Would your waifu love you if she became real?

Would your waifu love you if she became real?

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She does love me, so yes. I don't imagine that my 2d girlfriend is being mind controlled.

I know a girl irl who is much like my waifu but she legitimately hates me, so I'd have no choice.

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is that dude out of jail yet

Unlikely. She'd probably think I'm pathetic desu.

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Isn't this guy in jail for cp
Not kidding

> implying my waifu isn't real
she already loves another ;___;

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Is she 2D?
And if not, why is your waifu 3D?
Also, Natsuki is MY waifu, and she is definitely 2D

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What the FUCK are you doing nigger?

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To be fair Saya was the best girl... Nigger.
Also, Saya is literally (1/3)D, and even that makes her still better any 3D Roastie

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Not anymore
Madthad is a freedthad

I am not questioning her best girl status.
I am questioning your mental health for picking a MOTHERFUCKING ELDRITCH MONSTER.

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>tfw know a girl like Natsuki
>tfw childhood friend like Sayori
>tfw know a girl like Monika NAMED Monika (spelled that way)
>tfw Yuri is best girl

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Yes I think she would actually. I have a shitty face but I'm Jow Forums and I'm pretty sure any guy who can show her he cares enough to help her out of her shell would be enough for her.

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A fellow bacon conniseur I see.

Well, at least she is not a monster(roastie)

why he don't have a darks skin waifu

Seriously, if you want an non-human waifu, just get a monster girl.

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I don't know but I would become a chad for her if she was real. I would never rest until she wasn't only mine. I love her so fucking much.

>I don't know but I would become a chad for her if she was real. I would never rest until she wasn't only mine. I love her so fucking much.
That is the the spirit user.

Post her

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>tfw can't love Hanako because she was one of my ex e-gf's signature cosplays and being reminded of her hurts
Feels bad man

sadly, I dont browse lit enough to please her.

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No. She'd like our similar interests but find me too much of an edgy degenerate.

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Register Number: 46844-039
Age: 27
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Located at: Milan FCI
Release Date: 10/09/2018

Yes, because the beauty of my waifu is that I designed her. I made her from scratch.

But she is an edgy degenerate

You two would be perfect for each other user senpai. Don't let your memes be dreams.

Different kind of edgyness. She legit has a mental illness, I'm just the stereotypical Jow Forums type edgy.

>She legit has a mental illness
I am not versed in doki doki normie club.
Give me a quick rundown

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Even besides the literal edge, she's a bit of an edgelady with her ~deep~ and ~disturbing~ tastes in literature.
She is shy and sweet and obsessively caring though, so I can't blame you.

She was also my choice until Sayori dropped that crippling depression bombshell and I just wanted to hold her forever

No psychologist but I'll do my best. She seems to have pretty wild mood swings. She's presented as shy and reserved, but as you get closer to her she opens up. It quickly goes from friendship to love to insane levels of obsession from her part that lead her to cut herself to release the pressure built up from her obsession with you. There's also constant hints of extremely low self esteem and loneliness.

Can't blame you. Sayori is a good girl, and refusing her after the bombshell made me die inside.

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WHat kind of fucked up books does she like?

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Protag-kun was a fucking idiot with how he handled the whole Sayori situation, goddamn.

I think only 1 book is mentioned and it's a horror one. I think she mentions that she likes the genre.
Throughout the runtime of the game you learn that she likes symbolism and fancy words in her literature. She enjoys analyzing what she reads. All her poems are pretty surreal and again, filled with symbolism, but then again, all of them are more or less. Pic related is one of her poems.

I wanna agree but at the same time, I don't know how I would've handled it. It's a sticky situation. Harems are hard. People are bound to be hurt.

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I've been a NEET for four years and more than a bit of a hikki. I'm currently shitting blood from the alcoholism and the benzos are wearing off. I start ssris tmrw.
[Spoiler]She'd love me, she's kind to the weak.[/Spoiler]

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probably not... a lack of prenatal testosterone makes my face generally unattractive to women; I look pudgy and effeminate :^(

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who is this girl? she's a cute

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I mostly mean the "I almost feel betrayed as your friend" line. Like come on dude, that's one of the absolute worst things to say to someone who's just hit rock bottom and revealed she's had serious issues her whole life.

mai waifu
An autist known as Urabe Mikoto

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I understand but would it be any better to live a lie in order to make her happy. Fuck you for dragging me into this hole again.

I don't know, man. I just feel she deserved better and I hate that she fucking dies no matter what

Without a doubt. I wish I could've just put the Yuri thing on stop and help Sayori for a while. Of course a game can't give you infinite choices plus there's so many different ways you could deal with the situation and so many outcomes, it's hard to speculate how it would turn out if you had that freedom.

Juri would probably want to fight me, and see I can't fight for shit. Then leave me. Juri hates boring people, and I'm boring as hell.

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Urabe an okay

looks very cute, good taste user

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Maybe she is not 2D but I love her more than anyone else. She is my queen.

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Lovely taste user, her waifish physique , her needful troubled mind and her elegant voice are an exquisite mix.


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Postin' possibly the most relatable character I've ever come across

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Nice. I always liked her design but never found out the name of the show.

Nobody else does so why would she?

Mysterious girlfriend X
The anime is pretty unsatisfying

>The anime is pretty unsatisfying
The anime was a fucking masterpiece.
>Urabe's Seiyuu
>the ost
>the vintage artstyle
>the stunning visuals
>the handpicked chapters
It was fucking glorious
Cant say the same about the manga, though.

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It didnt feel finished at all and didnt really have any overarching plot.


You can laugh, man but even though she's not real I have started improving myself (working out, composing music, learning how to draw) just in case she would come to me one day. I don't want to be a loser. She deserves much better.

No. Original. I said the post is fucking original ok fuck this shitty filter piece of garbage doesn't even do anything other than inconvenience you.


When did he get out? I thought it was another two or three months