/mbti/ thread. I am chad. I am back

I am the one who started the namefagging. I am the one first Name Fag. And without me, this pathetic circlejerk of disjointed pseudo intellectuals has fallen apart, akin to modern society, for there is no point to it, without the entp chad to keep things interesting, and you should be grateful i provided you with this honor. And so i ask you, unite. Here and now. An MBTI thread.

Post your

>gamer fuel
>favorite game
>opinion on entps
>iq (according to internet test is fine)

Water, because i'm not obese
According to steam, Dota 2 (although half life is more fun with it's physics engine)
We're fun people, a shame everyone else i talk to always are so shallow and stupid.
153, and i wasn't even trying that time.

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These threads are fucking cancer, mods just do your jobs

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t. infp subhuman roastie fuck

>gamer fuel
>favorite game
old school RTS games (although i have 1000+ hours of dota2)
>opinion on entps
dunno, all people are the same to me
>iq (according to internet test is fine)

>Juice or pop, any snack that doesn't get my keyboard dirty
>Fallout 4
>Find them intimidating and assholish sometimes, my boo is an INTP so I know firsthand
>135-140 last time I did a professional IQ test from a psychologist, which was almost 2 years ago

I never could get into RTS-es, and a shame too. I like the concept and in many cases the execution of those, just never bothered to learn strategies or how to actually play

>a sandwich or chips I guess
>Halo 3
>I wish they didnt fuck with me but at least they arent sensors
>85, below average, but I have extremely high performance on standardized tests (SAT 2380 MCAT 510), so thats probably not accurate.

i cant play them good either
lose every time i play with anyone with a decent voobly rating

but they are fun and thats what matters

>my boyfriend
>Introverted, intuitive, percieving
Roastie, dont you know anyone that actually has those traits is rotting in loneliness?

>anyone that actually has those traits is rotting in loneliness
can confirm am one of those

Just want you to know i would never EVER treat you badly, let alone intimidate you. I'm a very gentle and sensitive person, and with your high iq i can guarantee you can see that in me. I would never do anything less than cherish you and put you before everything, before friends, before family, and before my own health. Alas, you are a simpleton who enjoys fallout 4, clearly proving your iq to be lesser than mine.

Also, yeah, fair enough. xNTPs are pretty similar to one another.

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>Sainsburys ring donuts, oranges, orange juice, 2 litre bottles of tap water, spicy crisps of any variety, dry roasted peanuts, cool doritoes.
>Rabi Ribi
>They have a tendancy to get laughed at instead of with and it breaks my heart, still wouldn't want to live with one though

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Yeah, i suppose. I do enjoy seeing gigantic conflicts, and filling the gaps with my imagination.

>at least they aren't sensors
You misspelled aren't.
But other than that this guy gets it

Get fucked mate, best threads on Jow Forums. Worst are Brit threads.

Europa barbarorum 2
irrational and dumb sissies
133 sd of 15/155 sd of 25, real one because I'm not a retard who takes one without a psychiatrist.

We didn't ask for your sex dipshit
Stop ruining anonymity by saying " i am le gurl xDDD"

>xNTPs are similar
This couldnt be more true though. E vs I basically makes the difference between being a happy and functional member of society and rotting in loneliness and self hatred.
Combined with either N or P I is basically a universal death sentence. There is no IN or IP personality that goes on to be consistently successful or happy.

Not really, I didn't know. xNFPs tend to be less extroverted but as long as you have the E you're good. What is it about the INxPs that makes then lonely?

How does a legit test, with a psychiatrist work? Don't spoil it, just, in what manner do they measure iq? What do they use? Do they ask you questions, and judge it by the way you answer?

Here are some notes on MBTI i made for uni revision:

Myers-Briggs type indicator: a personality assessment that use four dimensions of personality to identify different personality types Extraversion vs Introversion (E vs I) (describes an individual's orientation towards the external world of the environment or the inner world of ideas and experiences) Sensing vs Intuition (S vs N) (sensing is preference of gathering data while focusing on a standard routine, while intuition is based on focusing on the bigger picture and making connections on the facts) Thinking vs Feeling (T vs F) (preference for making decisions in a logical and analytical manner or on the basis of values and beliefs and effects a decision will have on others) Judging vs Perceiving (J vs P) (reflects on how one interacts with the external world either in a planned and orderly way or preferring to remain flexible and spontaneous)

>soda water
>no opinion
>140, actual test but may be dated

Apologies, I typically dont use apostrophes on Jow Forums. Didnt expect an EP to be this autistically picky on spelling but MBTI is a pseudoscience anyway.

As i said, intps and entps tend to be rather similar in this aspect, entps are just more outspoken.

