Why dont robots just lower their standards to an ugly girl?
Why dont robots just lower their standards to an ugly girl?
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I've given up on getting a fembot gf because all they do is ghost me
I would have 0 standards if it came to like a fwb situation. Fat, ugly, whatever I'd be fine with it. It's only the idea of a serious relationship where I have higher standards.
But, I don't think most women just want a fwb situation and also I'd feel bad and don't think I could go through with it doing that to a girl who didn't feel good about herself that way. Like she was ugly and accepted a fwb situation because that's all she felt she could get. I'd feel too bad to do that to her.
Tried hitting on ugly girls. Got rejected. Gave up.
How ugly were these girls? Show us a similar looking celebrity for reference
Celebrities don't come that ugly.
Worse than Lena Dunham? Shit
Genuine land whales. Marine biologists studying them and everything.
i tried they're assholes and act entailed, or they're trying to use you, or if you get a decent one they';; ghost you
why don't ugly girls accept who's in their league?
My only standards are dominant girl that wont cheat on me
The problem is that not even 10% of women are dominant which means that's a really high standard. And lots of them want skinny twinks, but I'm not that and will never be that, I'm overweight but making the change to Jow Forums with some decent progress so far
Sort of like pic related except less belly afterwards
Because the bottom 40% of women think they deserve the top 10% of men
but user, I did
>be me
>friendzoned x 9001
>ask out nice grill with bad skin
>lonely nevermore
Congrats dude!!!!! Hope it goes well
>why cant robot women just lower their standards to an ugly guy.
I think it's because their are hypocrites.
robots don't accept anything less than his fav pornstar
Because ugly girls won't lower their standards for robots.
you see, people struggle to find people who can both fit into certain must have standards while also being reasonably obtainable. user, most robots know its not likely to date the 10/10 model. however, finding the 4-5-6/10 girl with certain qualities robots like is hard. simple changes are not so simple.
love you user
robots don't want to lower their standards in 2018
>Implying i would date 3D
Let me translate the OP post from womanese.
"Why dont robots just lower their standards to an ugly girl?"
"Why don't men better looking than me get desperate enough to want to use me as something beyond a fleshlight pump and dump?"
>"Im such an ugly fembot i wish guys would like me"
>looksmatch robot comes forward and expresses interest
>"Ew not you"
Lmao every time haha poor guys
I have one standard and it is that the girl isn't fat. I will date any girl that isn't fat. Apparently that's too much to ask for here in America.
robots are pretty shallow. they think they deserve a hot/rare girl lol
normalfags are pretty shallow, they think deserve a skinny/small girl lol
Hey I'll do it, don't think I won't, I'm very loving but I'm not tall
most girls are invisible to robots.
Oh shut up. Be glad you are not this qt.
For what purpose? They will always resent you for not being Stacy. They'll fuck you sure but afterwards in private cry and cringe in disgust at the shame he endured.
You can easily meet girls from this board, you just need more personality than a piece of wood.
Not even the "ugly" girls want me
does being paranoid count
I'm sure some people would find it interesting in some manner. It's better than having "watching anime and playing video games" as your only hobbies.
Re-read the caption you illiterate shit.
even ugly girls are getting pumped and dumped routinely, the standard for "regular ugly" for a girl should not be a 300+ lbs landwhale.
lowering your standards as a man means going for 2/10 hambeasts. women seem like they are either pretty or very ugly not much median.
What did he mean by this?
I meant OPs post. I dont know where you got the idea that OP is a guy.
i might be an ugly beta too but i still have self respect
>lena dunham
this is what femwhores thinks makes them ugly? seriously just fuck off you attention fiends.
what the fuck is that oregon
let this retarded meme by retarded roasties die, women literally cannot be lonely and robots would date all of you fem"bots'
> implying you aren't projecting rn
I will date literally any fembot who wants me.
Good point. It may have been an undercover qt. My point was that robots don't "settle" because they're retarded.
I appreciate your honesty. I always knew ugly men are inherently repulsed by their looksmatch and just as shallow as the average Brad or Chad.
i doubt you look good, user
women can never ever have it bad, you are born into a life of spoiled simplicity, any risks taken in life are mere fun adventures, you will never understand suffering in the slightest. i hope you die you stupid stupid whore.
Couldnt have said truer words myself you fucking incel, i agree with you though.
What do you mean? Ive already established im ugly myself.
