Normie here. Why not create a /normie general/ thread on r9k so normies have a place just to ourselves? It would solve a lot of problems on this board.
Normie here. Why not create a /normie general/ thread on r9k so normies have a place just to ourselves...
There is, it's called /b/ and Jow Forums.
>Jow Forums
Why are normies so disgusting
Look at those dumb mother fuckers
I hope you get hit by a van
The entire world is your normie general
We had the internet once
Now you can't even leave us a single board on an anonymous shotposting site and you want a camp here too
Fuck off. I unironically wish death upon you all
Its called
We're not going to stop coming here just because you don't like it. Might as well try to find a way to coexist peacefully.
pol is literally the most popular board that is also literally 80% teenagers and redditors
That doesn't make them normies. Normies don't stub their toe and think the jews are behind it.
Doesnt matter for how long you plan on staying, there will never be peace, either accept that we will always tell you to fuck off and shrug it off or actually fuck off
being a normalfag is being an annoying conformist, which they are.
I don't know what to tell you my dude. We're here to stay and no amount of reeeeeeing will stop that. Learn to share or migrate to another image board. Maybe you can enjoy wizchan for a few years until we decide to colonize there too.
and no length of stay will stop us hating you, honestly if you stay or not isnt my concern, I just dislike your kind and will voice this
I still hope for your death and will still tell you and your kind to fuck off regularly
so fuck off and get hit by a van
I'm also a normie but you sound like a top faggot
how is Jow Forums conformist?
conforming to a different ideology is still conformist
same way muslims and goths are conformist
>just to ourselves
Norms come here to interact with robots, not each other. So this would be pointless.
conforming to anti-conformity is still conformist user.
As a normie, I feel so oppressed on this board.
Robots have to be more accommodating to us, maybe then we might actually let them hang out with us, lol!
>conforming to a different ideology
what does that mean? it seems you consider anybody who has principles a conformist
>say that maybe a lot of Jews are in powerful positions in the West because of nepotism and not because the Jews are in direct contact with Satan to put down honest Aryan folk
>get swarmed with replies calling me degenerate, anti white, shil, cuck, etc.
We're talking about a specific subculture here. Most people aren't anti-Semitic. Most of Jow Forums is.
You fat failures infested this board like roaches and it has gone on for far too long. The only board on Jow Forums that enforces rules of "original posts" yet every god damn thread is about you whiny bitches trying to encourage each other to come up with more excuses to justify not trying at life. It needs to stop and it will stop.
Your post reads like you take it up the ass.
This whole board is for everyone. It's /b/ with original posts. It wasn't made for this weird pity party.
You literally can have your own safe space. Web hosting is cheaper than ever. But no one will use it because you need normies. You robots/incels, ironically the most basic bitches in existence, are not the majority here, only a loud minority.