Why are black girls so mean?
Why are black girls so mean?
Black girls like me for some reason but I only want white girls. I'll take a white 5 over a black 8
They're not
most of them are way nicer than white stacies
Where the fuck do you live? Here in my city they walk right into you and then act like you are in the wrong. Fuck them.
Being nice is seen as alien behavior in african people, also africans laughing at jokes is not the same as nice before you say something. You give an african your shoe he thinks you are a sucker and doesnt even comprehend your altruism.
You're a idiot then, especially considering that white 5 is statistically more likely to cheat on you with Chad than the black 8. Good looking Black girls are 10x more loyal than any white girls provided you treat them right. White women are consistently whores no matter what around the board, mainly because feminism was invented for them, no black women. Yes Black women will fuck you over too but only if you provoke them, like a pit bull. White women are shit people as a rule, like cats.
>strangely accurate
Black women will fuck you over too but only if you provoke them, like a pit bull. White women are shit people as a rule, like cats.
Same user, black girls are better cooks and are better in bed too. Bigger asses, bigger tits, bigger lips for suckin, wetter vaginas.
Did I mention they are better cooks? That's a big one, most white women cant cook at all let alone cook good. Overall black women make better wives, you're deluding yourself if you think you're going to find a perfect white wife these days, finding a perfect black wife would be hard too but atleast it's possible.
>tfw no controlling black gf who wants to be treated as a slave in bed
Maybe American blacks are. Go to Africa, the black girls there are wonderfully nice, it's just lovely.
Is this Ebony? Stop spreading these lies
More of this chick s il vous plait
Ebony tears down her kind
She doesn't promote it
You can't dispute the sex thing
Any black female dating profile will show they want sex all the time
>tfw no big black brap gf
I'm a black guy that's dated both white women (u mad white boi muh dik etc.) and black women. I'm MGTOW because I think women are overall shit in general, but I've had better results with black women and my white friends who date black girls from our University agree that black girls are better and more loyal. White women are more likely to be feminist and do disgusting shit with multiple guys.
My ratings on the rest of girls if you're wondering;
>Latinas are sexy but best for pump and dumps. No idea what's going on with their women but I just stay away from them.
>Not attracted to Asians usually, but all the ones I know are secrecy whores or prude as fuck. Or they date blacks guys.
>African girls are cool, they don't go for casual sex stuff though so if you mess with one you gotta lock her down or your tires will get slashed
>Jewish women are gross
>if you mess with one you gotta lock her down
Don't worry user
I plan on going ALL the way
He's not totally wrong. Black girls are ravenous in bed because they know it's a way to keep their man.
Not to brag but I had a black gf who wore me out to the point where I couldn't keep up with her and brought it up. She literally told me, keep her man's belly full and his balls empty and she'll keep her man.
Black women are feral so the fuck like a wild animal while white women fuck you consiously thats why they are shit in bed compared to black women, and also shit at sucking cock compared to black women who go into a trance when they blow you.
This is not true what-so ever, where blacks are most prominent i.e the city they are cruel, there is honestly no point to treat any of them with respect, they see you as a joke an easy target.
So there any logical reason to even deal with white wonen anymore? They can't even do the one thing they are good for right anymore. White women are literally useless parasites. They get everything handed to them and STILL complain.
Another Ebony whiteknight thread
How into raceplay are they?
I want to have my gf be a slave sometimes but also be a dominant woman looking for white boi seed
Ebony only wants someone to degrade her
I don't want to degrade her
I want to give her everything because I would want to do that for any color gf
I also think it's less of a meaningful thing if that makes sense? White girls it's supposed to be some magical special thing, making love with your man. Which in some ways is better.
Black girls though at least in my experience, if you're together (in private) at any given moment and not fucking then you're wasting time. It's almost more like an instinct, like if you're together at any time then automatically you should be joined at the groin.
Maybe just me but I'm not saying white girls are just plain worse. I'm just saying that black girls are very different in some very amazing ways.
I wasn't brave enough to try that though she did get off on the contrast/difference between us and the race difference behind us both. I found it hot I guess but she enjoyed it as well I think.
