Mail order brides. How the fuck does it work?

Mail order brides. How the fuck does it work?

Can i order a qt jap or korean to be send to my place? Does that kind of service exist?

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japs and koreans do pay for dating services, mail order brides are usually shady and should be avoided at all costs. there are facebook groups to buy young syrian women for a few thousand dollars.

unless its a pay for dating service, which amounts to prostituted friendship, you are committing human trafficking

>you are committing human trafficking

I just want a qt crazy enough to move to the caribbean with me and try to enjoy life and hugme when im back from work.

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mail order brides are absolute cancer and will unironically cuck you for chad while you pay them.

>I just want a qt crazy enough to move to the caribbean with me and try to enjoy life and hugme when im back from work.

this is not hard if you have money

is there any site to meet japs and try to make on of them move in here?

maybe become online pen pals?
alternatively go to a 3rd world country and bring back locals (who will probably want their family to come with)

I already moved to a 3rd world country... females in here are trash.

which one?

in the mexican caribbean. almost frontier with belize.

Here you will only find hippie liberal roasties or brown retarded midgets.


you want a conservative white or asian gril?

you could do an exchange program if you are still school age. probably wont meet many alt right grils if thats what you want

Im not in school age. I just want a comfy non hoe, non retarded waifu.

>I just want a comfy non hoe, non retarded waifu.
women in STEM, but they tend to be autistic or psycho

My ex was autistic AND psycho.

i miss her so much.

My cousin is in stem, and she is a 26 year old kissless virgin

I'm a girl from china, want to save me?

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you arent just doing it for the visa r-right?

well it is part of it...

Not worth it unless you really want marriage. Just get an escort.

5'9 (still growing)
Green eyes
Brown hair
Been called pretty boy and 9/10 on multiple occasions

You cute? Or just another fugly Asian who has to get tons of surgery to put yourself on that rich guy bride catalog or whatever?
I seldom consider marrying outside of my own ethnicity, but I guess if I liked you enough...

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Whores don't fix lonely

I just want a white rich boyfriend to let me move to america

>After I fuck the daylights out an escort she usually txt after a couple days asking about my stupid day
If that's not what a girlfriend does I don't know what is

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>How the fuck does it work?

she tricks you in to marriage and gets a free meal ticket from divorce or child support. women don't love men and they just want your shit.

Well I'm still pretty young, so I'm not rich, but I guess I could be for Chinese standards, my father has a bit of money that I'll probably inherit, but that won't be for a long time. Who's to say if I won't be rich when I'm older, but you've shown me that all that interests you is money, so unless you prove otherwise the deal's over

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i want money and moving to usa

Also you didn't answer my question, are you pretty, by that I mean do you at least look western?

I'm not really sure, im not model tier.

This is the impression I'm getting from you. Get the reference?

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Was a good movie. I'm not like that though i can speak english fluently.

no stay in china you gold digging whore.


Well, I guess the difference between eastern and western girls is at least eastern girls are honest about what they really want

I wouldn't divorce if they gave me freedom.


you are not fooling anyone everyone knows asian women are gold diggers.

When did i ever disagree with that?

Sorry, if I can have a pretty blue eyed Christian girl over the overly desperate China commie who thinks my only purpose in life is to give her money so she can waste it all in New York. Than I know what choice I'm making.
Hint: it's not not the later.
You're just too shallow and robotic, I guess the only upside to marrying you is that our son would be a supreme Gentleman, (sarcasm)

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>Here you will only find hippie liberal roasties or brown retarded midgets.
d-do you have a room to spare

plot twist: stemfu will likely be comfy and non ho, possibly psycho or autistic (either can be a bonus for some), but she's definitely non-retarded enough that she won't want most robots.
so close, so far.

This is why if I had to marry an Asian, I'd go for a Japanese girl over a Chinese girl.
They seem much nicer and more tolerant.
Basically they are closer to traditional western women.

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i respect that, i wasn't seriously expecting anything.

Japanese are just as bad, they're just listen honest about it.

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thats just follow-through sales technique user, she's hoping you'll be having a shitty/good day that will make you think that paying her for fugg again will sound like a good idea to you, since she cares so much (lol) and you already fugged her before

Well then I've made up my mind, western women only. Probably a good thing, westerners need to repopulate anyway, I'll have as many as 8 beautiful kids and they'll all have blue or green eyes.

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I wish you good luck. Hope it works out.

Just don't marry while you're still in the military even with all the base housing and shit you get. 110% chance of getting cucked literally and financially.

You sound like a pretty nice girl. I'm a poorfag so I've got nothing here, but I wish you luck in finding a good guy to immigrate for.

Thank you friend. I don't feel like a nice person.

>there are facebook groups to buy young syrian women for a few thousand dollars.
where can i find this

i like how she completely dismissed the question of her being some ugly slanted eyed hoe

china boy that can't speak speak but have american citizenship here. interested? need to see if you're qt though

*can't speak mandarin
fuck my english is retarded too