My friend just found out his gf was cheating on him. He's pretty devastated. Why are women like this?
Why do women cheat?
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>current year
No. Either get her pregnant or fuck off. Relationships are meaningless
How did your friend find out he got cheated on?
he smelled her dick
she ghosted him for a week the he found her profile on tinder
"Women" aren't like this, people are like this.
Today people consume social relationships like they consume clothing or cell phones
I mean, when something better appears you need to change the good for the better or the old for the new
but why is society like this
You know when people say they love someone but aren't in love with them? It's kinda like that. It seems selfish to ruin someone's life, and just leave them after so many years, especially someone you love. I'm emotionally cheating. I didn't set out to fall in love with my friend but it happened. I never felt this way about anyone before and don't know how to change how I feel.
Desire of something but unwillingness to face the consequences of doing so. Many women lack accountability.
Well I'm not trying to sound like a comunist here, but some authors like Jean Baudrillard say it's because of the consumerism, people got so used to consume objects like a vase, clothing, cell phones and etc that now even people themselves are just things fated to be consumed
Daily reminder that men cheat more often than women:
I can't stand communism but I agree 100% with all its anti consumerism stuff.
guys are chasing them all the time. you have to have willpower and be raised to value loyalty.
also this. we're all just products now.
Treating people like something else than objects is a direct function of the amount of people you get to see every day. You have a limited capacity on how many people you can treat as people.
You will also treat inferior people like objects, as you do animals. Like the jews do, with their Goy/animal thing.
I don't get the point of a serious and restrictive monogamous relationship if not for the sake of starting a family. These kinds of relationships throughout high school and college are cancer.
only upper-middle class ones. All the others get shit for anything they do.
it's pretty normal to want to cheat, not so much to actually do it.
I want to bang other people than my gf pretty bad, the only reason I don't do it is because she's important to me and I want her in my life. I'm sure most people feel this way about the subject.
Why is the ocean wet?
well yeah i think thats normal.
i just think women are really easily impressionable
I think most guys who get cheated on are a beta providers with no game, which inevitably leads to cheating since the girl wants to betas security but the alpha dick.
why does it hurt some much
Live, right now
It happened to me
I don't know how to feel
or what to think
That's not really cheating. She practically broke up with him. It's a shitty way of doing it though.
It'd be different if they were still dating and seeing each other but she was getting dick on the side.
no he later confronted her and she admitted
>el zanahoria...