If 80% of women are ONLY banging 20% of men
Does that mean that 20% of women are banging 80% of men? No, it doesn't does it?
It means that at least 40% of men will forever be virgins. How will that work out in the long run?
If 80% of women are ONLY banging 20% of men
Does that mean that 20% of women are banging 80% of men? No, it doesn't does it?
It means that at least 40% of men will forever be virgins. How will that work out in the long run?
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yes this is why the whole incel terrorist thing is happening, people in the MRA and PUA communities have been saying this for years. they got branded as nazis so now the fallout begins and I could not care less.
>How will that work out in the long run?
beta uprisings or radical pisslam
They get to be small kids again? (you will never become an adult if you are a virgin)
That's how nature works. Males are the genetic dice. Flat bell curve. We have the best and we also have the worst. The best ones plant the seeds and the rest are tossed into the recycling bin.
Cityfag issue.
>tfw live in hunting community where average household is 8+ members (multigen), living on 5+ acres, reach a combined annual household income of $230k+ a year and start families at around age 22
there is no difference between having had sex sometimes or being virgin. only a long-term relationship is worth something.
>no difference between having had sex sometimes or being virgin
Pretty sure virgins would disagree like x 1 billion
might be different if you had sex recently, but when last time has been 3 months or longer ago, you are literally in virgin mode again.
Maybe but true virgins don't think of it like that. They will explode by the thought of finally seeing a naked woman and touching real boobies.
5'5 manlet that is overweight and bald when I was 16
i slept with around 60 chicks before I got married all but one was a 6/7/8
My wife was a solid 9 before she hit the wall
I don't understand how it's possible to be an incel
Literally just have good hygiene, decent sense of style for your body type and be able to carry on a conversation without being intimidated/scared and not be creepy
Statistically (though one can only guess at their reliability considering the immense taboo that male virginity is), roughly 10% of men have sex once a year or less. Not 40%.
That said, it's about more than just women banging the top 20% of men. A few others have surmised that feminism has already been shitting in its own carpet for a while now, and I happen to agree with them.
The vast decrease in birth rates in 1:st world countries, Japanese herbivores, MGTOW, and an ever increasing portion of adults who are single, speak of a larger issue. Basically, feminism has already created 1.5 generations of men who truly believe in equality. Except, relationships are not equal.
Young men around the world go into their teens expecting equality in rationale, participation and effort in relationships. Yet as history has proven us, as we all here know, women don't want equality. Women don't want to chase men as men do them. Women don't want to take the initiative. Women don't want the responsibility of failure, women don't want to settle. Women don't want to pay the bills, and women don't want to do anything at all for the men really. All they want is what they've always done: Sit back, relax, and let the guys do all the work. And if things get boring, they nag, bitch and moan about it, maybe sleep around a little. That's about as productive as they get.
And more and more modern men did not expect that bullshit, and want no part in it.
the women they could get would most probably not make them explode. but i get your point. i have to admit that i got experience from it, but the feel-good is over when you are alone again and memories fade away very fast too.
>tfw you are top 20%
Good. Human quality became worse and worse when sub 120 IQ pathetic animals started getting laid. We chads should impregnate as much as we can, the only mistake is birth control
of us will be virgins :D
How do you deal with the resentfull 80%ers?
Thats the Pareto Priciple
If only Chads were the ones with 120+ IQ
I think we will see reverse evolution in the future. The population getting dumber and dumber.
>no sources
>talk about occasional banging and end up using it to talk about celibacy
Look, incels could buy a cheap whore for 50-75$ and the next day be "like everyone else"
If they don't do it it's because the problem is much deeper than virginity and it goes beyond availability.
Also it has almost nothing to do with gender nor race.
How will that work in the long run?
Well I guess we'll see. But I wouldn't bet on traditional dating habits and procreation to last for very long anymore. I mean, let's face it... it's just a matter of time until we get VR and robotics with sufficient natural language & speech capable AI, to pass close enough to the real thing. Could be a decade. Could be three. But it'll happen. And when it does, it'll spread very quickly to the point many, perhaps even most men and women have nothing to do with one another anymore.
