Daily reminder that Jow Forums and Jow Forums are comrades edition. We both: hate trannies, and hate roasties.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no Jow Forumstrap bf
Jow Forums pretty gay too
1) Jow Forums hates degenerates
2) Jow Forums hates normalfags
3) normalfags are degenerates
ergo Jow Forums and Jow Forums hate degenerates
no they aren't you fucking fag
fucking hell, i bet you go around saying i hate niggers don't you fucking fag
hang yourself and go back to Jow Forums
pol should be ss and r9k should be in italian uniform
>A fag posting in a fag hate thread
Oh boy the irony.
>Its the daily Jow Forums and Jow Forums are alike
Worse than when people claim this board is incel
I don't hate educated African Americans in fact, I'm friends with some educated African Americans, but I do hate ghetto niggers who can't even say a sentence without sounding illiterate.
reminder pol, r9k, tv, v and int are the axis powers of Jow Forums
yet you lick femanons assholes
Reminder that /LGBT/, and /b/ are the allies.
fuck niggers but also fuck my boipucci
I can't lick what doesn't exist
stop with the pol spam. Go the fuck back to your containment board
lgbt is the uk, b is america and reddit is russia
Yeah ok kiddo
Daily reminder that the HRT tranny spam is being done by NICHOLAS FEDOROV aka Aeromatic in a discord server used for shilling this shit.
8ch net/cow/res/458842.html
go back to . I thought you two got it on with eachother
>Pic semi-related
you hate roasties because you're ugly bitter virgins
Daily teminder crossboarders, whether from Jow Forums or from /gay/, are cancer and need to fuck off.
Ah fuck and im stuck on the other trap server. Better message Reiko for an invite, hope I don't have to take pics... again
Had my first date in my life today lads, took her to the movies and going hiking tomorrow morning.
You are literally on the board dedicated to virgins
Hate has no home here, user.
>hate trannies, and hate roasties
robot love the dick
>reminder OP is a faggot
Go back to plebbit
Isn't the spirit of Jow Forums the exact thing most of Jow Forums hates?
A place filled with all kinds of people, all kinds of degeneracy. Complete anarchy and chaos.
>We both: hate trannies,
No. You hate them; we pity them.
...but we do hate their threads.
>and hate roasties.
No. You hate them; they hate us.
>Jow Forumsfags in here
You are fucking delusional if you believe that Jow Forums has become anything except a woman hate board and thus an incel board.
>Lurk moar nigger
because they are both as degenerate as each other.
So you're saying we're chinese? I don't eant to be a fucking small-dicked chink.
is Bulgaria just not invited to the party?
/mlpol9k/ 4lyfe
Daily reminder that Adi was a robot too.
Beta revolution is the only solution.
>if you hate fags you're gay
>everything is gay
This is your mind on homosexuality
>I do hate ghetto niggers who can't even say a sentence without sounding illiterate.
Bruh dem bih dun fo sho gon b niggih in da hood muhfugen go to da sto
Except we're not nazis.
Kill all trannies and gays
Hitler did nothing wrong
(except try to kill Poland)
Liking Jow Forumsshit is unironically the gayest thing I can imagine
Except true robots hate faggot threads
gay jew nigger fag nigger
Stop becoming gay.
woman hate was based on the fact that we love boys.
o is like Spain, they're staying out of it but still kinda on the right. Don't forget k, they're like all the random other fascists around the world.
Jow Forums is basically the opposite of Jow Forums
Basically. The goal of any decent Jow Forumslack is to have a happy family and a fulfilling career. Jow Forums is all about degeneracy, drugs, and depression.
Kill yourself
originally do it queernigger
normalfags on this board are a jewish trick to low the iq of (white) autists
So is Jow Forums going to be the next board ruined by r/donald?
I prefer some occasional Jow Forums infulence over lgbt/roastie shitposting anyday.
who /N A Z B O L G A N G/ here?
why do we have to choose one? Can't they both fuck off?
Ethnostate will provide free gas chambers to mentally ill men who pretend to be women,
Betastate will provide free bullets to the schools of chads
Kill all invaders, no matter what flag they fly.
share your woman with me comrade
thought /mlp/ and Jow Forums became friends after april fools a few years back.
they were always friends and we're also friends with /mlp/
better yourselves for the sake of your ancestors
make them proud
>a few years back
it was literally last year
No chimps allowed in the nazbol ethnostate!
I miss these badboys so much, I can see salazar truly caring about portuguese neets
I do love me some Jow Forums-tastic memes. But if I intend to isolate /lgbt/ to it's own board I'm gonna have to do the same with Jow Forums content so I don't play hypocrite.
The Reiko HRT tranny agenda is stealing our Butch lesbians and turning them into Reverse-traps! Take back our lesbians!
faggots, traps, or women cannot be robots
Pol has your back Jow Forums unlike the literal sadists above.
All these "pink pill" shills jumped on this thread because they know we're a huge threat to their degenerate scheme.
Some more screenshots
>Literally posting discordshit
fuck off nobody cares
(((Reiko))) hrt propaganda
daily reminder that right-wingers would like to see you all killed or forced into virtual slave labor for a multinational corporation. no mainstream right-wing politician is a cool Jow Forums nazi. all of them are cynical grifters pandering to suburban normie authoritarians. don't fall for it.
Hi James, how is the raid going?
Who the fuck is james? This is an anonymous image board stop posting off site bullshit
(((Communism))) and (((Capitalism))) are both bad.
>stop posting off site bullshit
Why? It's an evidence of their organized raid
because discord is killing this website
substitute "multinational corporation" for "theocracy" and you've pretty much summed up my political views, thank you user :3
>discord is killing this website
I agree, that's why we must expose them
I'm a cleric fascist, and you? I didn't get the "corrective rape" meme btw
You're basically just posting screenshots from reddit though
this, only neo-cons and lolbertarians still think that capitalism doesn't destroy nations
>t. enlightened centrist
fuck off
my favorite boards, feels good
No, i'm infiltrated in the discord server. And there are others besides me
>I'm infiltrated into reddit
this is what you sound like
I'm not a centrist, i'm a third-positionist Fascist (Corporatism and Distributism are the way)
>>I'm infiltrated into reddit
What do you even mean? Are you some Aero recruit trying to shill?
>doesn't know about the third position
You're posting offsite bullshit and shitting up our board is what i'm saying
Spotted the pink piller.
Gas yourself.
oh so you're even more retarded
no values, just let industry run society for its own purpose. just producing shit solely for the sake of producing, with neither market demand nor social obligation. wasting resources.
I guess I could be considered one, even though I'm more of a Islam enthusiast. "Corrective rape" because in some african countries lesbians were raped in an attempt to turn into normal women
Someone needs to a "3D chess" to that meme