The worst thing is being an E who's lonely and self-hating. Not only does it feel like shit but you're literally not meant to be that way.

But then I would have had people thinking I'm a fag
Jk I love fags though fr

If you are an introvert you wont make many friends through socializing, goes without saying. People will think you're a cold POS because you are not bubbly and excited to have company and start convos etc.
If you are intuitive you will likely not make many through shared interests, status, and success either. You think more abstract and less concrete, and to get ideas across in the west you need to be concrete. You likely also wont share many hobbies with normalfags and if you do it wont be for the same reasons.
See N. If you are percieving and an introvert career success is basically impossible if you dont invent, innovate, or create something revolutionary.

See, what i don't like about these uni papers is how robotic and condescending they appear, with overly verbose language used not to carefully explain a complex topic but to appear smart while explaining an extremely simple idea.

Nah m8, while i always pick up on those, i rarely actually point it out to people. But i suppose it depends on circumstances.

>as I said blah blah blah
>provides no evidence
Arent you entps supposed to be good at arguing pointless shit online

entps are the perfect type for internet trolls now that i think of it

the main difference is that it also contains 3 dimensional thinking and that the time that it took you to answer the question/do the task you were given is being considered aswell.

Agreed, just got an exam tomorrow and won't have to do much more for a while

I could say i can confirm but that would be undermining the mental suffering of those worse off than me

However, while E-s are not meant that way, some Entps are, despite the E.

The lines between I and E are muddled by mental illnesses and those that affect the mind, such as autism and aspergers, add, bpd, schizo and such.

So being mentally ill means you're right between an I and E? Some mentally ill people are manic and extroverted, others are introverted and school-shooter types. When my fucked up brain started acting up I became less extroverted but am still definitely an E.

Well you didn't ask for evidence, what kind of evidence would you order today my dear sir? I might be able to provide some form of it

Fuck, i would fail a test like that instantly. Can't focus for shit, and my memory is practically nonexistant (unless related to certain subjects, for some reason) and my working memory is ever worse. I do understand abstract concepts and complicated code and that, i just need time to actually understand the words... like i instantly forget what's being told to me, and as such i can't understand or actually remember how i would need to go about answering the question, which i don't remember. However if i for some reason remember the question, and my mind doesn't wander off instantly, i can solve puzzles just fine. If someone explains the answer to me and i remember what they said my reaction is usually "well of course it works that way" rather than "i don't understand"

But this could all ofc be my idiocy manifesting as confusion as to why i can't understand any of that, and my "high iq" could be my ego making myself seem smart to myself.

Good luck with that m8. What's the exam on, if you don't mind?

>>gamer fuel
>pic related, they are a okay for the most part. Shame that most part is such a low quantity

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Not that you're right between, from my observations you are an E for example but develop some habits and compulsions typically associated with I due to your condition. I'm not an expert, but that's how it seems on the surface.

>>>gamer fuel
that was the punchline lmao

These horrible joker memes are funny not only because some people actually think like that, but that some of them are probably correct kek

Ah gotcha. Yeah that's definitely true. My mental issues make me feel isolated.

It mocks your whole personality, sweetie

And yes it is accurate.

For example i love company but hate people (and annoyances in general)

t. assburger E

It does. I don't think like that, but i do know where those people are coming from exactly. It truly is a wonderful introspective work of art.



>weed and nerds
>dunno anything about this one, i assume it is the loner chad
>28/30 on mensa practice 139 iq on some bs test idk

>loner chad
Yeah, pretty much

Usually you can tell how "accurate" an online iq test is (for an online test ofc) through the website design, interface and what other services it provides ofc.

bpd E myself

>Iced tea or maybe a whiskey and coke if I'm feeling like it
>I don't know, never met one. Are they all insufferable edgelords like you?
>116 according to a real test, give or take. Intelligence is overrated if you don't do anything worthwhile with it, anyway.

>Intelligence is overrated if you don't do anything worthwhile with it, anyway.
But is it not better to be succesful, knowing you could do better, than working your absolute hardest to the same level, having reached all your potential you could ever have?

>Are they all insufferable edgelords like you?
Don't know, not all i think. But all of them have some level of sarcasm or a "character" afaik, it's just that i have that to a deeply unhealthy level

>iced tea
Peach, while generic truly isn't overrated

There are some things I like about ENTPs (sense of humor, mostly), but you all remind me what a pretentious faggot you all are.

Could you elaborate on how i'm pretentious? Not disputing or anything i just want to know your point of view

>And without me, this pathetic circlejerk of disjointed pseudo intellectuals has fallen apart
Point and laugh guys

Cmon it wasn't *that* bad - was it?

Every post sounds like you're a 13 year old Naruto fan.

fucking shit taste man, please kill yourself for supporting the cows jew

Yes, but in what way?