That's nice
I hope any potential black gf I have is okay with it
I want her to be my nigger sex slave and have the ability to laugh about it afterwards
I've heard some are totally ok with it. I just don't think I'd be able to laugh about it afterward even if she could. If I'm with a girl I want to respect her and I couldn't do that to a girl I respected.
Black women have 72 percent of their kids out of wedlock and the most abortions.
This is just more reason for them to breed with white men, better fathers
92% of biracial children with black fathers are born out of wedlock
Not necessarily the women's fault
White women cant be much better these days. Even if they are, they are more likely to cheat regardless of marriage or not.
why do you guys talk about black women like theyre animals? as if they cant be individuals that have meaningful relationships and arent sex crazed? its fucking weird.
Black women are only good for sex desu
The thread is got porn posting and sex talk, of course that's going to be talked about. That doesn't mean it's the only truth about black girls or that everyone here feels that way about them.
>the black loyalty meme
none of you have been in the black community or dated a black girl Im guessing
It's nice to to think that someone wants me
I want to spend most of my time with my gf cuddling
And cause more Brazilian favelas.
They worship White men much like Asian women do that's why
Ebony, we've been over this already. Just because someone has a different skin tone doesn't alleviate them of the negative traits of their sex.
It is. She's in this thread
i.e. Knows the game is hard but is such a pussy that he doesn't wanna play.
>Black girls are more loyal
Like I said, just because someone has a different skin tone doesn't mean that they're free from the negative traits of their respective genders. They are still hypergamous, however, being the least desired of women leads them to do branch swing less because they're not many options to swing from. Much how like an ugly women would usually be loyal lol
Loyalty in itself is a masculine concept and has no place in female nature. Making them believe that cats bark is the ultimate meme society has pulled on masses of men.
Go jack off dude your horniness is showing
replace every instance of "White" in your post with "most".
There, you a legit post.
You're generalizing an ENTIRE race of women.
>lso shit at sucking cock compared to black women who go into a trance when they blow you
You've been fucking the wrong women then. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc all are cable of giving A+ head and "meh" head. Race does nothing to decide this, it's whether or not they know how to fucking give head. Like race doesn't decide if a man knows how to dance better than someone of another race, it's about knowing the skill through experience.
Higher estrogen than human women.
To add to my post ()
>the black loyalty meme
>"none of you have been in the black community or dated a black girl Im guessing"
Fucking this. These simps think Black women are some kind of goddess.
News Flash:
They're like every other type of women
& higher testosterone
If you're white, she'll sink her teeth in and not let go. I mean, unless you're dumb enough to bring her around Chads after.
Those 92 percent of mothers are also at fault.
I still find black women the most attractive
Can't convince my penis otherwise
lifes guide to being as uncuckable as possible
>African girls are cool, they don't go for casual sex
you are full of shit. this black girl at my work was the biggest slut of them all and when around telling people about her sexual history.
u r fukd
I don't care that you do. Just letting you know that the only difference between a Black women and a non-Black women is their physical appearnce. Mentally, they all function exactly the same.
Also, Black women may unironiclly have a more pungent oder around their pussies due to legit biology reasons.
>Knows the game is hard but is such a pussy that he doesn't wanna play.
I don't mind hard games if the reward is worth the trouble.
im black
but i agree with you i have seen mean bitches get a white handler and get tamed then go back to primal afterwards
>I don't wanna lose the game so I dont wanna play
There is no win or lose, you're meant to just enjoy the ride. Society has convinced men otherwise.
>I don't mind hard games if the reward is worth the trouble.
"Worth" is subjective. What exactly are your expectations for your ideal women? Are they rational? Or are you one of those 3/10 guys who's salty that his 7/10 crush isn't physically attracted to him?
Honestly black women are usually nice to me.
>Or are you one of those 3/10 guys who's salty that his 7/10 crush isn't physically attracted to him?
Of course. I'm a low value male, so I'd have to put in an extraordinary amount of effort just to fuck ugly whales. Its not worth it.