And let's be honest here, we all know why women are so worried over sex bots and whatnot, and men aren't. Women have ever been keen on nagging, controlling, and just being jealous useless, dramatic fucks whenever they could. When men no longer depend on them, it's gonna be very interesting to see what women will actually do. It's not like they have a history of creating, well, anything at all really. They need, even want those guys (that they then treat like shit) to carry through their wishes.
I suppose to sum it simply, it's like this: Advanced sex bots and AI lovers have an almost exclusively enabling, empowering effect on men. But they have a diminishing, weakening effect on women.
True Chads are smart, strong and wise. Look to the greatest men in history. Always smart, masculine and wise. Just a waste that all of these wombs are wasted because of birth control.Mankind is getting dumber and dumber because the betas get to reproduce, meanwhile chads only get to nut in a condom
A long time ago, only the greatest of men got laid. 1 per 17.
>Also it has almost nothing to do with gender
Wut? If 80% of women can chose to have sex with only 20% of the "top" men, it definitely has something to do with gender.
This is why feminism and civilization cannot coexist.
Attractiveness and IQ are correlated. Come to the US where this effect is more pronounced. lower IQ ones aren't scoring as many but they have less of an issue having kids because they cant think ahead very good.
Blacks that hook hot white girls have usually hooked them on drugs or they already have a niglet.
>Mankind is getting dumber and dumber because the betas get to reproduce
That's wrong though. Humankind has gotten smarter and smarter because betas got to reproduce in nuclear families because of religion.
When religion was destroyed only chads got to fug. And now IQ is falling.
it means herpes viral suppression medication producers are gold right now
The 80/20 rule only applies to online dating, get off it and get out in the real world. As a male I am disappointed other men still cling to that failure of a system, we should know better.
You seem to be talking about the PREDO distribution (and again >sources), but that explains female/male attention, not virginity.
I could fuck a hoe or a landwhale tomorrow and I'd lose my virginity, it doesn't change the fact that I rarely get any female attention (which is really what this incels thing is about).
No, it applies everywhere.
But I guess some sad dude could get lucky.
yeah but youre still doomed to be forever a manlet :/
>Statistically (though one can only guess at their reliability considering the immense taboo that male virginity is), roughly 10% of men have sex once a year or less. Not 40%.
Betas get the mentally ill and fatties
>The 80/20 rule only applies to online dating,
It's been the average throughout human history. At the lowest point only about 1 in 16 men ended up reproducing.
it's all bullshit
alcohol exists so that pretty much everyone has a chance at a root
>the mentally ill and fatties
No, even they want the chads
>Mankind is getting dumber and dumber because the betas get to reproduce
no, "mankind is getting dumber" because the UN nigger breeding farms ("refugee camps") in africa are pumping out hordes of subhumans and dragging the average down
They want them but they cant get them, therefore they settle with betas. Chads know the danger off fucking loonies, but betas are too naive to run away.
Women have always and forever WILL always have as many "rights and privileges" as men permit them to. If we think 40-80% of men are going to be content and simply "adapt" to increasingly irrational feminism, when they have alternatives readily at hand, they are wrong.
At some point in the future, these men who have gone MGTOW or otherwise abstained from the dating market because they cannot adapt to it or they no longer wish to tolerate are going to revolt at the mass transfer of wealth women demand from men despite NOT giving men something in exchange that they want.
>alcohol exists so that pretty much everyone has a chance at a root
That's not true though. You will just end up with a bunch of overly drunk puking betas. The chads are the ones leaving the party with the girls, not the betas.
Nah. Even white people are becoming dumber and dumber. All the smart women started using birth control
Nawalt is your best shot. Or just suck it up and accept that you have to be the provider if you marry. Being married you get sex regularly. Im married my husband started his own business because I wanted to and I usually do the books for him. We have a blonde beautiful son now. I work at home, take care of the house the baby and cook from scratch daily. I literally spend hours in the kitchen. Then every few days I do the books. I must say that on the days I do the books I dont want sex because Im too tired. He wants it every evening but those are the few evenings where I just dont want to. Im too tired. Other than that every night is spent making love and even morning showers. Everyone is different though.