>But is it not better to be succesful, knowing you could do better, than working your absolute hardest to the same level, having reached all your potential you could ever have?
you said, under the presumption that intelligence is the single most important factor if you want to be successful. what has gone over your head is that this only applies if you equate success with how much money your job gets you. I for one don't care about money. I care about becoming a mercenary and living the life of a mercenary. if I would try to become successful under the normie rules, I would only betray myself and fail at achieving my goals, played myself like a retard if you will.

I get what you mean, cows can suck my dick though, ny gains are more important than their wellbeing.

I said nothing about money. No, i meant if there were two people living the same life, right? The exact same life until they die. One of them could've had a better one, whatever better means to you, but he didn't work as hard, because to get to his current position this man didn't need to, and so is stuck (but unwilling or not seeing the need to change) at the same level as the second guy, who had to do more work to achieve the position of the first man, thus reaching his potential at the halfway point of the first man's potential, if we were to visualize potential as a bar measuring the quality of life you could have/could have had

It's easier to ignore the suffering of animals than to experience it first hand. However why should an animal of lesser ability and quality of consciousness *not* be sacrificed to feed the vastly more intelligent one? They are both animals, they are both alive in the same way, but one of them decides he's worth more than the other. Yet the other one proves the first one to be right.

If i cared enough i might've actually formed an opinion on this

i can't remember what my favorite game is
fuck off
fuck off

>the notes I posted where from an unrelated subject

>insufferable self important pieces of shit

thank you.

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>don't play gaymes
>ENTPs are annoying
>150 IQ*

*totally real score

>implying i know what some funny uni form of study is without google

Why even call it auditing tho? Wouldnt it be better to give it a more intuitive name? A derivative of "examination" or something


Sounds like music studies. Strange anglos.

>*totally real score
You put no effort to get that point across in a comedic way.

>ENTPs are annoying
At times

I can speak somewhat broken polish

you can say that about any virtue related to your job. intelligence is trivial in most cases.

>if i didn't namefag mbti threads wouldn't exist
Jesus the reddit has gotten really bad on here

Yeah, so? The point is, isn't it better to know you could be so much better if you wanted to, but being content with what you are, rather than knowing you did all you could and worked immensely to get to where you are, but you're probably not going to get any higher, and there's nothing you can do about it?

While that is subjective, of course, that doesn't mean i can't argue about it

>Just want you to know i would never EVER treat you badly, let alone intimidate you. I'm a very gentle and sensitive person, and with your high iq i can guarantee you can see that in me. I would never do anything less than cherish you and put you before everything, before friends, before family, and before my own health. Alas, you are a simpleton who enjoys fallout 4, clearly proving your iq to be lesser than mine.

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Entps are like blonde girls, can't stop chit chatting because of a low iq disability.

>he took the bait
I was exaggerating, but my involvement in the mbti namefag epidemic lasting about a month a few months ago is undeniable

They sell dori toes in bongland? Damn

Do something new you uncreative bore

Uh, sure sweetie

I am honored to be a part of thine cringe compilaton, maybe some lady will finally awaken to my worth and seek me out. (call me)

No they're only good at word games in running in endless circless. If you listen closely you'll realize they talk for hours without actually saying anything.

While this particular thread wasn't as creative as what i usually post, a single weak post is hardly enough for you to "know" i'm "uncreative" and a "bore"

no. I don't care if I'm the one who inflicts it, ignores it, or pays for its results. it does not bother me if I'm worth more or if the cow is. if it has consciousness or even higher cognitive abilities than me. I am me, not the cow. my self interest is always more important. you cannot argue this. nobody could possibly argue against basic self servitude.

I don't care about your le epic ethics, I care about making gains in muscle mass.

This is unironically a fucking meme, no entp likes to aimlessly blabber about barely existing subjects with no conclusion or a lesson to be learned

In a way that makes you sound like a naruto fan

And i never said you should. Arguing against self interests, while not easy is definately doable. (but i do realize if the cow was in your position it would do the same. Then again what if the cow was in your position but choose to be better? What does better mean? Why is better actually better?)

Also ethics are a subjective system held up to the standard of an objective truth. I say just do what you feel is right.

What does that even mean
I've never watched an episode of naruto or read the manga or whatever in my whole life. The closest to watching anime was avatar, which is arguably an anime, and that was several years ago.

Avatar is good, however.

Oh trust me, I know your type,
BTFO and stop plagiarizing your material.

no but since I already reduced what you said to "having a good quality which will help you is better than not having it :)" you have no reason to argue for it any further since its already common sense.

my point is that what the 116 IQ guy said is completely right and intelligence is overrated if what you want to do requires other virtues more than intelligence.

no but you started doing the I see both sides meme in an attempt to sound big brained. and no there is no possible way to argue against self interest. to change it is possible, but you literally cannot bring someone to do what's not in his interest without deceit.

