Daily reminder that homosexuality is a mental illness and the only cure for this is a bullet to the head, all faggots and faggot sympathisers are NOT welcome on this board let alone this planet. Subtly kill yourselves so that God can quickly pass his divine judgment upon you, filthy fucking degenerates. As it is written in the ten commandments... THOU SHALT NOT BE THY FAGGOT
>You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
>If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Can I still be a Democrat if I think being gay is wrong and abortion is murder?
Zachary Morris
Oh look it's this thread again
Parker Ross
What happens if the homosexual got heavily molested in his youth, creating the mental illness he suffers with today? What happens if he never had gay sex, let alone kiss another man?
Adrian Wilson
Bla bla bla , you are talking nonsense , thats why you dont get laid
Asher Richardson
kys delusional christfag, your opinions don't matter and no one decides what is wrong and what is not life is pointless and probably not even real
Jonathan Butler
>Homosexuality is an illness, it says so in muh bibble
Religion is more of a mental illness than homosexuality.
Adrian Lopez
>liking doing it with other dudes is mental illness that warrants death >starting cults about space fairies to justify slavery, pedophilia, regimes, wars etc. isn't wew
William Martin
please i want to repent but the trap threads man
Joshua Bell
The Bible says your wife should never be allowed to talk to you. The Bible says you should own slaves and beat them nearly to death. The Bible says you can't eat bacon or shrimp. The Bible says not to wear polyester. The Bible says you should have at least 5 kids, and bash their faces in with a giant rock if that talk shit to you.
What I don't get about those passages is that it's actually physically impossible for a man to "lie with a man as with a woman" because sex can biologically only be done with one man and one woman. A man lying with another man is categorically different than him lying with a woman, so the conditional clause in the passage is actually impossible. Why was it phrased that way? Can a biblical scholar help me out?
Juan Sanchez
You're a worthless faggot yourself there original poster
Luke King
I stand with u op. To me its so disgusting our world is headed in a dark direction
>"""Christian""" > >uses profanity >encourages suicide >frequents a pornography-laden website and not for ministering purposes >intentionally drives the faithless further away from God >spreads hate You are no longer allowed to quote the Bible. Consider your card revoked.
Gnon willed homosexuality into being. You're arguing against "God's" will by trying to say it shouldn't exist. Gnon doesn't care about your feelings, your traditions, or your logic. Gnon happens and that's all there is to it. Trying to go against Gnon's will only leads you to annihilation.
Daily reminder that god is dead and american protestantism is a sham religion
Adam Brown
Daily reminder that these threads will only encourage gay posting because we think it's funny that you get so mad.
Henry Brown
This. I post gay porn all the time because it's essentially guaranteed to hit the bump limit every single time. Maybe that's why OP made this thread, eh?
Chase Price
>kill yourselves >so that God can quickly pass his divine judgment upon you, >filthy fucking degenerates one of these statements is unlike the others
Jack Anderson
The bible also condemns you to hell for all sorts of shit. When was the last time you wore an outfit with more than one fabric?
Lucas Reyes
This. Remember when Christian roleplayers at least put some effort into their shitposts?
Blake Cooper
You know that as a Christian your job is to encourage others to try to prevent themselves from dying without knowing Christ, right? Your job as a Christian is to make attempts to get the unsaved to save themselves from hellfire. When you tell people to kill themselves "so that God can quickly pass his divine judgement," it kind of implies you want to see them burn in Hell rather than find God and die peacefully, which implies a heart full of malice, which means you're not really saved, which means you're going to Hell with all the people you hate. You know that, right?
Brayden Smith
>remember that time the bible said to kill all the gays? >"YEAH!" >cool, cool. remember that time jesus himself said to forget everything and just be nice to each other? >"what?"