Ugly fembot general

>tfw I look at burn victims and the facially disfigured to make me feel slightly better about myself

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw I look at burn victims and the facially disfigured to make me feel slightly better about myself
Please give contacts
t. lonely malebot

Every single female here, no matter how ugly, disgusting, insane, or evil, would have 99% of r9k ready to orbit at a moment's notice.

That's clearly bullshit, stop projecting, you huge faggot.

youre a pathetic liar.

I would orbit an obese shovel face, personally.
Even they wouldn't want me.

Just post your contact info and the fact that you have a vagina and watch the emails flood into your inbox.
You have hundreds of horny virgin men ready to listen to all your complaints and buy you whatever you want.

>tfw you're not just ugly but also you're a stupid whore
gosh your life really sucks op, still can't be a bot tho.

Why am I unable to get robots to buy stuff for me like they do for pretty girls?

ugly, a whore AND SHALLOW. then again why am i suprised at the last two from a female.

>You have hundreds of horny virgin men ready to listen to all your complaints and buy you whatever you want.

except that only applies to 10/10 picture perfect stacys. ugly women get nothing but contempt, humiliation and outright disgust.

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Because you're ugly and fat and boring.

Im just disproving the point that the user said about even ugly femanons being able to receive gifts

duh, thats why im in this thread
not at all

kind of funny the straws you have to grasp at to make your life look bad, huh you stupid roasty?

That girl has a boyfriend (whom she cheated on)

kek, and femwhores try to use her as an example

If only someone posted proof

Every time she gets posted the stories get more wild. Do you have any proofs?

except that the ugly girl thread was made on pol and like only 0.1% of all world females look that bad.
Meanwhile you can be average looking guy and you still get nothing

That's bullshit. She killed herself

What straws? even this guy unironically proves her point. Ugly women arent put on the same pedestal as a Stacy because men value looks and beauty. Ugly women are literally the most worthless and failed beings on earth.

I can buy you stuff, will you be my gf, I don't care if you're ugly or fat. You just have to be in the same country as me and only talk to me.

>Meanwhile you can be average looking guy and you still get nothing
Only if you are a raging sperglord. Even good looking guys can be permavirgins if they are autistic basement-dwellers.

She has a bf. There's pictures of them together, I think Jow Forums should know.

not getting gifts, it's grasping at straws if you're trying to say thats why you have it bad. if i ever read a post by or met a female who wasn't a shallow whore i would think she's not a shallow whore even if she was ugly.

From the US, but if you are serious you dont have to buy me stuff but I will talk to you.

>it's another roastie whore thinks she can be lonely episode

He is not serious. Hes most likely using you as a practice e-gf so he can later settle for something better.

Post those pictures then since you have seen them.

>it's another roastie whore who causes problems for no reason

>I am ugly
said every woman

>I am special and different
said every woman who acts the same and wears the same fashion and does the same things

>I am lonely and isolated
said a woman with bf and friends

>I am not accepted or wanted
said a woman who receives hundreds of responses

True, I keep forgetting that is a thing here

East or west coast?
I want to make someone happy, please fuck off

But I am genuinely ugly and I have no friends at all. Im literally a shut-in NEET.

I didn't say I saved the pictures, she's a normalfag with a Facebook or whatever the Russian equiv is. She has a fucking boyfriend.

>have to shut yourself in so you don't receive all your female benefits and can larp as lonely

meanwhile females can be both ugly and basement-dwellers and still get fuckton of guys orbiting them

On the east coast

Not fat, you say?

Still waiting for proofs. Should be easy for you.

That is what I said yeah

Yes, they can get ugly fat basement-dwelling orbiters. Doesn't mean she will ever meet them. And normal guys won't fuck her.

Okay, I'm at work ATM and I removed discord from my phone, but if you want to send discord or talk to me use sharklasers and email [email protected]
I'm from PA btw
Replies will be slow since I'm at work, but I will add you tonight for sure

What female benefits? What do ugly women get in society besides being treated like theyre not even there?
Swallow the fucking reality pill, you dunce. This is how ugly women experience life on a day to day basis.

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You're never going to get chad, so the fact that you obviously loathe those chubby hairy autists means that you're a cat lady in training.
Those fat autists better turn you on, sweety. Chad will never fuck you. Hope one who has a job talks to you.

>tfw 3 boys tricked me into giving them bjs and laughed at me
I want to die

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you wanna make it 4?

I want an ugly gf with self-esteem issues to love

>implying there aren't women's programs to help you go back to school, to help feed you, to help house you, all because of your vagina
>implying "shut-in" isn't a metaphor for you being shut off from trying to date online in some capacity even
>implying women won't say that have it worse all day long because they're vapid self concerned illogical whores who have no idea what it's like to have absolutely zero (0) chance of anything.

you did that because you're a stupid whore. i hope you think about those dicks in your mouth when you look in the mirror.

I wish ugly girls would give ugly guys a chance

saw this exact comment + pic like 3 times today
nice originally user

This is actually the reason why most robots are virgins - being a brainlet. You automatically assume that if someone doesn't agree with your bitter virgin manchild worldview it must be a woman. Brainlet behavior.

that's a brainlet strawman

Ugly girls don't exist.
prove me wrong fem """""""""""""""bots"""""""""""""""""