>carry on a conversation without being intimidated/scared and not be creepy
This is it. This is the problem. It's hard to have confidence when you never get compliments. Its hard to change when nobody bothers to give you feedback. It's hard to develop conversation skills when nobody wants to talk to you
It's only people descended from the 12 tribes.
I want to see this chick getting BLACKED so hard, holly shit.
Actually it's literally true that white people are becoming dumber. Decades old military IQ tests shows that.
You married a chad lmao. I hope you let him fuck on the side
It won't
Thank birth control
We kill all the incels along with the shitskins. They are basically the same
You are wrong user. Most people in all sexual market value ranges get laid. Even people with bad genes still have the urge to reproduce, they just reproduce mainly with people that have the same sexual market value. Incels don't get laid because they have a social emotional problem. Being socially awkward is a deal breaker for a female sexual partner, not their looks. Why do you think females are soooooo attracted to sociopaths and psychopaths? Because they are super confident types, especially the sociopaths. Incels have no confidence in themselves. Any Man can get pussy just by being, clean, have a job, dress decent and have a little confidence, you just have to get pussy in the SMV range you are in. If you are a 5/10 guy, you definitely are not getting a 7.5 ot higher unless you are rich. You are right that a larger portion of females chase the smaller portion of males, but that is temporary for females as they usually figure out that they can never land a 7.5 or high male so they either concede and get with someone on their level or become a feminist because fuck the patriarchy.
No, thanks dumb Chads for stealing all the wymen
You mean 60%
This, genetical entropy in action
how do you even stay a virgin
Just get drunk and go clubbing, this shit is fucking easy
virgins are just desperate fucks.
There is no way its 20% of men fucking all the women. I see loser type guys all the time with girlfriends, they're most likely fucking. That doesn't mean the guy is some alpha top 20% chad.
If you cant get laid most likely your standards are too high.
>Implying you wouldnt do the same
hopefully more terror attacks and a rise in MGTOW
No. He was a beta and I am an alpha. However, he wasnt a natural beta. His mother made him beta by dampening his natural spunk and aggression. I spent YEARS pulling his natural Alpha self out. Thats why it took 5 years of being married before we had kids. I wanted our son to look up to his father. And now he does. My husband is a winner and a killer. A true shark. He had it within all along.
>What is anecdotal evidence
Good post. I also think these guys don't realize the "realm" they are in. They spent years jacking off to hot girls, but they cannot get a girl that hot in real life. So they find girls in their "range" to be ugly or beneath them, when they're really equal.
Tell me more please.
>major assumptions
Up until industrial society and modern medicine, 50% of all men did not successfully raise a child.
It's much higher now. There's a few reasons for this.
>monopolization of violence and consent laws: the biggest brute doesn't get to grab the hottest piece and run/beat down all of the other boys. Selection is more firmly female side.
>increased quality of life/technolgy: fixes for men who accumulate various hindrances to their fertility
>serial monogamy: chad and the beta that comes after him both reproduce, in spite of the other social ramifications that has
>provision and protection: you don't need to be a bullmoose stud to get by in the brave new world.
Most men, living right now, will have a child.
>Most people in all sexual market value ranges get laid
How do you know that? It's not true at all. Sounds like a Disney fantasy.
>tfw just pushed myself up into the lower rungs of the top 20%
>fucked 4 girls within a 1 month period back in April-May just swiping the shit out of tinder everyday
You guys there's no issue here, really. Just b urself :^)
60% of women are with the top 10% of men
20% of women are with the next 10% of men
20% of women are with the next 20% of men
The bottom 60% of men get nothing and subside and/or realize they outnumber everyone else and start a revolution.
What are prostitutes?
