That guy in his mid 20s that doesn't have, children, a wife, gainful employment, a home of his own...

>that guy in his mid 20s that doesn't have, children, a wife, gainful employment, a home of his own, friends or even a community he takes part in
>that guy that has been dealing with depression for many years and has been in an almost constant state of escapism using the internet and video games to stop negative thoughts from creeping in
>that guy that looks at young families and stares at the children, imagining them as his own and wonders what life would be like as a father
>that guy that never really fit in anywhere throughout school and has no clear ambitions or aspirations in his life
>that guy that can't imagine being 30, much less an old man
>that guy that has no feeling of belonging except for a shitty image board among people he doesn't really like anyway
>that guy that clings onto things from his childhood because that's the last time he felt happy
>that guy that never got to experience normal things growing up such as quality time with his father, young love, creating relationships with peers, etc and now is developmentally stunted and robbed from those experiences the rest of his life
>that guy that thinks lifting weights will make him more valuable, but he still feels defective and worthless
>that guy that thinks that he needs to improve himself first through lifting to have a relationship with a woman because he's currently worth so little that in the eye of others that he can't court anyone worth having
>that guy that day dreams about being an action hero type figure others revere because he's painfully boring and unremarkable
>that guy that feels like a disappointment to his parents
>that guy whose racist but doesn't want to be because he feels everything that a man should be able to achieve in western civilization is being pulled further and further away due to others taking it from him
>that guy that doesn't know what it feels like to truly be in love and to embrace a woman

Thank god we're not that guy. Right?

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That guy has a few problems?
Has he ever considered cleaning his room?

The daydreaming about being a superhero got me. Thought I was the only one.

>that guy who posts demoralization threads on Jow Forums so he feels better about being that guy

Sort yourself out bucko. Peterson bullshit aside.
Many other guys have similar problems. I know it's a cliche but you got to start small. Ruminating about the past. Woulda, coulda, shoulda won't get you any where. Start small improve yourself everyday. Make a 30 day goal and 3 month goal. Write that shit down stick to your fucking door, better yet your forehead. Fix yourself, sleep, nutrition and fitness. Develop and improve yourself. Educations, skills, and employment. Cut out the vidya, tv, movies, streaming, and any other bullshit internet distractions. It will rot your brain. You have to bury the past. Kill your childish self. Trust me it hurts. I stopped watching sports, wrestling, anime, comics and games. Those were the only things that game me pleasure, reminded me of childhood. You know what you should do I don't need to me remind you. You're gonna have to carry that weight. Godspeed Botherrrr!

>that leaf that posts so much garbage and expects to read all of it

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OMG you did not just say that bro. Who even goes around telling people to clean their rooms, some kind of sicko?

it me

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it's actually to some degree a large percentage of an entire generation of white males and it's growing.

>>that guy that has been dealing with depression for many years and has been in an almost constant state of escapism using the internet and video games to stop negative thoughts from creeping in

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>that guy who didn't realize he was supposed to want all those things until he was 18
>that guy who just wanted to explore the universe alone in a comfy little spaceship and observe phenomena in space

I'll dare to say we all do

Was this thread moved?

>that guy that makes threads like these
>that guy that thinks his writing scares people

thank god we're not THAT guy, right op you deluded faggot

What does it tell you about society, when males are expected to have children and a home by age 25...? Keep in mind a home large enough to raise children in costs 500k minimum. We're expected to be millionaires by 25. Who came up with these bullshit standards?

boomers, they fucked everything up

>that 28 year old boomer who owns a 3 bedroom home in the Midwest he bought for 80 grand


>mfw property here starts at like 300,000 pounds for a run-down 3 bedroom piece of shit

again, thanks boomers

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It's more than just white males, it's all males man. We're all feeling this.

dubs never hurt so much

its painfully accurate. what should we even do anymore?

wait for the old people to die, its what the boomers did

personally I want to try and live like some kind of monk, simple life, grow some plants, society can go fuck itself imho

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>Thank god we're not that guy. Right?
Correct, I'm successful.

and its important we know

Not any more than it is some guy asked an entire moping board.

What race are you user? These are really bad feels, I feel like the world that's coming is going to be very bad for all of us to live in - either that or our current system will disappear overnight like Communism did in Russia and suddenly everything will be happy. Well that's not exactly how it went in Russia.....