I agree. The answer to this phenomenon is essentially boils down to status.
By virtue of simply being White, the White man has the upper hand on value compared to a Black women of equal of lower attractiveness.
It's the same reason why 3/10 women treat anyone 3 points or above them like Kings.
Black women love BBC(Big Bot Cock)
I can understand your frustration, but doesn't legitimize you ragequitting just because you're losing. Also, I'm pretty sure you don't even approach land whales, just admit that you're mad that you know that you'll never get a generally attractive women simply because you were born unattractive. Living under that "its too hard" mentality is just cope. Accept reality as what it is.
I don't want a mulatto son. A mulatto daughter would be fine though.
This is the only problem I have with marrying a black woman. I want a pure white European son to carry on my name
Damn, that's a lucky guy
I don't care about the white bloodline but having a mutt son would suck
His existence would be difficult
>I can understand your frustration, but doesn't legitimize you ragequitting just because you're losing.
lol I'm not ragequitting. I made a observation and realized pursuing sex wouldn't be worth it as a low value male. Being a virgin never bothered me so it was a smooth transition into not giving a fuck once I realized how the game worked.
You could marry a black woman, and either before or after have a white son with a surrogate white woman, and then still have all the kids you want with your black wife.
It's the dream
I want a black wife who would be all mine
I would be her whole world
I want to fuck her in her parents' bed to signfy ownership
I feel like it'd be more difficult for me to connect with my son if he were a mulatto, though I can't imagine having the same problem with a mulatto daughter (maybe because I fantasize about having a daughter more than I do about having a son, but still).
I value my heritage (even though I would race-mix), and I'd want my son to as well. I love my Slavic name and I certainly wouldn't want it to become some rarity to be found among amerimutts in a few generations time
I don't want to date black girls but they are much nicer than stuck up white stacies. White female privilege is a fucking psychotic drug.
I could, but the whole idea about having a child through a surrogate mother is unappealing. I'd want this son to be conceived naturally and be part of a proper, loving family
You can conceive with a surrogate naturally, and raise him as part of your mixed family with love
i occasionally lurk the desuarchive to see if people are mentioning me, but i NEVER post these threads. I don't even like them, because i feel like people will get sick of us, and i HATE the 'gimme dem seminal reparashons whyt boi' memes b/c I'm a sub and everyone thinks we're domininant and masculine, it's pure hell.
I only ever make threads about how shit it is to be a sheboon, and usually use gorillas as the thumbnail, not the 9/10 black girls who are the only ones competent enough to compete against 5/10 white or Asian girls for 7/10 white males.
I do not like being black, I do not like black people, and I 100% understand why the majority of men dislike my kind. I look like a monkey and most people would be right in assuming I act like one since most black people do. Can we please lay this to rest?
god i wish that was me tbqh famalama
Ebony you are doing it wrong. You need to completely slut out for white men and be a submissive whore for white cock.
Post actual good porn you cuck
I love you Ebony and wish I could marry you turn you into my own breeding sow
But you need to love yourself first
Fuck her. She is a pathetic tease who wants some sucker to pamper her. You stupid cuck. She is saying the right things is all. We need to turn this stupid nigger whore out. Fuck. Why are white men such socially retarded pussies nowadays? It's like I'm the only normal one left.
For all those who don't know who "Ebony" is, she's essentially a self-hate Black chick.
She got BTFO'd so hard by another Black user when she tried bashing Black men that she mentally snapped and came full circle by starting to camwhore for racist larpers in said thread, becoming a literal e-bedwench.
Get help Ebony.
t. nigger who is extremely jealous that black women love their master
If she keeps her "any hole any time promise" then she'd totally be worth it
You keep saying that but I never "snapped" because of anything you said. I was the same person beforehand and afterwards and replied to whoever that was in full detail if you just scroll down in the thread.
I show my body for racists online because I like to be degraded and to serve white men. Ok? Nothing you said about black men was new or life-changing for me.
White men are superior to black men and to me. I'm not as good as them and I don't claim to be.
