Topics of conversation to avoid

what should I steer clear of when talking to girls?

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Reading this convo gave me cancer. I hope that's not you, user. Also, she sounds like a total and utter judgmental cunt. I'd smash her face in

You both seem like the type of retards that get super defensive when some piece of media you like gets criticized or when someone holds different opinions.
Also TFA/TLJ were pretty bad and so was Rogue One.

You shouldn't have backpedalled or based your argument on meme /tv/ stats but lol the way she accuses you of being vitriolic and decides you are "the type", sad!

In the first message you state you're "super critical" and Disney "ruined" some characters. In the next one you're "toxic" and you "hate" someone. Two messages after "harassing" and you're judging her likes. Then mentioned politics with "Russian hackers" and go full-on autistic about percentages, etc.

>Critical, ruined, toxic, hate, harassing, planting donald trump in her head, "i'm right you're wrong"
>how did i mess up bros???

Just stick to short sentences, keep it light, tease her and dont give out too much information via text. Try to set up a date asap.

It's not rocket science, jesus fuck.

rougue one was just as bad as the rest of them

Conversation doesnt matter only your face does.

>she got butt frustrated and fucked off when she heard you didn't like a movie
Seems like it would've been inevitable.

>literally garbage movie tastes

You were made for each other. It's a shame you were both cunts.

Why don't you guys try talking to a woman but not wanting to fuck her? All of this shit sounds like you have no women in your family.

Terrible advice, you have to be able to escalate the attraction fairly quickly but not overtly.

If you appear non-sexual she will just not view you as a potential sex partner.

>I'm not that type!
>drops every known alt-right star wars argument known to man

Jesus user even I'm put off by you. This could have been a regular conversation, or you could have toasted her pretty bad if you just had an ORIGINAL thought or critique. By her responses she's clearly a Disney twitter drone so no big loss anyway but how did you think firing the exact same arguments spun by her favourite internet boogeyman would get you anywhere?

It's okay to have opinions but criticizing someone's tastes the moment you start talking to them and telling them about things you DON'T like is fucking autistic. I don't like HP or LotR that much, but I don't get mad at people when they mention them, or bring it up in conversation for no reason. Sometimes you should just keep your opinions to yourself or at least downplay them.

Also TLJ has a 91% on RT where the fuck did you pull that number from?

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this reads like an angry, autistic incel wrote this

>haha i'm a toxic white male
So instead of saying you didnt like a movie yoy started with the gamergate shit with someone you don't know?

oh you're talking about wanting to make out with someone. you won't get any good advice here, bud. might as well be women's friend instead of sex partner.

audience score
not paid reviewers
star wars is for faggots, women, and children

>Outwardly vitriolic towards popular things people like
>Waah why don't people like me

>talking to someone who's into "nerd culture"

That's your first mistake, user. I think you dodged a bullet here because these people are unironically my family and they make me really uncomfortable

it takes seconds to do a quick google search to corroborate OP's number
you're right about hiding your powerlevel tho
only anti-social spergs denigrate strangers they are trying to fuck

you shouldn't respect the garbage taste of plebs however