Music is subjective

>Music is subjective
Why are normalfags so fucking dumb?

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what's the best piece of music, objectively, then? bye bye brainlet!

Classical. Lol

Objectively? Trout Fish Mask - Captain Beefheart

It is. Different people like different kinds of music. Just because a song may not hold any artistic value like in the lyrics of many popular songs today, doesn't mean people won't enjoy it. Not everyone has to has the same taste in music .

Attached: better times.jpg (433x423, 40K)

Classical is my favorite, too, but how could you objectively say a piece is better than another? If it's by complexity, than modern classical completely shits on anything Bach ever wrote, and would be "objectively" better.

please don't take the bait
look OP doesn't even stay in his thread

I dont even like classical but even I know that this is the true answer

MongoIian throat singing

Come on, nobody likes beefheart?

Cities are subjective. I love Detroit but people hate on it. I'm proud to be from DETROIT.

Technique is an essential part, but any monkey can learn to play the hardest pieces even better than the composer himself. But what differs the greats like Bach from the rest is originality, creativity. People like him creates music that define a genre and influnce countless generations. Just take a good look at classical music throughout the years and tell me if there is a more mature kind of music out there. It got it all.

Don't be a dog. At least try it.

Wrong. There are objective standards that make for good music. You're probably the type of guy who would defend this and call it music lol.

fucking little /mu/ faggot, beefheart was always a meme even before Jow Forums

>Proud to be from a nigger shithole

musical taste =! music quality
taste is subjective, but what makes music good isn't

Nah. My bf introduced me to it years ago. Excellent stuff really.

kill yourself pseud

this is objectivily the best song ever made

he likely found out about it due to internet meme status dumb fag or bimbo

All genres can lead to masterpieces. The problem is normalfags (and even smug robots) latching onto entry level garbage in every genre and acting superior to others. Someone will act like they're better than pop listeners because they listen to electronic music, and you ask them who and they say Daft Punk or Skrillex. Some people will shun all genres but classical, and when you ask them who they listen to, it's fucking Bach or Beethoven.

It's like claiming your movie taste is above others and when asked about it, you say your favorites are fucking Tarantino or Coen brothers films.

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They subscribe to a nihilistic ideology where nothing matters and therefore any viewpoint pertaining to any topic is valid. They don't believe in objectivity

my chemical romance is objectively the best music that has been produced in the modern era. all the others lack creativity and technique

You're upset.

I fucking hate classical. I have respect for it, but it's boring as fuck.

heh kid, thats just you're subjective reality dude weed

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there you go you fucking autist

It's the ultimate feel music though, triggering emotions.


Fuck you bitch I LOVE DETROIT