"Black women will also rationalize their attractiveness by slandering White women as sluts that give it up more easily"
I don't slander white women. They're much prettier and higher esteemed than me. I think being envious is idiotic and gives more power to the one you envy.
"or will engage in any manner of sexual filth to please a man, while STD/abortion/single-motherhood statistics, as well as a visit to LiveLeak or WorldStar Hip-Hop tell a different story."
Yes, most black girls are sluts. When you're at the bottom of the food chain and nobody really wants you, this is like the last thing we can offer. Men don't typically want our continued companionship, it's just a thing black women do for a little bit of self esteem and validation, also because most blacks aren't taught about contraception.
"There is a culture in many Black communities of embracing fatness and obesity as attractive and sexy, not realizing that high SMV men of ANY race don't like fat bitches. Rife with jealousy, they will hate on white and especially Asian women who don't have these problems."
I literally have and have had eating disorders. I very much dislike my weight and am eating ~5-900 calories a day to lose 60 pounds (of which
I have already lost 20 since i started).
"Black American women are victims of poor self-awareness"
Sure, but I'm personally completely self-aware of my status.
White men need to conquer black women together. Black men take white women and pass them around. We need black women to be white owned. We need her to have white cock in every orafice.
"They are bitter that Black men can develop far more options in the dating arena and SMP than they can"
I don't care at all about who black men date because I'm not attracted to them and will never be. I do think it's stupid for a high-status woman to date down though. It's kind of like seeing someone throw a cupcake away when you're starving to see a girl much prettier than you date a nigger.
"You're a fucking cunt, because very few Black men shit talk Black women. There are a minority OF a minority. "
No, you're not. And almost all prominent black entertainers/celebrities either openly mock black women IN their 'art' or make personal statements doing so.
"YOU are trying to do mental gymnastics by using confirmation bias to justify why you actually PREFER White dick"
I've been very clear about how much I prefer white dick.
Fuck no
Ebony is mine and her holes are mine to be filled only with my cock
You aren't submissive enough. White men are more submissive to black men than you are being for us. You are not offering your pussy. You are promising your pussy after marriage and we don't know how good your word is. Woman up. Go out and find a group of white guys and get turned out and be a white owned black slut.
Get help Ebony. You're a fucking nut.
Not the user who was there, I just saved his screenshots he posts because of how often Ebony posts shit like this.
I know full well that Black women love White men as much as Asian women do lol not my problem
I bet you that that's never going to happen, cuck.
I mean white women are more submissive to black men.
I dream about it every day. But part of fulfilling that dream means never coming back to r9k and becoming spiritual enough to get the kind of men I can date. Which is why i need you to understand that I don't post these b8 threads
I'll happen one day
I'll find her
I'll claim her as my own
She'll be my nigger sex slave and also my cuddlebuddy
Ebony stop this withholding your pussy bullshit. If you want white men to love black women then give up your ass and pussy to them.
Shut the fuck Ebony. I can't stand you. You're a fucking tease and any man who gets with you is a beta tease. Real Chad want your ass and nothing more and they want it now. If you want black women to be seen as feminine then be feminine and give your pussy and shitter up to white dick. Surrender control.
Any man that gets with you is a beta cuck not tease. You're the tease.
Most have low IQs so not good for breeding material. I am red pilled. I've researched IQ, genetics, recessive and dominant traits, different measures of intelligence, inheritance, and eugenics.
is what you wanted, right Ebony? Enjoy
Ebony. Stop your bs. Put your ass up in the air and take white dick.
Well she doesn't want a fucking slave nigger.
Yes. This is what she wants deep down. She wants to be a bed wench. Stop trying to cock block you pathetic jealous black piece of shit and go back to chasing white women.
>assuming someone has to be a nigger to laugh at a selfhating nigger
Im just enjoying a good kek user lol
So you're another fucking socially retarded cuck who doesn't understand dominance and is the reason white men's reputation has done to shit. It's so pathetically typical nowadays. I don't know why I still bother letting you cucks bother me. I just wish you didn't look like me so people wouldn't associate me with your weakness.
that looks like a horse's anus
What is it about sexual domination that you can't understand, cuckboy?