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give cute sissy bf now edition

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no i will not give sissy bf!

Stop making this thread already. Or at least use another picture.

Hey femanon here
tee hee :)

just stop it isn't healthy for your brain to larp in this way

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Any fembot New Yorkers?

Here user. Post Discord.

but they're soooooo cute
pls give sissy bf now

any femanons up for some phone sex on discord?

Careful, larp any harder than that and you could burst a blood vessel

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I don't have discord also I don't believe you

where in NY are you from?

Sissy BFs are no bueno
Twink bfs are better

>I don't believe you
Why? Post contact and I'll show you I'm a real fembot :~)

The island, but I'm not a twink so just forget it


>chating with malebot on kik
>he reveals that hes younger than me and into mommy stuff
Any dom robot over 25yo? Im so fucking tired of sub guys

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Well, your loss baby ;^)

There are no dom men anymore anywhere, being dom is fucking boring as fuck

be in london right fukin now

>over 25

Anyone here in northern Germany?

>tfw ghosted by a robot yet again

Yeah sure :3
Femanon here, blond hair/blue eyes and large boobs obviously.
Just add me at my discord

why are you 25 and single? you ugly?


>things that never happened: the greentext

I think women and men should be forced into to different camps and should not be allowed to interact with each other.

This is the third time it has happened actually

u a girl or a boy

Maybe stop pretending to be a fembot and cat fishing them and they'll stop ghosting

I was actually asking for a robot, I'm female too.

Good god you are retarded

Not in Germany but can you guys read me stuff? I love a girl with a German accent.

You probably have some inoperable character flaw/physical deformity

did you know that 57% of fembots are the same two Filipino dudes?

I will date any femanon that wants me.

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How so? Do you think that's actually a women being ghosted by men?
Shouldn't we all here?

femanons like sissy femboys?? why have i not been notified of this earlier

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I have an eastern euro accent tho.

Lol Filipino here. I've only done it once

Those are fine too. Would you do it though?

Hittin that wall real soon, roastie

Oh are you this chick?


>tfw no extremely depressed clingy weeb programmer gf

I am a girl and he is my first crush.

how old are you? never had a celeb crush?

I have had a couple of celebrity crushes and a few anime ones. I'm a 23 year old virgin. I always considered myself to be largely asexual until I saw the cute boy.

do you think of his benis in your bagina often now

I think of it every now and then but it's mainly pure thoughts, like letting him lie on me, playing with his beautiful hair, making him smile and such.

>celeb crush so bad I am literally lovesick
Anybody know the nearest euthanasia parlor?

why him on you? are you more of a dom? are you tall?

He must be around 6'4 if not taller. I'm 5'3. I'm not sure if I'm a dom. I suppose it would come with practice and experimentation with the right guy (hopefully him). As for why him on me, I guess I just yearn to protect someone and to take care of him. Naturally I'd hope he'd do the same for me.

why are short women the most demanding about having freakishly tall men?


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I'm not demanding about it. I just think he's handsome and lovely.

genes are always returning to the mean
tall guys like really short girls too
then they have manlet sons

and the cycle continues

Because of his height

Having a manlet son is not a good way to ensure your genes pass on anymore

His height is attractive to me certainly. There's no denying that. I also like his hair, his face, his eyes, his general awkwardness, his smile etc. It's all part of the package.

the manlet will breed a femazon that no tall guy even looks at

What do you have to offer though

And if that package was all the same, but he was shorter you'd have zero interest

It's hard to imagine him being shorter. In any case, people can like what they like.

I'm a med student
I'm faithful, funny and kind
I'm clingy and dependent (might be a pro for some)

>tfw my boyfriend tricked me into having sex with his brother again
I dont know how to handle the situation, miners.

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Well you sound very nice user.

Be my gf.
It's okay if you're a guy just don't tell me.

I'm just you can do better than me user. You didnt met any cuties in college?

I'm sure* That's what I get for phoneposting I guess.

No, I am very unattractive and am bad socially.

>I'm a med student
what are you doing here? go study, i guarantee you are not studying enough.

Trick him into having sex with your sister

tfw ghosted by a fembot yet again

Any fembots in europe? Why don't you simply get a boyfriend. european women are the most privileged on earth

no way, standards here are a lot higher

Short men breed just as often though, or if they don't it's by such a small factor that it doesn't matter.

What? Especially if you go to countries like germany, sweden, netherlands the degeneracy levels go rampant. girls start fucking anybody age 11, nobody bats an eye if the 13 year old kid dates an 18 year old.

>In any case, people can like what they like.
Substantiate this claim

Well, AoC is 14-16 for most of europe and western european women are arguably quite loose.

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Why should I? Everyone has their own tastes. They don't have to justify it to others.

What the fuck is going on in belgium and sweden. That can't be real. No no no no. No absolutely not.

unironically based conservative turkroaches

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>They don't have to justify it to others.
Yes they do, substantiate this.

No they don't. I have a right to like what I like when it comes to males. You have a right to like what you like with whatever you're into.

I'm not saying you don't have a "right" (but rights don't exist but that's a different convo) I'm saying substantiate it.

It is probably even worse. It's the biggest self-reported study ever made (huffington post w/ several clinics), but it's still self-reported. That means women might play up or down their numbers, so take it with a grain of salt.

I suppose I can't. I like the guy as he is. If he was shorter would I like him? I don't know, because it's his entire package that I enjoy the look of. In any case, why should it matter to you?

I can substantiate all my opinions and preferences.
>why should it matter to you?
Everything matters to me.

Do you have an actual link to the study? Cause the source is just "huffingtonpost" and reverse-searching the chart turns up no results

It's like 3 years old user, I dont remember where it was published.
I cut that picture from a screenshot of the study, of course it brings up no results.