Bill Nye shills transgenderism on kids show

Bill "Gender is a spectrum" Nye has completely lost it. He shilled a song about sex and transgenderism on a fucking KIDS SHOW.

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this is old news man

bill nye is reiko

I know but i haven't seen it on here yet

this isnt pol even though everyone seems to think it is lmfao literally nobody gives a fuck

Back to snapchat retard

1.) That was like two years ago.
2.) His new show is not for children. That's kinda the whole point; he's trying to recapture the audience (who is now grown) he once had in the 90s. Although the tone of the show is very childish, leading to some confusion over who the target demographic is.
3.) That song isn't even about transgenderism. What the fuck?

Who cares when it was, it completely slipped through the cracks. People make fun of him saying "gender is a spectrum" but no one ever mentions this.

>That song isn't even about transgenderism. What the fuck?
Did you even watch the video?

because this was literally last year or two years ago or whatever

"i haven't seen threads about the election of donald trump on here yet"

it didn't slip through the cracks, there were 4 threads a day about it on all the boards, especially Jow Forums

it was a phenomena and major controversy, you lived under a literal rock

the op of this thread is a fucking retard hahaha hes already been btfod by like 5 other posters lol

PRetty happy that this stunt fucked his career up.

i wish i could upvote this but i'm on the mobile website

>Who cares when it was, it completely slipped through the cracks. People make fun of him saying "gender is a spectrum" but no one ever mentions this.
are you fucking kidding me?
the original video on youtube had like 2 million views before it got taken down. it didn't "slip through the cracks."

were you literally born yesterday?

Holy fucking shit are we still talking about this?
I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for this. I will see you in 5 years, sir. Mark your calendars.

>Who cares when it was, it completely slipped through the cracks.
t. literal 12-year-old newfag

>totally unaware of "lmfao"s ironic use on The Chan
please lurk for at least 6 months before posting.

Translation: I wasn't here a year ago, where it was spammed every day to the point where threads about it had to get taken down by the mods for flooding the catalogue.

>Being this late to the party
There's fashionably late and then there's why did you even bother turning up.

That's because you're a newfag who's been here for 2 months. I haven't seen Habbo, mudkips or Jessi Slaughter discussed in a while either. The Internet went into meltdown for fucks sake.

>transgenderism is evolution
And natural selection will take them out

haha yes bro fuck sjws how do i upvote thanks

It is evolution, just not in the way the left think.
These freaks of nature are getting selected out of the human species. Sex change surgery is genetic suicide.

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It didn't slip under the cracks.

For a short while there was even a highly underrated meme that spawned from it, nyeposting. Where you greentext an imaginary episode of Nye's new show and make it as SJW/hedonistic as possible. There were some funny pastas

faggot nobody says that at Jow Forums. it's not ecks dee.

this. it caused a shitstorm on /tv/ back in the day. now, no one takes him seriously.

I never actually watched this when it first came out. that shit is straight up satanic.

>i'm a normie and I'm triggered boo hoo hoo