>tfw INFJ
>tfw Avoidant personality disorder
do they connect?

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>stop plagiarizing your material
*how can i plagiarize my own material huehue*
But seriously, where do you think i stole exactly *what* from? Also what's my "type"? How do you know it? I'm actually curious

>having a good quality which will help you is better than not having it :)
>having a good quality which will help you

Well intelligence is overrated is what someone who has come to terms with lacking it would say. And there are few people who have no virtues or all the ones needed to live a "perfect" life, intelligence isn't the only thing you need, not by far, but it sure as hell is one of the bigger ones. You don't have to be intelligent to have a good life, depending on what else gives you that ability.

>I already reduced what you said to "having a good quality which will help you is better than not having it :)"

>you have no reason to argue for it any further since its already common sense
Common sense to you perhaps, not everyone is you

And i don't remember arguing, i just asked a question to the effect of "but don't you think it's better?"

I think AVPD probably connects with all the INxx's.

>no entp likes to aimlessly blabber about barely existing subjects with no conclusion or a lesson to be learned
>he says, as he aimlessly blabbers about barely existing subjects with no conclusion or a lesson to be learned

The subject is auditing, I'm studying accounting

Oh boi gah damn

AVPD is basically bitch ass nigga disorder, so IN=pussy theory proven

>I see both sides meme in an attempt to sound big brained
Trust me if i knew how to stop i would, i know i do this. But calling things "memes" doesn't make me feel bad for using them, i can call breathing a stupid dum-dum idiot meme.
What i'm doing here is more thinking out loud than arguing with you.

>but you literally cannot bring someone to do what's not in his interest
Well why not? That's called selfishness, if you sacrifice nothing for others' benefit, in no situation, ever. Now depending on what you mean by saying "what's not in their interest", benefitting the other might very well be in your interest tho. Why can't a person choose to put themselves at a disadvantage? Why can't they choose to gain nothing for a sacrifice someone asked for?

In that case we do it unconsciously, and what i'm doing with the other guy is thinking aloud rather than arguing. Which i suppose is blabbering about barely existing subjects with no conclusion, but sure as fuck with a lesson to be learned

Good luck man.

Chrono Trigger
140, but who will believe in this shithole

ENTPs are entertaining and interesting as long as they're self-aware. If they go full autist they're just annoying.

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if you're not doing anything which requires your intelligence more than your other virtues how is it not overrated? if your IQ is of little value why would you care about it not having brought you a tiny bit further?
we were talking about a specific scenario which you insist on ignoring. also
>ur coping with being unsmart.

Cold mint tea is very nice. The one that actually tastes like peppermint is the absolute best.

also >tfw self aware entp but still autistic and annoying
The problem with self awareness is that i know those to be true

Monster energy
Red Dead Redemption
No opinion
never took an iq test

if the happiness of a friend is in your interest and trying to make your friend happy would be selfish as well.
what matters is self interest. getting what you want. be it someone else's happiness or your own.

>benefitting the other might very well be in your interest tho. Why can't a person choose to put themselves at a disadvantage? Why can't they choose to gain nothing for a sacrifice someone asked for?
if that is what I want it's in my interest if it isn't what I want it is not

Jesus fucking Christ.

then trying to*

I don't read what I wrote before I press the post button.

>>ur coping with being unsmart
Just as a smart person might cope with having no talent. Or being ugly. Or a cripple with the inability to walk. With a "it doesn't matter anyways" response, i made it pretty clear i meant that on both sides.
Also it's remarkable how good you are in rewriting my statements into barely literate... series of words, really.

Also as i said, you don't need to be smart to be succesful. It's pretty hard to be that if you're dumb but 100 something-teen isn't dumb, and is above average too. I at no point insulted you for not being "smart". Or anyone else in fact.

>if your IQ is of little value
Depends on external factors.

>why would you care about it not having brought you a tiny bit further
I don't. I'm not arguing for working harder than the man with lower intelligence and thus surpassing his efforts (again, this is if all we measure succes by is intelligence) rather, asking that is it not better to have potential than o not? And i think you answered that yourself, too. You said it was. Maybe the original guy and the other guy are leapfrogging eachother on arguments.
>if you're not doing anything which requires your intelligence more than your other virtues how is it not overrated?
Overrated was used in a general meaning, not specific to this scenario.

Spearmint iced tea is 10/10. I like simple black tea the most.

And that's fair. Awareness != ability to compensate and/or effort

he specifically said it's overrated if you don't do anything worthwhile with it. how could that possibly be used in a broader sense without applying extreme mental gymnastics