/r9gay/ - #336

closeted anons, what do you tell your family when they inquire about your lack of a gf? edition

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>"user, you should probably start working on trying to find a date"

>tfw no Spaniard bf.

Type in all caps for a bit please.

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>I'm 100% sure you have a least a few niggers in your community which comes under cohabitation.
I'd rather be alone, I could never see myself in a relationship with anyone non-white except possibly a lighter east asian.

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Jow Forums would be a better board to visit regarding this subject.

not him but you don't find that limiting at all?
what if someone you were talking to turned out to be a different race? is it time to ghost em?

It's interesting; I'd probably fuck any race of woman except for black women. I have a hard time feeling sexually attracted to black women, it's like when I see a cute trap I know the trap is cute but my dick refuses to become erect. Same with a black woman. Is my dick just racist? I'm attracted to white women, Asians and even Latinas. I'd consider fucking a really cute Asian or white trap but not Latino or black.

Pretty sure I'd know what he looked like before it would get serious, wouldn't ghost, that's just mean

How is that limiting? That's like saying not wanting to fuck dogs is limiting. Most men are satisfied with women, some with men, it isn't limiting to them because they have no desire for the nigger butt.

Not only that but race mixing is also defined as cohabitation. If they're in your community, you're race mixing.
Sounds pretty normal.

I don't understand why I'd fuck a latina woman but not a Latino trap. Latina trannies look cute but not their traps, Latino gays are gross and so are black gays.

weird, I'm nearly full gay but black women are sorta cute

Nobody wants to fuck a black gay man. White men deny you the privilege of their cock because you are lesser than!

i wasn't referring to black people in particular he said white or a specific faction of asians.
okay, one last question because i'm bored. if someone looked one race but then revealed themselves to be one of your no-no races how'd you react?
i didn't get rejected because this happened to me, that's a ridiculous thought

Maybe because they look like men. You should try fucking black women occasionally. Black women are weird, because I like dark skin (Indian women) but something about black women is totally unappealing.

Hey mods, could you move this thread to Jow Forums?

nah, I could never fuck a women, plus I need to save myself for my future bf

You are very condescending user. Get over it dude, people generally prefer their own race, you just have to accept that okay? Black people think they're entitled to all of white people's stuff, and that doesn't stop at the waste line. A black man becomes enraged when a white man refuses to penetrate him with his massah cock.

Black women are cute, did you not say that? You should try one user. If you're white there are black girls out there who want to fuck white dudes. You could cure yourself of the gay!

I don't understand how that would work, how's someone gonna look white and turn out black or something?
sad it right

but i didn't post in this thread yet, ii guess he could be black too though

not if you look like Big Herc busting cheeks in prison

cute but not really in the sexual way, I'd only cure my gayness to like white women so I could have babies and help save the white race. I like bois I don't know if I really want to be cured

I like chocolate chip cookies made out of dark chocolate cookie dough specifically for the color, yet I am not sexually attracted even to the most beautiful black women. Well, there was this one redbone woman I fell in love with but never saw again

how am i being condescending?

Where you from?
Are you buff?

>gay Jow Forumstard
I too am concerned about the white race vanishing but I am afraid it is too late user, there are officially more non white births in the USA. I plan to escape to Japan as I can speak the language fluidly!

Because you keep trying to force race mixing with unrealistic situations, idk why you care so much that I prefer other white guys...

Nah. I'm a skelly and I've got lung cancer. Forget me my dude.

Do I not deserve to find love in my life? I look at the normies how happy they are. I'm never going to find a girlfriend. I wish I could feel what love feels like. Does it even exist?

I am happy today so I can post in the gay thread.

that's not what condescending means.
i guess now i'm being condescending but that's because you used the word wrong.
i don't particularly care. i said i was bored. i wanted to keep conversation. forget it then.

>straight scum coming to this thread
For what purpose?

I'm glad they don't ask anymore. Even if I did get a bf I'd keep it as secret as possible, can't have family finding out and suddenly being THAT member of the family who you gotta be careful around.

>one of your no-no races
That's an example of your xondescending language. Yes I spell that word with an x, you blaggot.

If you want white men to be attracted to you then at the very least you could capitalize the first letter of the first word of every sentence.

I didn't type though

gosh you sound cute
wanna be my bf

stop being lead gay...remember being gay is a choose. just like choosing to eat a cheeseburger or hamburger

wait but you didn't spell it with an x before. if that was you who said it the first time.
if i capitalize my words then people won't get the impression that i'm younger than them.

I want to eat my favorite flavour of ice cream with you.
Cookies 'n' Cum

I've never been called cute before from a boy, maybe. tell me a little about yourself

>guy has been talking to me
>he is fat

feels bad senpai

aside from the fat, is he ok looking? Is he willing to actually lose weight? How fat? If so, why not help him.

So, do any of you gaybots ever find bfs in these threads?

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what, so he gains confidence and then starts looking for someone new since he has more value?
don't give the guy poor advice.

his face is fine if he cleaned up a little.

we've only talked a few times on the internet but I doubt it.

I'm a short white boy that likes to play videogames and watch anime im also an europoor

Gays are mentally ill.
Prove me wrong.