>mfw my mum could have bought a house for the same price in London instead of our shithole town, and now that same house would be worth a million pounds, but we are stuck in a rural shithole with a dilapidated crap house worth 300K at best

stop being racist
I am an ethnic nigger and I feel all thees feels same with my brother
Some fag on this board had a 20 post argument with me about how it's only White males who suffer in the west, supposedly us brown niggers get given jobs on silver platters, yet I apply to 50 jobs a week and only ever get shit warehouse work 30 miles away from home

>supposedly us brown niggers get given jobs on silver platters, yet I apply to 50 jobs a week and only ever get shit warehouse work 30 miles away from home
I'm not white, but he was right: institutionally, whites are discriminated against (affirmative action laws). If non-whites suffer, it's because of poor decision making. Of course, whites can make poor decisions too.

P.S. You should've done better in school.

This isn't totally true, black communities are in shambles right now for reasons not entirely of their own fault. I take pity on blacks because I feel like white communities are quickly falling apart too, black communities just fell apart first. There are lots of blacks with effortless success due to affirmative action but that still leaves a lot of unsuccessful ones out there with the unsuccessful white men. Unfortunately neither group of men will ever realize this and we probably don't share enough similarities to unite anyways.

lel, how much affirmative action do you think they have to give out? You're just as deluded as him if you think its that much easier to get a job just by being brown. Also, not everywhere is the USA.

>black communities are in shambles right now for reasons not entirely of their own fault
Like what?

>how much affirmative action do you think they have to give out?
I never commented on the magnitude. If I did, will you please point out where?

>You're just as deluded as him if you think its that much easier to get a job just by being brown.
I only agreed in saying jobs are given on silver platters for the non-merit of being a minority. I never said how many or how much easier it is. But the fact that there are affirmative action laws guarantees that legally, whites are discriminated against.

If you can tell me anything specifically wrong with my statements, let me know.

>Also, not everywhere is the USA.
Agreed, it's plaguing us here in Canada too. And lots of Europe. But agreed furthermore that not everywhere is a place with affirmative action, but considering my general audience on this board, chances are they live somewhere with it in legislation.

It makes me sad that many of us fit almost perfectly in this description.

affirmative action doesnt only apply to minorities. It can mean disabled people or gays or roasties too. And as more men work than any other type of person, a brown man has a harder chance of getting a job than a roastie or gay white male (of which there are millions now) even with affirmative action

What made us this way? How the fuck are we here right now? Genetically speaking? I mean this shit was passed down from someone right? How the fuck did they all get laid?

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very originally fuck off

>he lets society dictate the prerequisites of success
never gonna make it

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>affirmative action doesnt only apply to minorities
So what? Race-based discrimination is a part of AA, and the race discriminated against is white.

>a brown man has a harder chance of getting a job than a roastie or gay white male (of which there are millions now) even with affirmative action
Women in general, these days, have better chances than men to get hired. And that's fine - we have raise our game and look indispensable. Ultimately, employers have the right to hire whomever they like.

Finally: I don't know what statistics you're looking at about browns having it harder to get hired owing to only their skin colour, but even if it were the case (which I doubt), I prefer freedom in the labour force like I prefer freedom anywhere else and asking the guys with the guns to tell people who they can hire assaults freedom.

Neanderthal traits, solitary and creative, although I guess it was easier back when Ubb could show Grugg his new stone axe and that would be enough to woo her

>>that guy that clings onto things from his childhood because that's the last time he felt happy

My childhood was miserable too.

i dont give a fuck about affirmative action, it has never helped me and it probably will never help me. Im not applying to SJW workplaces, I apply to physical labour/menial work which i seriously doubt follow those rules. Last workplace I was in had 2 brown dudes and everybody else was middle class white cunts, some I had seen in my school. I was one of the brown guys. the other said he hadn't been offered any change or promotion for the year hed been working there.

And, so you are a roastie? Why are you on r9k?

>i dont give a fuck about affirmative action
Okay. My original comment here was about AA, so if you're the same person who has been replying to me, that's why I am commenting on AA.

>it has never helped me and it probably will never help me
Regardless, it continues to discriminate against whites. If you have not benefited off the amoral discrimination of whites, that is a good thing. You have the same opportunities under the law as they do.

>I apply to physical labour/menial work which i seriously doubt follow those rules. Last workplace I was in had 2 brown dudes and everybody else was middle class white cunts, some I had seen in my school. I was one of the brown guys.
Okay, so?

>the other said he hadn't been offered any change or promotion for the year hed been working there.
It's physical labour - his skill set is easily replaceable. Why should he be paid more?

>And, so you are a roastie?
Brownie male.

>Why are you on r9k?
I'm mesmerized by the victimhood currency here.

