Males are obsolete kill all men

Males are obsolete kill all men

Attached: synthetic-sperm-grown-from-stem-cells.jpg (240x160, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

your balls are obsolete

nu r9k threads are depressing

>kill all men
wishful thinking
unfortunately ill have to live this shitty life through

Great thread user, thanks for contributing to this already rotten shithole

So who's going to build your roads, builds your houses, dig up gold in south African mines to fulfill your shitty materialistic "needs"?

These threads used to be more imaginative and full of femdom porn. What happened

>you will never live in the femtopia

i wasn't obsolete before?

Good question. Was there ever a point?

You already live in the femtopia. You don't do dick but get everything handed to you by male slaves.

Exterminating men is not necessary for female dominance.

actual robots. industrial automation is skyrocketing, soon they wont need men to do any of those things.

and as an added bonus, removing men from the equation also removes the need for men to fight in wars, because wars only happen between countries, and whithout men there would be no countries. therefore there would be no wars. women could literally live forever in an ancap wonderland driven by beauty and vaginal depth with no men to rain on their perfect little parade.

But they can make synthetic eggs in the same way.

Pic related is the world's first test tube baby.

Attached: Louise Brown.jpg (960x797, 58K)

>industrial automation is skyrocketing

Your machines will break down, and if men created A.I. to self-repair them then the robots would hate you as much as men did.

tl;dr a female-only world would be an idiocracy

She looks the part.

Attached: 708.png (259x335, 77K)

>Males are obsolete kill all men
I can't wait until this happens

Actually the made ovum out of skin cells and artificial wombs exist now too so.

>this combined with artificial wombs and humans are obsolete creatures, robot master race

Attached: robogun.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

>still no progress

Please Don't kill us we'll be good.

>Please Don't kill us we'll be good.
I won't.