Does anyone still feel like a child? I don't know how to grow up, i don't wanna work...

Does anyone still feel like a child? I don't know how to grow up, i don't wanna work, i wanna go to school again and learn things, i'm still excited about learning things. Forced social interaction was pretty dope too. I miss the childhood bliss, the ignorance, it was so nice. Trading pokemon cards, playing football at the backyard.

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bump cmon nobody else?

Well maybe you can go back to being a kid and going to school with other kids.

Then, in prison, you'll learn new things, have forced social interaction, trade stuff like pokemon cards and play football at the backyard.

i feel like i have hollow bones, like i don't weigh enough
i feel like my actions don't have as much consequence as they should
i feel like nothing is real
don't know if that counts, but there it is
also, yes, i do not feel like an adult
i will forever be a teenager

My dad is a walking cloud of negative energy. Any time I rear my head he cuts me down. Any time I tell him I'm going to change my life he robs me of my positivity and undermines my confidence with snarky comments. He has no faith in me, wait, he does not want me to have faith in myself.

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You can still be like a kid in adulthood, as long as you are capable of being a competent adult too. Losing your inner child is the same thing as losing your soul.

Don't listen to him user, I know it's hard to push the negative voices (especially when they're external) out but yocan do it.

I dropped out really early and can't comprehend adulthood and the responsibilities within.

I'm still easily amused and can't even do basic math anymore

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37 here, still at mummys, never been able to hold a job no desire to do anything adultlike unless its touching some boobies

Care to share how you ended up in that position?

What era was your childhood robots? Was it a good time or no?

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Definitely "late Gen Y", nostalgic about around 50% of the things pictured, and cognizant of almost all of them at the time. Obviously I'm biased but I think we had some of the best media, though I also love stuff from a bit before my time, like 90s cartoons, that I would have liked to grow up with; they have an atmosphere to them that can't be recreated.

How old r u then?

Just originally turned 22

>childhood bliss
Well not all of us have the privilege of being sheltered I guess.
Yeah mine did the same thing, eventually though I just stopped paying attention to him. I have my own shit to worry about.

Do you have strong enough memories of golden age (PRE-2006) Cartoon Network, or silver age (2000-2005) Nickelodeon?

Lots of stuff from my dad's childhood falls in the early Gen X but he's a Boomer born in 1962 so there must be some overlap.

Gen X begins in 1965 technically because of the plunge in birthrates, but people born in 1960-64 tend to relate more to Gen X than boomers, even though they were still technically born during "boom" years as opposed to gen x's paltry years.

Does your dad consider himself a boomer or gen x? Does he identify his high school years more with disco (late boomer) or MTV (early gen x)?

Yes to cartoon network, didn't watch old nickelodeon as much other than SpongeBob, Oddparents, and Jimmy Neutron

Boomer. His music taste is often from the 60s but much of his attitude and outlook is the opposite of most Boomers. It's weird.

But he's into many music eras reaching as far back as late 30s big band.

So you saw the golden age shows like Kenshin, samurai jack, gundam, yu yu hakusho, megas xlr, justice league, etc.? Do you agree or disagree that post-2005 Cn should've burned in molten hellfire?

Why are they called homelanders?

Homeland security and 9/11

late millennial master race

>tfw your childhood was just as shitty as your adulthood

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How old ru originally senpai?

But late millennial was bullshit compared to the 3 eras before it

yes i miss being 9/10 years old watching toonani

i also miss being 6 years old on summer vacation which seemed to last forever while cartoon network was still in its golden age.

this take me back. i remember a time when i didn't wish i was dead and hadn't gone through horrible shit yet.

Do you relate more to either late millennials or early gen z on here, if forced to choose?

can you fuck off already dataminer?

i still find it ridiculous, action -> real consequence, slowly im realizing the way I view things are deeply rooted to epiphanies i reached age 11 and below. For example at 6 was musing at the idea of the entire world of being an act and reaching nirvana once I found out I'm a conscious actor and every being happily receiving me, but once I couldn't process what happens after it dropped. I view everyone as run-on acts knowingly how stupid they proceed. but its all silly ahm

>27 NEET
>Hear "Honey, I BAKED YOU COOKIES" from downstairs
How do I deal with mothers like this? I literally don't believe she wants me to be an adult.

more late millenial. i consider my childhood late 90s early 00s

Early gen x and never knew any of those till the 80s because no TV.