>that guy in his mid 20s that doesn't have, children, a wife, gainful employment, a home of his own, friends or even a community he takes part in
>that guy that looks at young families and stares at the children, imagining them as his own and wonders what life would be like as a father
No, i don't want kids or a wife
>that guy that clings onto things from his childhood because that's the last time he felt happy
Nope, i had a shitty childhood, i've never been happy. Everything else is spot on

>children, a wife, gainful employment, a home of his own
Are children in their mid 20s really mature enough for all that?
>dealing with depression for many years and has been in an almost constant state of escapism using the internet and video games to stop negative thoughts from creeping in
That's okay. Energy calcifies in our energy bodies. Some people get hardened and bogged down by that shit. Can't you feel how sluggish you feel when you're depressed as fuck? Can't get out of bed even though your physical body is practically dying for a run or to do t'aichi in the park. Anything to get the life flowing through your body again.
>looks at young families and stares at the children, imagining them as his own and wonders what life would be like as a father
The universe provides us everything we need to dream and make dreams come true.
>never really fit in anywhere throughout school and has no clear ambitions or aspirations in his life
You obviously fit in with the rest of us, you existed with us, our energies meshed. Most people are lost in life.
>can't imagine being 30, much less an old man
They could if they wanted to.
>has no feeling of belonging except for a shitty image board among people he doesn't really like anyway
So you do have people you belong to!
>clings onto things from his childhood because that's the last time he felt happy
Those things are still with us. It's not hippy bs, you can feel jumping off a swing and scraping your knee trying to do your first kickflip if you really try. Those things are still with you.
>never got to experience normal things growing up such as quality time with his father, young love, creating relationships with peers, etc and now is developmentally stunted and robbed from those experiences the rest of his life
Fear of missing out kept us alive. It's not too late, you still have time to figure out why the universe chose you to be here.

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Black communities were subverted. When black men try to make positive changes to their community they are shut down just like when white men do it. Black rights groups are usually subverted/have FEDs just like white groups. Currently the only black culture allowed to be promoted is nigger rap culture that is totally negative and harmful to them. We can see white society transitioning into similar dumpster fire culture due to positive developments getting accused of racism and negative ones being promoted. It is easier to control decimated slave communities which is what we all will become in time.

>are children in their mid 20s mature enough to raise children
Of course they are dumb fuck. It's better to have children earlier because they have less problems with them. Waiting until 32 is unnatural.

You said black communities are in shambles right now for reasons not entirely of their own fault.

Can you show me actually evidence of it instead of broad statements?

My claims are backed up by as much evidence as yours are. Feel free to look into it on your own.

>thinks lifting weights will make him more valuable, but he still feels defective and worthless
>thinks that he needs to improve himself first through lifting to have a relationship with a woman because he's currently worth so little that in the eye of others that he can't court anyone worth having
Yeah that's not cool. We all have the same intristic worth. Man-made shit doesn't even count towards that worth. We're all on the same level.
>day dreams about being an action hero type figure others revere because he's painfully boring and unremarkable
Beautiful, you could transmute that energy into something sensible.
>feels like a disappointment to his parents
We're all going to die, so are our parents. We couldn't save them or us. But I think that's okay. We can try and give each other as much life as we can. We're doing the best with the tools God gave us.
>whose racist but doesn't want to be because he feels everything that a man should be able to achieve in western civilization is being pulled further and further away due to others taking it from him
Being kindest kept us alive. Imagine if we saw a black bear and was like hey brother bear I'm so happy we're here. *high five* We know what happens when that happens. We just need to even the scales out. We have enough knowledge and power to coexist with all the other life.
>doesn't know what it feels like to truly be in love and to embrace a woman
All you have to do is ask. Love yourself until then. You are 2 halves of a whole.

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in less than 10 years, this will be the average white male. society has put so much effort in bringing down the white male through so many ways, it is just starting to be very effective (and they know it). know that : everytime there had to be saviours in history - they were white males. you've decided that you have to destroy us. that's fine. what will be next ? very simple, the next manor crisis will be the last chapter of "man"kind.

>as much evidence as yours are
I didn't make a claim. You did. You said black communities are in shambles and that it's not entirely their fault. I asked about that.

Can you point me to a black community in shambles right now who is not at fault for it?

>mature enough for all that
>all that
pick and choose your battles. We don't have to be all do all anymore.

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just come to france. niggers have free money just if they can prove they have no other income than gibs. you can literally live off gibs your entire life. and yes it is much easier to get gibs if you are nonwhite. the goal of the ones in control is to remove white male by any means possible. just come here and get your gibs and you'll see. bonus points if you dont speak a word of french