Girls who self harm bread?

girls who self harm bread?

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are you attracting vampires?

is this real and more

looks real I guess

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Very hot user! I have the same fetish.

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I don't know about OP, but this photo looks real -- have you never cut before?

I need more sorry if you've already seen this.

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no I haven't
Had a folder full of pics like those but I can't find it and I don't remember deleting so I'm trynna restock

Christ, someone explain the self harm thing, is it a dopamine rush? What is it?

i enjoy that picture, it's very artist

Everyone that cuts themself usually has a different reason for doing so.
Popular reasons are to feel like they are in control, to place emotional pain with physical pain, or in my case when I was cutting my arms I was doing so because I really wanted to die and actually cut deep enough where I needed to be rushed to the E.R and get a blood transplant

I guess it's a rush. I just feel like I deserve it. Sometimes it's just a habit because I'm so used to it but it just feels so good.


dont think i count as a girl (tranny) but cutting feels so fucking good + is a punishment at the same time

I feel the same way about cutting. I deserve it.
Do you have pics? They don't have to be fresh, I like scars.

I'm not letting this thread die I need these fucking images.

used to be sweet on a girl who had self-harm marks all up and down her arms.
this shit is kinda turning me on

originalioust bolicioust animeisshittaoust

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Matthew Martin?

Ciara Horan.

you all find this attractive because you know that a well adjusted mentally stable girl would take notice of your red flags and drop you. what appeals to you about girls who are open about things like self harm is that you know she is too mentally unstable to realize how unworthy you are of her attention/affection and has low enough self esteem that you can easily gain control of her. it's not too different in terms of dynamic from a greasy old man going after underage girls because they don't know any better, or realize that if he was a successful/healthy/well adjusted individual he would have landed himself a long term partner closer to his own age range.

I seriously hope you guys are being ironic, chicks with self harm scars are gross.

>my preference should be universal preference

Not at all. I just find blood and cuts to be really hot. I like low self esteem girls because (to me, I might just be fucked up) I find it cute when girls have low self esteem. To me, a self harming girl is hot, but not cuz of those reasons.
Also I like low self esteem/mentally ill girls because I feel like we're equal and they're not out of my league. I couldn't be in a relationship where I feel inferior around my partner.

But I'm never getting a gf anyway so who cares?

this is good shit
Not true for me however
I really just find something intimate about a girl who's depressed, I kinda just want to hold them and pity them.

wrist cutting this bad would make me worry about BPD and that shit sounds scary

>wanting to be with someone who is miserable and desperate for attention/will eventually kill themselves

im usually mean about trannies on here but your post made me sad

This is ugly and the girls who do this to themselves would be crazy and unpleasant to be around. This is a fact. you can't dispute this. You can't refute this.

oro jackson

i'd like that
I think otherwise.

yeah, real unpleasant until the bipolarism kicks in, and they're choking themselves on your dick in your truck 6 hours after having met them

and thats a problem?

yeah that's my taste not yours

would fuck .10/10 . too bad you are "emotionally disturb"

Yikes. This is a bad idea though and through, lads.

Fucking home-performed C-Section mate

this pic confuses me. when you look at her now she doesn't have any of those scars. kinda weird?

They're fairly shallow.

I only cut my arms but I stopped after I ended up in the hospital with some stitches. I don't like attention. Now I just scratch myself until I bleed or punch myself.

I'm glad these bitches do this to themselves. It's a huge red flag that the can't hide and lets unsuspecting anons know that they need to get the fuck out.

>tfw no goblet teeming with roastie blood

hahaha look at me I'm soooo edgy and dark inside!

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But they need help, not avoidance.

Exactly user, you're a nice person. We need to love them and teach them to love themselves so they won't hate themselves and can stop hurting themselves!!

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My girlfriend has big scars but only on her hip bones.

It's surprisingly aesthetic and not discolored.

This, I think girls that cut themselves are some of the most intelligent and aware of how shit their situation in society is.
Girls with lots of friends and a good family that cut are just trendy thots tho.

Bullshit. Ciara doesn't have scars there

Does anyone have the one of the girl who really ripped her arms up down ways and wrote 'r9k' on a piece of paper next to it and apparently had to get over 100 stitches for it?

I'm glad they do it because it gives me a massive erection.

My one and only gf used to self-harm. We're not going out anymore but she's since given up the habit.

This one doesn't have a timestamp, but it's pretty bad.

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> how shit their situation in society is
being a girl is literally easy mode fuck off redboi

i used to find this attractive until i actually dated a girl who self harms. leave her as soon as you first notice them cause she will drag you down and make your life miserable

But what if they don't hate themselves and just do it for pleasure? I'd love a gf like that.

Well then you teach them other forms of pleasure like cuddling!

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or to fuck bbc while you watch

don't fall for nigger bait

no, you cut them so they dont have to

Why can't we do both? There is pretty much nothing wrong with self harm if it's for the sole purpose of pleasure. The only problem is scars and judgement. I think scars are hot, especially on the thighs, but other people (including potential employers if they're on arms/wrists) will think there is something wrong with them.
Cuckshit is more mentally ill than cutting, it's gaining pleasure from mental pain instead of physical pain

You're mean
As long as she takes it easy and doesn't hurt herself too bad, right?

