What a true redpill video, women are disgusting vermins

what a true redpill video, women are disgusting vermins

just look at her fake ass smile

>lmao I fucked this other dude and he doesn't even know
>oh shit, I got exposed, gonna find another idiot and fuck other guys behind his back

really makes you think


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>that expression at the end
love it. i love shit like this dude. trying to smile through the sadness and anger of being caught

>trying to smile through the sadness and anger
I love this shit as well

This is the shit I love

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This is such an insecure display by this guy. Ultimately when a woman cheats it's because she found a superior man, you can't humiliate her from a position of inferiority like this. The proper response, which is unfortunately illegal, would be to beat the shit out of her, THEN dump her.

She doesn't care about being caught, lel

no shit women have no loyalty is not in there nature because is a survival mechanism. Women would lose male resources and protection if she remain loyal to one man. why do you think women fall out of love faster then men?

men don't need to associate with anyone anymore. it used to not be like that.

but now, you can be completely solo, if not self sufficient.
the single mother epidemic will continue forward, the welfare state will continue forward and nothing will ever be done about it.

women are the ones who feel like they NEED to socialize with other people. they can have the dominion over what's left of people, who gives a shit anymore.

I like how he keep the same attitude the entire time, pretty good move. No bitching, no whining, just a sarcastic cheerfulness while telling her to get out of the house.

Both men and women cheat though

The difference is that men cheat when they find a hot girl interested in them and usually still have feelings for their girlfriend, when women cheat it's because they've stopped caring for their boyfriend due to having met a more attractive man. Women can only be attracted to the top guy in their social circle at any given time. They'll pretend to care about their boyfriend, but will cheat given the opportunity. Women view a relationship with the bottom 90% of men as slavery, a necessary evil to secure resources.

True shit. Men only cheat out of lust. Women cheat because they are fickle.

Women's "feelings" are contingent on you being the top man in her social circle at any given time. If you stop being at the top, she'll come to hate you and will try to cheat with said top man. Women prefer being a side chick to the top guy to a relationship with #2-N.

I promise you she cried in the car on the way home, but she'll forget him fast as fuck.

We can only hope

Women are roaches

like I said she doesn't care, if she is sad it's about a loss in social status. Once a woman has met someone more attractive than her current partner she quickly comes to hate him.

This whole thing is just sad on everyone's part

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Yep, both sexes are terrible. Go figure

I honestly don't see how anyone can not think getting cheated on is hot. I'd be more mad if she forgot to record it.

Kek because cheating doesn't make you trash either way man or woman. Shitty people exsist but being angry about women is easier than having to contain my salt or pretend that men don't cheat more on average

I only care about women until I fuck them. Then I dont care about them

He guy sounds like an emotional 15 year old trying his best to contain it. You know, like

>I don't give a FUCK man, you think I care? Nah I don't, I don't fucking care man haha I DON'T care

All very well being emotional but a super immature way to handle it. Including the "oh I have your ID" shit and the elaborate setup it's quite pathetic. Chances are that instead of being humiliated as wasw the intention she likely feels a little more justified.

And to be honest, she is.

Once a woman meets a more attractive man she instantly starts emotionally cheating and stops "loving" her partner.

this is a real blackpill. if harems were allowed, women would literally join them voluntarily rather than marry low status/income men.

That's what they do now, except it's not official.

Also it's not about being low status, it's about being the most physically attractive male available to her. Status doesn't matter that much.

t. woman that is a cheating whore.

This. He handled it like a child. Not that she's any better, though.

The guy is a fucking pussy for such a lame ass 'revenge'.
Key her car, burn her clothes, get her fired, get all of your buddies to come into the room and spit on her as she leaves, shave her head, destroy her makeup, trash her house, tell all of her friends.
Literally ANYTHING other than what that mangina did.
"Y-you cheated on me. Y-youre a w-whore. Get o-out of m-my house"

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These cheater revenge things are always dumb because it allows them to rationalize the cheating in their mind and make you the bad guy of the story.

Who gives a shit what she thinks.
If she cheated on you there is a 98% chance she feels no remorse for it; crocodile tears at most, or sadness over loss of possession.

An user said it once that Men cheat physically. They fuck some hot chick he meets and goes back to his wife/gf.
Women cheat emotionally. They feel attraction to the guys they fuck on the side. Why do you think that so many pf them keep in contact with those people in most cases.

I seriously watched this earlier today before you posted, is the youtube algorithm trying to say something to us

Do you know no women? (What am i saying obviously not)

Your right it is always mens fault if they get cheated on. Men are at fault and deserve everything bad that happens to them. Women are saints and only cheat when the man deserves it.

Really the comment and this video is proof that living as a below Chad level man is not worth it. There is no sympathy or empathy for below Chad level men, look at all the people even here that are taking the womans side. It's no wonder 70%+ of suicides in the United States are men, not even other men want to help men.

It actually is men's fault, though, for not being attractive enough. Women have no agency. It's just the burden of being male.

Why is it illegal to kill women then?

funny how this is so accurate. But it's wrong, you're not supposed to be in relationships with women. Thats something of their creation. They created the relationship to secure resources long term and betas joined in because they got sex long term. The fact that you're in a relationship with her at all makes her feel like she won you and has power over you. When she cheats its the culmination of her using you as a stepping stone for a "better" man, each long term relationship securing her resources. Moral of the story: dont fucking date dumb sluts stupid

sometimes i'm glad to be socially awkward and have nothing to do with cunts like her

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you're dumb man. Women are not saints and they abuse men all the time, it's human nature. They have agency they're just usually really shitty people. Morals are a male invention, and are attached to the male dominance hierarchy as a set of rules. Female "morals" are based on pure empathy, therefore are dependent on what they can convince someone else to feel, or can be convinced that someone else feels. If you don't know she cheated, in her mind she did nothing wrong so long as she can convince herself to feel like you deserved it.


Girl is dumb as fuck for cheating but this dude is acting like a complete piece of shit, pretty sad how everyone cheers him like he's some kind of hero.

>you're gonna be on YouTube
What a fucking idiot, jeez, can't keep relationship drama to yourself, that's a clear sign that an insecure loser

fucck off shrek

Because that would be immoral.

Women don't have empathy.

This woman is obviously a piece of shit.
What I don't understand is you making the leap of logic to suggest that this awful woman's video is irrefutable proof that all women are pieces of shit.

That's just not how it works.

No, all of that other shit you suggest is either mega-cringe or literally illegal. You just break up with her and kick her out. All the other stuff you said is just bullshit fantasy and psycho behavior that will get you locked up.

No you idiot.
You're saying something to the algo. That's why you saw the video. That's how the algo works.

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>What I don't understand is you making the leap of logic to suggest that this awful woman's video is irrefutable proof that all women are pieces of shit.

Better to assume all woman are shit to be honest. When you know bitter truths like you at least know what to expect as a beta male. You should still love and treat woman good, but never assume you can't get cheated on it, always be prepared to walk away is what I'm saying.

>You totally peaked
She sure did!


Thank you for posting this user, this really lifted my mood.

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Look at all the mad roasties in the comments it's glorious

Idiotic bro science.
Women are social creatures like us, you can absolutely shame her about cheating because she most likely just wanted some side dick and is now losing her full course meal. Men who get girls don't like cheating girls.

I bet she's humiliated now that it's gone viral.

Nah, the guy in this looked beta as hell. It makes her look justified.