Why waste time replying to shit bait?
oh man hot deal. is the offer closed already?
No, it's been open for 24 years.
Because its not bait at all. Its actually how the average ugly guy thinks in general. They actually believe they deserve 10/10 Stacys despite being an ugly motherfucker.
You people are genuine retards.
Exactly what I did, I'm not too bad looking but because I'm genuinely a nice guy I was getting no pussy. So I lowered my standards dating 3s and 4s and let me tell u, this past year I've sleep with 3 girls and they are loose af. Mind u have an 8inch dick and still feel better jacking off. Trust me user, I'm better off alone.
>sights 1 example of deluded uggo robot
Listen uggo roastie, I know it sucks being ugly, but don't try to self-project as if men AS A WHOLE have inflated standards in dating.
Men have preferences.
Women have requirements.
You're right. I guess I should have just called it shit rather than bait. Normal guys, not 'robot' faggots, tend to put looks slightly lower than a lot of females think.
user, you realize that about 60%ish of american women are overweight, right? You are the trying to take the top 40% here
So are men, what's your point?
Most obese American women are middle aged or old as shit.
>Not wanting to date fat girls
>"I'm trying to get something I don't deserves, your point"
You are one dumb roastie
I never said I was against it. In fact I was critising someone who was. Wtf
My apologies, fellow user with good taste.
user said his only qualification was that the girl not be fat. I am saying that is completely unreasonable given his low dating market value and how common fatness is
I'd love to get to know you. Got any throwaway accounts?
It's much less unreasonable than the qualifications being the upper 5% like they are for even the bottom of the barrel women so what's your point again?
I'm not that desperate. Woman have very little to offer other than their bodies, why would share my life with a nagging money devouring cunt that isn't even attractive to me?
[email protected] my dud
Not that guy, but are you a female?
If I was I wouldn't be here user
Point taken. Originally.
No one is forcing you, retard. If you are repulsed by ugly women then you dont have to settle for one. You have your own free will like everybody else.
>ugly women ask for top 5% but I only ask for top 40%. So unfair!
Does it really matter when both of you will end up settling or alone? The degree of unreasonableness matters a lot less when the end result is the same
Are you a qt? Respond promptly
Yes. Of course I am. Are you?
I'd rather be alone than settle for an ugly girl.
No, I'm not
If I was I wouIdn't be on this site and desperate
women date UP, they can date up about 3 to 4 ranks.
ie a 1/10 is dating 4/10 to 5/10 men
women doing weird hook up stuff can punch up almost 6 to 7 ranks
This leaves men on the bottom who need to date down with nothing now.
the only out lets are prostitution and possible future sex robots.
Notice women, All Women, lose their shit at prostitution and sex robots. They know they have a cartel, and dont want anyone fucking with it
these but very unironically
>ignoring all the comments made by robots saying theyd rather be alone then subject themselves to date an ugly girl
You are one delusional individual
Do you have a discord? Please give.
I have no problem dating ugly women but i do have a problem finding them. I live in a country with lots of good looking qts
You are in Europe arent you? They always are. Burgers are unironically shallow cunts from my experience.
email me [email protected]
Email me.
>If you are repulsed by ugly women then you dont have to settle for one.
>why don't robots just settle lol
>be attractive normalfaggot
>go with the flow of life
>get rewarded for doing bare minimum
>laugh at the less fortunate who have to work harder than you ever will
Cos girls are only sentimental creatures and men cannot feel comprehended by them, so we only want them for sex.
I could date an ugly girl if I could talk with her about deep stuff.
throwaway trash#9705
Do you fellas happen to be indian by any chance?
Did they really ghost you? Or did you just send the last message and they never initiated another convo? Because I've seen people call that ghosting when it isn't at all.
I am a switch that is more aligned to dominance and strongfat is my type.
>women only looking for chad in a why dont men date ugly women thread
you females are priceless.
OP here. Just going to remind you that the majority of femanons here like the majority of robots are actually normalfag larpers in disguise. Most of you guys dont actually know what true suffering is like, being the bottom of the barrel human.
>>Does it really matter when both of you will end up settling or alone?
Yes, are you retarded?
"le does it matter if someone skins you alive and lets you suffer for 3 days or if you kill yourself by putting a bullet in your own head you're still dead anyway xd"
Sorry I didn't mean to imply you dont exist, just really hard to find
Do you want to chat or were you just encouraging me
Sure. Throw some info my way, throwaway or something at least