I left my boyfriend after he got diagnosed with early onset Parkinsons at 21.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad am I?

no u

originally closet gay

>im so lonely and gay :(:(:(
>someone messages you
>you see he's fat
>decide to insult him behind his back for the crime of talking to you while fat

You're kind of a prick aren't you? No one is forcing you to marry this guy and all you have to do is be honest and say you aren't into him, but what did he do wrong to deserve you shit talking him just because he's fat?

>being THAT member of the family who you gotta be careful around
What does this mean?

damn, I'm a burger eurobois can be cute though, at least you have a fully functioning penis. I'm also white, play some vidya haven't into anime but I'm not a weebaphobe normie.

Thought it was pretty obvious I'm a different person, who are you talking to?

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As of a few days ago, yeah

eat an old dick old man

provide one

it's actually pretty bad fellas things just keep stacking up

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remember people who sit and don't post while the thread is slow have no right to complain about whatever we may be talking about when things pick back up

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They know I'm a loser, it doesn't matter. They don't care enough to ask.

Why aren't you rubbing your smooth freshly shaven legs against each other right hecking now user? Don't you know how good it feels?

Remember love is a joke and relationships just lead to misery.
Especially if you're ugly as soon as they see you they'll run away.
Give up before you get hurt.

but they're not clean shaving, too much work for nothing, I don't mind the hair. Would gladly shave for non-existent bf if he wanted me to do so

but the lack of love is driving me to misery though

i shaved my legs a while ago, as with a few other things.
i walk a mile and back every day i coulda done without the irritation.
i didn't even get to show it off for anyone, there was no point.

Do gaybots like men (female)?

The misery will be much worse. You'll have a taste of happiness and then it will be ripped away. It is not worth it.

My otter prefers me to also be an otter. Last week I shaved my butthole and trimmed my pubes just for myself.

sounds like you need Ashton Kutcher to put you back on the right track

>tfw free standing and can't get hurt and that confidence is why I'll never be single for long

no, I like people who have penises and the superior skeletal structure.
I'm already unhappy and mentally fucked up, I'll probably kill myself before 30 anyway either directly or indirectly, what would I have to lose?

Some trans guys have pretty aesthetic lanky skeletons.

sure, but they'll always look off, I want a male

When did otter stop meaning ottermode, which is a defined thin guy like you see in a swimmers body? Swimmers also fully shave off their body hair.

I don't get it. In giving user solid advice.
I strongly recommend not trying especially in your circumstance. Being vulnerable will just things worse. You may not think it can get worse but it can.

i've always heard it meant as a twink with body hair, never heard of otter mode.

Depends. Personally I don't care for overly masculine men. To many muscles are bleh. Feminine features on a guy are cute. Then again, I'm a fat fuck who envys the shit out of built dudes. So that probably effects my judgement. Doesn't matter though.

>Men and women both don't like fat guys.

ottermode is something that exists only on Jow Forums

fatty pls go

>that guy who won't date a guy who looks like him

My prison gay ex was like that. He's too straight to look at twink butt. Growing a beard made him finally leave me alone. It's been more than three weeks since he bothered me :-)

this, if a man can't take care of his body he shouldn't expect a bf who actual does take care of his body.

No one is forcing him to talk to him, my only gripe was that he felt the need to shit talk him just for being fat. Reject fat guys all you want, if you aren't into fat guys you're not into fat guys, but there's no need to insult them.

>have a house guest over, room is kinda close to the bathroom
>don't hear him wash his hands
lemme lick them

nah, we need a fat genocide NOW, fucking sick of seeing them everywhere, and there's more of them everyday.

It's more along the lines of knowing a muscular person would reject me. Then again, everyone does. Probably because I'm jaded as fuck.

What's that? Post pictures of fat guys for all the fat fetishists in the thread, (few may they be)? You got it pal.

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Look at these big boys!

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omfg daddy

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Because every person who's fat is that way because they choose it. Fucking kys you judgemental piece of filth.

look at this skellyboi!

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>Because every person who's fat is that way because they choose it
i agree

organic oats
maybe they don't choose it per se, but they eat the food don't they?

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Personally, I'm on a diet. I've been on several, I eat healthy. I'm still overweight, and I will be until I let my doctor cut on my insides in a month.

Look at this thinboi!
Surrrreee, you fatties are so funny and you think it's a big effort to reduce your diet down to 2000 calories and eat an iceberg salad drenched in ranch as a side to your pizza. all you gotta do is starve yourself, I was overweight last year until I figured out that all you have to do is DON'T FUCKING EAT to actually lose weight.

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We need serious food reform. Stop normalizing refined substances. Insist on nutrient dense WHOLE plant foods :-)


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Would you eat more berries if you had more money? If the answer is "yes", it's usually not worthwhile to buy organic, which can have more heavy metals and such from manure anyway.

This, sugar/corn syrup is in fucking everything these days

Because medical problems don't prevent weight loss? Right? Here, let me raise my stomach so you can suckle on my chode you dumb piece of shit.

I said "organic oats" for originality, had no relevance to the actual post. Also grow a garden, and if you eat much less food you can afford better food, but less of it.