Is stoicism the proper way to break out of robotism?

Is stoicism the proper way to break out of robotism?

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I'd really prefer not to mingle with you, lackey.

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>I'd really prefer not to mingle with you, lackey.

That's the spirit.

only if you are stupid enough

What the fuck do you even think stoicism is?

>What the fuck do you even think stoicism is?


He very clearly asked "What the fuck do you even think stoicism is?"

>If I read marcus aurelius's secret diary will I become a priveladged as fuck roman emporer
Think before you post please

i already live a mostly stoic life and ahve a mostly stoic personality and yet i fucking hate stoics
they are a bunch of pseud retards

Always have been, stoicism was literally just an attempt by some rich fuckbois to make cynicsm more socially acceptable.

Stoicism is pretty much cynicism + platonism.

>rich folks

The literate class was the rich folks. They had their own literate culture. The poor had their own.

Yeah but stoics were rich even by ancient literate standards

>Yeah but stoics were rich even by ancient literate standards

Mostly just because a few of the surviving works are by rich guys. Seneca was fantastically wealthy, and Aurelius was an emperor. But Epictetus was a simple teacher. Stoicism was mainstream among the aristocracy.

>stoicism was mainstream amongst aristocracy
exatcly, it's a philosophy for rich fags to feel better about themselves.

basically normie version of cynicism
imagine if cynicism was a Jow Forums meme, stoicism would be what happened if redit discovered it

ANY ancient philosophy would be mostly rich people. It's just how society was. Most people weren't literate. You need to be literate to really get into philosophy and academia.

It wouldn't be so bad if cynicsm wasn't so explicitly anti normie.

Yes but richfags didn't latch onto other philosophies in the same way. I'm not saying something's wrong because rich fags came up with it that would be retarded. Just that stoicism's sole purpose is to make richfags feel less guilty about their lives of revolting decadence

>Yes but richfags didn't latch onto other philosophies in the same way.

Yes, they did. There were tons of greek schools, and they were all popular. Platonism, and Aristoleanism were huge.

what's the name of this book

>what's the name of this book

The Discourses of Epictetus by Flavius Arrianus.

Those schools had other reasons to exist though

Mark's secret diary

>just be urself mi amice
Fuck you Mark, your empire's been destroyed for years and meanwhile, I'm living a comfy life with more amenities than you could ever dream of.

He implies everyone has the same "money", that is, that anyone could just become social if they wanted so. That is an incorrect notion.

The book is for richfags did you not read the thread?

>Just that stoicism's sole purpose is to make richfags feel less guilty about their lives of revolting decadence

Sounds more like epicureanism or hedonism than stoicism, where do you get this idea of stoicism as a means to remove guilt from excessive wealth or pleasure? Not criticising just curious if there is anything like that in the reading material.

kek, have a (you) my good man

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It's literally "why don't poor people just get more money" mixed "nothing matters dude so let's get wasted" the philosphy. Read the extract in the OP and think of it from the point of view of someone that has a lot of lettace.

Huh, you weren't trolling. Thanks much user

OPs excerpt literally just sounds like some shit a boomer would say.

thats because stoics are boomers of the anciet age

IS there really much difference?

>What the fuck do you even think stoicism is?
this OP's seems like some new interpretation shit written by a shill making money off stoicism. like stoicism is not that hard to understand ethically, just read the original theorists from antiquity. the cosmology of stoicism is complicated but it's also wrong and you don't really need it to live your life. providence or atoms don't make a difference in whether you live virtuously.

>food analogy

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OP posted epictetus you tooI


Goddamnit, keep the original currency in.

>He implies everyone has the same "money", that is, that anyone could just become social if they wanted so. That is an incorrect notion.

Outside of outright mental illness, socializing is just a skill. You learn via experience. Most of you guys are just dorks who avoid soical contract because you're afraid of rejection or embarrasment. Thus you've spent years not socializing and you're bad at it.

>He implies everyone has the same "money", that is, that anyone could just become social if they wanted so. That is an incorrect notion.
except you couldn't really live in complete social isolation from others in those times if you were a city dweller at least. social interaction with a slave is still more human than communicating on an eritrean auto upholstery forum.

This happens to be my favorite Marcus Aurelius quote.

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The pic in the OP is from Epictetus, one of the founding fathers of stoicism. Looks like you're the one who doesn't understand.

>one of the founding fathers of stoicism

He's part of the later or Roman Stoa. The actual founders are Zeno and his students like 500 years beforehand. But most of their works are lost, and Later Stoa are better preserved.

It sucks though.
