate because I look like a ton of other guys with the same %

don't get your hopes up, we're all fucking men here

I've been 72 Kg, looked like a skelington, then I went to the polar opposite.

The weight is from 10 years ago, I'm probably fatter now, but I don't have the courage to weight myself.

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Urgh, not really athletic though.

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No perving? That's admirable. For principles sake, that's a negative, though. Accuracy in anatomy is a second-thought to the test. I didn't plug in measurements so that's an impossibility to imagine.
Already have my only to be online partner till I'm casted into the worldly abyss.

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After 7 years on kik/omegle as a relatively attractive shitlord, I'm over random nudes so yeh no perving. It's alright though, you don't have to do it

Anyways out of curiosity why do you speak the way you do? You come off as someone that tries way too hard to sound like an intellectual

No h8, genuinely curious

>Chad body but disgusting face

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>tfw i'm healthy physically from minor excerise
I used to work at a lumber mill and was nearly 200lbs, but I guess i'm actually kinda fit if this calc is accurate.

Also neck was 13.5" so I'm like 1% BF higher or something. I wanna actually get more fit because I still a bit of a pouch, but all I really do are squats/curls/occasionally some pushups.

Anyone know how to target fat, or is that a meme?

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Mainly I'm a socially off-putting and isolated sperg that found entertainment in that form of wordspeak. Feedback only helped to solidify this, such as that from my companion, while I'm sure situations like this force more negative feedback. It simply is what it is, and I'm capable of what is apparent to make me happy. I understand if it's distasteful, Mr. user.

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>negative lean mass

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I want to get 145lb but according to this I'm already there bois

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It's a meme, just do cardio and diet

I wouldn't call it distasteful, just very uncanny

Do you have any ways to drink more water? Currently I drink only one glass of water per day.

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I used to be like that but I realized it's because I kept forgetting and i hate drinking from glasses so I started keeping a water bottle next to me and jumped to 1.5-2L per day with ease

Basically, find a method that suits you

I'm a KHHV and my height is also ~5 cm above my country's average.

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Uncanny sounds wonderful. Repercussions simply haven't existed to beat me into a different mindset. Thanks for the bout of conversation and curiosity in me! Goodnight!

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my cut is going well

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Guess all those push ups and whatnot paid off.

Am I meant to suck in my gut?

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Do you have tits at all?

Nope, as relaxed as possible

OP here, I expected more fat people. Everyone that's posted so far has been slim, average or acceptably fat

>fucking 6'0, 123lbs and fucking 32% bf

I am disgusting. I have a fucking POT BELLY

People at my Russian history meetup group make fun of me for this shit all the time. they call me 'The Homer Simpson of Holodomor' because I am a starving guy and also fat

What do I do? I can't eat more and I can't diet. I am trapped

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I don't think you meant 123 lbs.

I used to be 125 at 5'9" and I was Auschwitz-level skinny.

Mine claims I'm fit, but I really have more of a dad bod.

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5'3" 100lbs is basically goddess-tier female stats.

You're actually better off than if you were model height, because when models lose their shape they turn into men. Even if you gain some weight, they can't take "cute" away from you.

OP here there are a few bad things that can cause potbelly when you're that underweight. Go to a doctor and get yourself checked for cirrhosis or something similar that could cause hepatomegaly, tumors, ascite, visceral ptosis. Also, what you're describing can be caused by kwashiorkor (severe protein deficiency in your diet, think starving African child with potbelly)

That shit ain't normal, go to a doctor

>Homer Simpson Of Holodomor

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Orifihagdyayrha posrh

I'm a skinnyfat weakling with a potbelly but it says I'm athletic. Did I botch the measurements or is something else going on here?

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I've been drinking soda and eating whole evening. I guess if I measure my belly in the morning I'd be "acceptable".

But yeah, I really do need to lose weight, although these measurements are bullshit because they can't take into account the amount of muscle you have.

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originally of course, 123123.

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You sound cute, why are you on r9k

Is the site accurate?

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No, it's shit.
Nobody in their right mind would call me athletic.

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This shit says I'm athletic but I don't see it. I do a lot of manual labor/trades type stuff but I don't really hit the gym. I also have a bit of a tummy growing in I think.

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