Tell me user does the chick you posted have done some BLACKED sets? Since google doesnt give me anything.
>The bottom 60% of men get nothing
Yes, this is the reality. Maybe the state can issue blow up dolls to these ones?
Besides genetics, you have only yourself to blame for being the bottom 60%. If you're at least average with no horrible defects and not a manlet (at least like 5'11), you can at least be a 6/10. Working out, tan, haircut, beard, nice sunglasses, a shoe with a heel on it, etc.
Women belong in the kitchen
She's a white woman so I guess so.
>The state doing anything for men
So do you have a name or something?
Incels need to turn into Alphas or go die on a battle field somewhere for your country. Keep the alphas at home. Send the Incels to die. Then youll be of some use at least and youll get laid because of all of the women who want the security of a military man. Trust me there are lots
Your a self hating cuck, and that is why you cant get laid. Do what this user said
Intense anger and social dissolution
You want to see a white woman having sex with niggers?
>since I'm not in the upper rungs of the top 20%, they still only pump and dump me because I'm "not good enough" I presume
>even seemingly "good girls" will fuck on the first date and ghost you later on
>I had one 18 year old qt (I'm 26) and one super nice super submissive Midwestern qt, nothing indicated to me that they were thots just looking to gain attention and get banged, but that's all it was
Men are seen as having little worth today and that needs to change. Women need to be barred from working again so they're dependent on us for survival, otherwise there isn't going to be a separate race of women and men. Men will become more feminine and women more masculine. The divide existed because of how our societies were set up, with the roles of men and women being different. But now those roles are blending together and thus the sexes are following and blending into one. As a result, both are unhappy and can't seem to figure out why. We will all remain unhappy for thousands of years until we adapt to these new changes, and I don't think the outcome will be pretty... We had a good dynamic as it was: one group of strong builders and fighters, and one of beautiful lovers and caretakers. We will instead be the jack of all trades, yet the masters of none. Bear in mind this change will not occur in other racial groups that haven't been shilled into it, and their men will be more masculine and will come to dominate us. You can see this happening already but we're not even close to the final form.
I want to see this particular women yes.
Not a jew I just like it more than normal one.
Yeah this is actually true. When I work outside of the home it makes me uninterested and bitter towards my husband. All women are this way.
>the state doing anything foro the very people who pay the most taxes
how can they get away with this? because the VAST majority of men are KEKS
She has made 10 videos in 4k quality, but I won't tell you her name.
Maybe if you would get out into the world a little. Also, you are looking at it form Norway unless you are on vpn, which makes it a different story. In the US, you can get laid if you want to, only cuck, pussies and socially awkward people don't get laid.
I'm surprised more incels have not snapped. They must be beating their dicks to porn 5x a day every day. In the prime of your life and not getting any play? I would be furious.
Historically, only small percentage of men were able to procreate. Those with resources(land, money) alway had the better chance. Those with nothing, usually locked out. Daughters were a resource that father's used to increase his own family standing. If as a male, you brought nothing to a marriage, chances are you never were able to marry and thus never procreated. It's biology, plain and simple.
If incels want female attention so bad, why do they say the most hideously repulsive things about women......ohhhhhhh. Well I guess that's one way to do it.
How is 20% of the men able to kill 80% of the men?
>It means that at least 40% of men will forever be virgins.
Yep, and they're from a place called Jow Forums. Welcome, newfag.
>because the VAST majority of men are KEKS
Statistically, this is a fact. Its scary honestly. I worked with a guy that would brag about how he was a real man that stepped up and took care of his wifes previous 2 kids.
Also marry younger women. I was 16 when I met my husband he was 26. We married when I was 18 and he is the only one for me. I was a virgin he was not and divorce is not on the table ever for us. Marry a young virgin. I met my husband in youth group he was my pastor.
>at least 5'11"
pfffft... you faggots keep lowering the manlet standard.
go right ahead and put on your inch and a half heeled boots with a wuarter inch insole to cope with how fucking short you are.
no woman wants anything under 6'1" these days.