>I'm a sexworker
is there anything more subhuman?
>I'm a sexworker
is there anything more subhuman?
paying for a sexworker
Yes. Being a shut-in whose only source of social interaction is a Japanese cartoon image board.
long as it's online noone gives a shit, being a camwhore is easy pz
That's nice user. I'm sexunempolyed.
I legitmately dated a stripper for about 2 months. She was the most loving person I've ever spent time with:
>she would make my bed and make me breakfast in the morning
>shower with me and give me soaped up handjobs
>rub my back and scalp as I was going to sleep
>super cuddle heavy
>trace my lips with the tips of her fingers
>send me encouraging messages during the day
The only problem was that she was still a stripper. She still worked and coaxed money out of other men with her body, and by what she told me, she had obviously been abused/mistreated by Chad a few times. I could see that I was VERY much her "light at the end of the tunnel", which I was not willing to be. But still, we can have agendas and other shortcomings and still love at the same time, and she really did love a lot, she was good at it.
Anyway I'm lonely again now, it's been like a whole year since I ended things, last night I dreamt about her and I wonder what it would have been like.
there can be nothing more degenerate than selling your actual body which is the host of your mind
before ask me what about physical labour?
that is selling the product of your body, not the body itself
>that is selling the product of your body, not the body itself
Say that again after doing manual labor for a couple decades. Your joints will be absolutely wrecked. I believe the vast majority of jobs these days is just a modern form of slavery, but manual labor is just straight up old school slavery with a new coat of paint.
How much money can you make as a female(male) camwhore?
It could be worse. You could be an Indian man.
politicians xD
Somewhere between nothing and literally millions of dollars.
>is there anything more subhuman?
As a wagecuck I secretly envy people who make their living with camming or porn or prostitution (the ones that have it comfy and aren't like, fucked over by pimps and what not).
If I was hot, I'd probably do it too.
>Tfw no loving stripper gf
Not necessarily subhuman. I mean, just fulfilling a demand in a lonely society
Are ypu an independent sex worker or do you work for yourself?
Sorry for someone else i mean, correct that
>literally millions of dollars
Brown water navy I guess, they have big rivers their anyway.
You should try to beat all her Zelda speedrun records, while also being pleasant.
Please don't post names. She searches regularly for validation. And please don't deadname.
that tranny is disgusting and speedrunning is degenerate
pls no t-slur pls k thx :-)
How did she handle the breakup?
tranny tranny tranny
You're a fucking retard, dude. She's a stripper, not a whore. The most they'll do is graze someone's dick. Women in Tokyo graze more dicks in a day than she does in several by just riding the subway.
You could have stayed with her and helped her find another job/go to school.
As long as you don't fuck niggers, you're fine.
machines wear down in factories too
You can buy new machines or replace parts to make them good as new. Sure there's ways to fix up your body, but you're just going to use all the money you made wrecking your body on fixing it to a degree that isn't even all the way better.
Is that Cosmo? I remember finding him cute when he was a dude speedrunning Windwaker.
I'd fuck the shit out of her now. Dick like diamonds.
sexworker is the sjw term for prostitute. Using it plays into their game.
you are not a sexworker until you get me laid.
am still a virgin so that is telling me something...
>dropping out of society
>letting 11 different men empty their balls into your beat up vagina for money
Badly. I was really kind to her as well, so she was pretty blindsided. It was my own insecurities about being labeled a cuck.
Yeah but she was good at the job. I went to the club to get a dance off her once as like a sexy thing. Everything involved waa like full nudity and heavy groping with the other girls I saw.
She was already studying history and archaeology.
No. Narcissa has a shitty jawline.
Like 90% of them can be bought.
>leeching off others
>providing a valuable service
100% of them can be bought
10% ridiculously overestimates their value
Why is she stripping is she's getting a degree in that?
She was a good looking girl with very low inhibitions and she was fairly brazen desu. At heart she was totally loving and caring, but she also came from a lower class background, so she was rough around the edges I guess you would say. I sympathised with her approach to stripping though, she knew what she had, she was good at it, she knew slack jaws would pay for it.
whatever let's you sleep at night
A relationship with her was just biding your time until she found Chad
No she was completely at the "settle down" phase, which is why I ended it. I knew I was essentially the beta provider at the end of the Chad gauntlet she ran. Still man.. felt good while it lasted.
Women don't just become strippers
They have to have an already low morality standard
Maybe she realized it and she'd try to make up for her past
But I doubt it
I bet you collect fedoras
you probably think betas are subhuman so why would we care about some whore?
You understand that sex workers aren't all deadeyed strung out prostitutes, yes? Sex work is good work. And good money.
Stop calling it sex work like it's some sort of distinguished profession
It's literally whoring oneself for money
That's degenerate behavior regardless of the payday
High skill sex workers don't even get penetrated by their clients.
that's just manipulation user, I believe the best sex workers are just females who take advantage of orbitors
>tfw can't be a titty streamer and get paid to casual play video games
Yeah I don't get why performing an act based on the most basic human instincts is considered work. It's just degrading yourself, plain and simple.
doing it for free must be even worse, if you valued your time you'd charge for it
a black sexworker
Whores are honest and put a fixed price tag on the deal. Prostitution should be rcognized as a legit form or work beacuse it is. Just look how much their pimps make off their backs.
>I'm trans
Fucking mutants
You could have held up for a few more months and persuade her to find another job or enter school. If she really loved you, she'd accept.
>is there anything more subhuman?
Yes, a prisioner.
One of my roommates is a stripper
>cooks for me
>greets me at the door with a hug and a kiss
>likes to come into my room and sit on my bed with me and talk
It's weird, she says she likes having people to care for and it all does feel good but it's not like it's ever going to go anywhere
narcissa is a boy who became a mutant abomination by drinking soilent as its only source of food long term. it neither looks good considered a girl or a guy. literally an abomination
Cosmo always looked weird. Don't blame the onions, which is admittedly lacking in other ways.
Yes, working in fast food