Doom is the greatest first person shooter ever made. It's thousands of user made wads and mods propel it even further into greatness. Nobody will be playing Battlefield 5 in fifteen years, but I guarantee people will still be playing Doom.
Doom is the greatest first person shooter ever made...
Other urls found in this thread:
but this isn't /v/
>doom backwards is mood
Sorry, I didn't realize >tfw no gf was the topic of this board. Last I checked, Jow Forums doesn't have a topic.
You're right. Are you hyped for Infinite?
This i fucking love this game, my favorite thing is making wads
I thought it was called Eternal? And no, not really. The only thing I really enjoyed about Doom 2016 was the soundtrack, I listen to it sometimes while playing classic Doom. That's not to say that it was a bad game, it was a breath of fresh air for games in 2016, it just didn't really feel like Doom to me.
At least Doom Eternal will also probably have a fucking incredible OST. That's what I'm looking forward to.
Download Zandronum there are still a lot of people playing original doom online. Master of Puppets Mod is cool as fuck
>tfw too stupid to make wads
Are there any video tutorials or resources you recommend I read to get a better grasp of making good wads? If a 16 year old could make UAC LABS, I can probably make something decent if I apply myself.
go to there you download the program and in the page there is a tutorials section, in the form of videos. its very helpful and also i used to search things in the doom wiki, for example i searched "door" and there was a mini tutorial in how to make a door.
gotta tell you tho, it takes some time to make a decent wad but i think that is just practice, stick with it and you will succeed user kun, i am currently working on a wad that consists of different levels with blood floors that damage the player. good luck man and dont give up.
Is it now? I've taken way too much codeine mate, my mind is all blurry. I'm seeing beautiful colors tho.
Thanks, I know it takes a lot of practice to make something of quality. I'll work at it though, user created content is why this game will never die.
on a side note, UAC LABS is a really great wad if you've never played it. Lots of secrets, great placement of everything. Lots of people just like to shit on it, or downplay how good it is just because Eric Harris made it.
on this day OP was not a fag
lol dat game is old da grafix suxxorz u old fagget play a real game like CoD
>last edited: 1996
Knowing that adds a layer of authenticity and creepiness to the whole thing. It's interesting that this wad was made by REB himself, and now it's on my hard drive. Wow.
>Good luck marine, and dont forget, KILL 'EM AAAAALLLL!!!!!
yeah man its underrated, i like the fight with the cyberdemon at that temple thingy and the knights & barons of hell down there, and also i shitted myself when the archvile appeared at that pyramid with the blue key, plus the fuckton amount of enemies that appear after him, but yes, it may not be the greatest wad of them all but its a pretty fun one and is also creative, people just like to shit on eric's name.
check those doomed TRIPS
Change doom to my little pony and you'll see how autistic you're being.
It's not like it's the first ray casted open gl video game.
It's only famous because they gave away the first couple levels on computers to get people's attention, then on top of that put in on the very successful SNES.
People no longer even use ray casting, and duke nukem was actually noteworthy, doom was nothing technologically, it was just marketed well.
Like a pony to little kids, but with this it's overly masculine nostalgia, the opposite end of autism. Pure innocence vs wanting to battle demons.
Doom isn't ray casting, it's binary space partitioning. Also, you're being a contrarian faggot. Doom is vastly superior to modern military shooters, and those make up the bulk of today's first person shooters.
How do you find servers for it?
>It's not like it's the first ray casted open gl video game
...what the fuck? Doom is neither of those things you retard.
You're doing God's work, user.
Doom is easily in my top 3 games.
No idea, I only use GZdoom and have never messed with Zandronum. I think that's the only multiplayer source port.
>Doom is easily in my top 3 games.
What are the other 2?
Doom is literally raycating and open gl graphics.
>looked it up
>it wasn't raycast?
Yet wolfenstein 3d looks just as good so really it's besides the point, doom did nothing really that cool, others came before it and did the same fake three d techniques, calling it something other than raycasting is people obviously autistically screeching because I've read it was raycast and open gl in the past.
The people that made wolfenstein 3d also made other stuff that was raycasting, and open gl, and then they made doom, so what I think is people are pretending doom is more 3d than it was rather than computer graphics cheating known as raycasting and open gl, of which is a 3d illusion.
My bullshit detector says people are lying about doom just because it's popular, pretending it's special.
Kinda my point.
My little pony was massively advertised, dolls, on tv, etc.
I wholeheardetly agree. This wad is kino.
Tetris and We Love Katamari
Autism checks out.
>that 25 year old boomer that plays doom
Yeah, even my mom thinks so