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just trying to help my girl out, how is that mean?

I guess... idk why i'm even in this thread, i'm so fucking lonely. The type of girls who cut scare me anyway, I used to know a girl who would threaten to cut my dick off. She was my sister's friend when we were a teenager and those threats used to keep me up at night because she would sleep over sometimes.

>when we were a teenager
*when we were teenagers
sorry i am retards

Fuck thats hot. Thats my fetish

I'm lonely too I'm just niceposting because it gives me a slight surge of happiness.
Well as long as she's okay with it.

You're no better than the people you mock

Anyone who gets their gf to do this because they think its hot deserves the death penalty. You are literally taking advantage of a girl and making her mutate herself for your own sick entertainment

This is probably by far my weirdest "kink". I just find it so adorable when I see a girl with scars or cuts on her arms. Makes you want to just snuggle her and tell her she's gonna be ok.

thots can't even cut themselves without thotting it

She would also tell me that she could see my dick through my pants and that it was small. Then say she was gonna cut it off. And she'd constantly harass me and call me ugly. She did hard drugs and was a total psycho. I think she got arrested.
Believe me none of this is as hot as you think.
I used to like niceposting but everything feels empty nowadays, I don't even know what makes me feel good or what I want out of life, I slept until 7 pm yesterday.

Heres a old ass picture of my arm I took

>tfw no gf to have a blood fetish with
feels bad lads, ill be posting some pics in the meantime. Hopefully a qt will notice me

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she shouldnt let herself get """manipulated"""

I could tell you guys about how I developed my blood fetish but its a rather uninteresting story

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Tell me, I'm bored.

So it was when I was 14 years old, I have a couple of friends who were faggy emo girls/wannabe emo girls. We were chillin in their basement and they decided to be edgy and give themselves cat scratch cuts (we were 14 after all its not like they'd want to actually cut deeper or anything) and they let me lick their cuts and drink their blood. It was pretty hot and I've been into it ever since. Only problem is other than doing it myself I've only ever had one experience with a girl who let me do it to her. Oh well

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im going to continue to bump up this thread!

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I think that was a pretty interesting story, user. If it wasn't for the disease risks, I'd almost envy you.

No paper but it's pretty bad

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Yeah now that im older its definitely something I'd want to watch out for. Thankfully I'm not into casual sex or fucking thot-type women so hopefully I'll just find a qt average gf, get a blood test done then be gucci

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It was a lot like that but with the paper.

Is it weird if I'm into girls with self-hatred and self-eteem issues? Am I fucked up or just delusional?

>some people in this thread actually believe these roasties have low self-esteem or any kind of mental illness at all

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Even if they cut for attention isnt that pretty much mental illness though?

No you're neither of those. Different strokes for different folks. Also you fit right in in this thread.

Im sure some of them do!

its called histrionic personality disorder

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Coldness in my heart ?

I'm into those types of girls too but even though they seem to have "self-esteem issues" they tend to still think they're too good for you.

at the end of the day all girls prefer Chad user, even the fucked ones

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i'll thank you to not crush my remaining hope, the fucked girls will accept me

I'm a girl who has old self harm scars really severe. Not as bad as coldness in my heart but somewhere between hers and these pussy cuts that are being posted a lot in this thread. I'd personally be really wary if a guy told me it was his fetish UNLESS he explained it the right way. When I see scars I also think hey are are beautiful, but it's from seeing raw vulnerability, that triggers my caretaking & nursing need to help the person. If the guy just sees a scared up girl as a easy lay or a mental retard because of it then it's a huge red flag and I'd run.

post cuts and show us what non-pussy level cuts are

I'm fairly good looking and I could probably get into one's pants if I tried, but that's not what I want. I keep thinking maybe I can connect with someone but even those types of girls are just mindless, manipulative cock-slaves.
I don't even want to have sex with someone unless I'm close friends with them. Guess that's not possible.

>triggers my caretaking & nursing need to help the person
Very wholesome user, I agree with you on that idea.

I have cuts myself because of my fetish for blood as well as depression, so I understand the former statement you made

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You were the guy with the story about the girls in the basement right?

Yes, you can tell by my filenames

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I've had similar experiences to you basically where I participated in group cutting around the same age you spoke about too.

Thats interesting. You whats the entire story?

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I was molested for years as a child by a much much older family member, and lived in a very religious area. The dude got in trouble for doing it to other kids and family members but because of so many other factors I never told and keeping it inside caused lots of confused & pain, pretty much until I was an adult and entered into therapy. Cutting was a part of a fantasy world where I was trying to avoid and hide from different traumas from my childhood & early teenagehood.

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This one is hiding a dick

Can u post them with scars? Seeing so much blood gives me anxiety that a am to much of a coward to do it in such scars looks like child ones incompare to that