>How do I deal with mothers like this?
a supportive mother who doesn't give a shit if you're a NEET or not? you literally have the Jow Forums dream

Late Gen Y Early Gen Z

but i didn't grow with japanese anime, grow with domestic cartoon and nickelodeon show (spongebob,avatar),
Flash game and animation, Newgrounds and other shitty sites, windows XP

shit was really energetic and cheerful some reason, everyone tried to learning something at that time, economy was growing really fast, world cup was memorable too but it's collapsed in late 2008

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how much would you all do to wake up 4 or 5 yrs old again and have this all been some really long bizarre nightmare and you get another round at childhood?

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Fug 6 years olds and not get shunned

Sounds comfy but I can't help but worry about how long that childlike vibe would last. Imagine:
>50 year old NEET with little life experience
>75 year old mother still supporting her son after all these decades
>mother will die, leaving her son to live off fixed income that meant to last as long as is now necessary
>NEET son dies living a life mostly made of stories and escapism, never having done anything meaningful
I'm 20 and still afraid of wageslaving but this is strangely terrifying in it's own way. I guess it just comes from a fear of missing out after death and it doesn't matter either way. Still, permanent NEET life sounds nice on paper but feels wrong.

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After thinking for a second, I actually don't think I would do this. My childhood was especially weird, but being a kid is weird in general. No one takes you seriously, you don't get a choice in anything, you don't know who you are, etc. Plus all the good things about childhood I just don't think would feel the same a second time through. While I loved a lot about childhood, I also like having a somewhat matured mind.

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she's probably just given up

>never having done anything meaningful
what does this mean? does the joy you glean from your escapist hobbies not qualify as meaning?

I am still a child pretty much. Though I'm 18, I still look 14 and I jump up stairs and run everywhere. I still watch cartoons and play videogames. I want to stay like this forever and I might if I just diet properly

escapism is fun, but it doesn't equal long-term happiness. you're not building (metaphorically or literally) something to be proud of. consuming escapist media for your whole life is just distracting yourself until death.

Just 18, I know where you are coming from.
But you can still learn many tings. I often watch interesting youtube Videos or TED talks.
I also do not have any friends desu and working on learning and doing stuff, like programming doesn't really help with finding any.

>it doesn't equal long-term happiness
why not?

Iktf. I don't want to grow up either. I wish I could relive it, the childhood naivety, going back from school to eat a nice amand pie, play the Matrix atari game on my computer, play Far Cry 1 with my dad, play all these flash internet games. Just enjoy life without pressure, choices, without realizing that time is passing. Or even relive these early high school weeks of vacation when I could be all alone at home, playing my computer games, and still telling myself I'd grow up to be a nice normie guy, not knowing my future was being shaped by what I was doing at the moment.

The reality of life hit me hard around 17. All of the naivety was gone. I can't handle the pressure, I'm so alienated from everybody else now. Just don't want to grow up. I'm nearly 20.

bump for good thread
OP still here?

I had a shitty time in school which gave me trouble adapting to adult life so I don't miss it, now I'm content with living the rest of my life as a manchild, I begrudgingly work a crap part time job and just earn enough to get by while indulging myself in stuff like anime and videogames as much as humanly possible.

I didn't grow up properly and it's too late now, I could theoretically change my circumstances but that would require solving underlying personality and social problems I've had as long as I can remember and I don't even know where to begin.

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I had quite a bit of physical woes a kid, that already excluded me from the others.
But atleast I was naive back then and still had fun with games and cartoons/anime.

Same, but even if I had it bad as a kid compared to the other kids I still miss how innocent it all was. Still had more hope back then, things weren't bleak or hopeless. I thought about suicide but not every day.

Didn't watch TV as a kid, didn't play videogames besides old PC games until I got my own computer in 2011
I mostly like stuff from1998-2008 though, and I did engage in some internet shit between 2005 and 2010