I just turned 20 and I still feel like I'm fucking 16. Is that normal or should I be doing something differently...

I just turned 20 and I still feel like I'm fucking 16. Is that normal or should I be doing something differently? When is that feeling of "adulthood" supposed to kick in?

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when you start having to pay for everything

>tfw 28 and still feel like my highschool self except trapped in older body that hurts a lot more

no, at that point you still feel like the same person, only more unhappy and anxious

I'm 28 and still fell like I just graduated high school the other day. Change comes from trial and tribulations. You won't feel different unless you actively do things that can change your character.

Exactly, that is the wholesome feeling of adulthood


Have you gone to college?
Moved out?
Gotten a job?

Those are the easiest 'big' things to do that can make you feel like you're changing and growing.

none of those things are easy

If you only do easy things, nothing will change.

you just said they were easy you fucking snake

We need to bring back rite of passages in our cultures like in Brazil indio tribes where they have you stick your dick inside a of fleshlight lined with bullet ants or in Africa where you have to grab a lion's tail and then not die

i agree, we should be more like third world shitholes

normal asdf

not the same guy, but he said easIEST not EASY.
Like said
>Change comes from trial and tribulations.
This is truth.
If you only ever do low risk easy things in life you will never get anywhere or accomplish anything. It's just a fact of life. It's supposed to be hard, that is the point.

>gone to college
College is no longer worth the money and effort you put into it and most are now anti white SJW shitholes that just want to indoctrinate you through unrelated mandatory classes that have nothing to do with your field
>moved out
Too expensive. This worked in the 90s still but these days people are having to live like sardines in a can to pay rent to the boomer faggots who bought up all the houses when they were cheap and now extort us
>get a job
This one is obtainable but most jobs these days pay absolute shit while working you like a plantation slave

Once the feeling of "wanting to be a kid again" hits.

Going to college is relatively easy. It's easy tog eat a federal loan, it's easy to apply. The hard part is going through with it and DOING it.

I'm not saying it's easy to do it. I'm very bad at doing things. All of my regrets from life are a result of my own inaction.

Finding a job, at least a shitty minimum wage stepping stone is doable, not necessarily easy though. The first shitty job I had was at mcdonalds. They summer I got that job I applied to 25 businesses in my city. That was the only one that called back and the interview was actually a hiring appointment.

You just have to do. As simple and Ali's impossible as it sounds it's just a matter of doing.

>I just turned 20
I also just turned 20, are you living differently than when you were 16?


Well you are still a kid pretty much. Like others have the more responsibilities and shit you get the more mature you feel, and rites of passage like graduating uni and whatever, but for the most part you won't really feel like an adult until you're at least in your late 20s early 30s.

so heres my uncles routine
when they were 30 my parents and his wife would go to their jobs and he would stay home. They'd think he was also going to work when he wakes up (hes a cameraman so it isnt 9-5)
than before they came home he would go to his moms --- they would think hes still working and his mom would think he worked in the morning
now, 55 hes one of the most sucessful people i know

Not op, but I've been living the same day over and over again since I was 16. Just now getting sick of it

>I've been living the same day over and over again since I was 16. Just now getting sick of it
Take HRT, that'll change things up for you plenty

You're right. Because things are hard and won't pay off immediately you shouldn't bother.

I completely understand not wanting to embark in seemingly futile tasks but the only good things in my life are because I actually did them. I have not accomplished a lot in my life but I have somehow set up myself for some success because I went to college, moved out, and got some cruddy entry level job.

Life's a giant whore anus just trying to suck you up into it to get buried alive in festering shit. Everyday is a struggle and a fight but you can't let it win that easy.

I'd guess you'd feel older once you start changing your habits.
HRT will make you feel much older after you hit 30.
Bonus points if you get you dick lobbed off.

>still feel like a 16 year old
>still have same hobbies I did as at 16
Fortunately I am a lot smarter, more skilled, more confident, wiser, and more disciplined. But otherwise yeah, you don't magically become a totally different person when you hit a certain age, youngfriend.
>unhappy and anxious
My life is 100x better now, I'm pretty happy by and large, and my anxiety is totally defeated.
>you're here forever

rites of passage were common in most cultures, including the european ones

This so much family

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Same. I'm 23 and I feel like a big kid. I have a job, live on my own, and cook for and clean after myself. I do receive financial support from my parents during the school yeah, however.

>hurts more
Too close to home, friend.

I did all three and I still feel childish.

This is the epitome of sour grapes.

This is basically how I feel. I still have the same hobbies and listen to most of the same music as I did when I was 16.

crap dude i'm 28 i'm getting freaking old, i've been freaking out over it for the last couple of months. i need to do something with my life

after age 24, it seems the likelyhood of sudden death increses dramtically

what do i do guys ;_; do i start a business

Turned 21 myself and I feel like an 18 year old still

If you still live with your parents/ if you're a leechie [neet] then you'll never feel like an adult, because you aren't one. The feeling of adulthood is independents. Not having to rely on anyone but yourself.

I know this feeling very badly. It just keeps hurting more. Now my body is failing. Almost time to pull the trigger.

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You're a kid until you're 23 then you don't know what the fuck you are

I'm 30. I'll let you know when it happens. Someday I'll have friends and play goldeneye with them like I did in middle school.

yeah start a business kek

>tfw 19 yrs old
>look like 14
I'm a fucking joke

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should probably just go get a job at mcdonalds and work your way up, just walk in there and shake the managers hand and ask for a job, look em right in the eye and tell em you're the man for the job, then you come in to work on time and you do a good job,

You will always feel that way till you hit the 30s and then you will feel just retarded and tired.

It's normal when you have literal autism