Have to wake up at 9 tomorrow morning

>Have to wake up at 9 tomorrow morning

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that's not even early

just don't do it lol turn your alarm off now and then just say it didn't go off

>Have to wake up at 9:00 P.M in the morning

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>9:00 P.M in the morning

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I wake at three AM with a black cat sitting on my chest that speaks fluent Latin. What's your point?

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>have to wake up sometime in the next century
I want it to end

>have to wake up with a bean at bean o'clock for a bean meeting
End it

Just give up. Don't go to wherever you need to go. Stay in your room. Don't leave it. Forever. Just stay behind your computer screen all day.

Have to wake up at 5 in the morning to head to my wagecuck job.

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How do you do it? I seriously cant imagine going to work M-F for 40 hours a week for the rest of my life. Just thinking about it is enough to make me want to blow my brains out.

Got home at 6am from a 12 hour shift.

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>have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow

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Sounds kinda sad desu. My room is pretty boring

Thats my dream life desu

I know this feel. I work construction side gigs that require a 4:00 wakeup and being at work around 4:45. The work is cool, last job was welding a water tower in a small beach town. But that early wakeup kills it for me

>9:00 P.M in the morning

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>I wake at three AM with a black cat sitting on my chest that speaks fluent Latin
tell it to teach you latin.

Same here, being a wagecuck sucks.

Speak for yourself, you normie.

that's my dream man

if you can wake up later, it means you have to be wherever you're going later

suck it up fag i only get 3-5 hours of sleep a night

That's the joke retards.

That's not early at all faggot.

you must be a real degenerate for thinking that waking up at 9am is early

>wake up at 11 AM every day
swing shift is truly a miracle for the wagecuck
get fucked, day shift cucks.

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Then stop slurping semen for up to 21 hours a day faggot. It's that easy.

>have to wake up at 5:15 AM every weekday

>Have to wake up tomorrow
End My Suffering

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>have to actually wake up

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I work in IT support and after 6 months I still enjoy it, just having a reason to wakeup in the morning is a nice thing if nothing else

I get out of bed around 2 pm everyday

>how do you do it
I like my job.
Find a job you love and you'll never have to work again, as they say.

I have to get up at 4am every day for work. Also Saturday I work an extra day for overtime and have to be up at 3:30am that day. Fuck I wish I could sleep. But at least I'm not a poorfag

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