How come governments are just allowed to dictate whether this kid lived or died

How come governments are just allowed to dictate whether this kid lived or died

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Because the population didn't have ready access to firearms. If the parents had had access to firearms, they could have stormed a government building and exacted their revenge. Now? Good fucking luck and pick up that can.

Delusional much.

a government agent could kill you and everyone you've ever met from a room thousands of miles away from you with a drone. this game isn't the eighteenth century moron

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Why are his parents letting him live? Honestly why isn't there just a mass genocide for cripples? See I disagree with all the Nazis stupid race shit but killing cripples, sick, and elderly to strengthen a population is bomb asf.

At least someone agrees with part of perfect society.

"They'll just drone you" fuck off. You can't have a police state without the police. Drones don't work for everything retard

>a government agent could kill you and everyone you've ever met from a room thousands of miles away from you with a drone.
Oh I am laffing. How many mass shootings have been stopped by drones again? Is it zero? That's what I thought.

>wanting your child to have to endure the pain of living with a degenerative disease
The parents are the bad guys here. Literally (as in actually, not for emphasis) every single doctor told them there was a 0% chance he'd make it and to just let him quit suffering.

>See I disagree with all the Nazis stupid race shit
Fuck you whitey

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CRISPR will fix it, faggot.

CRISPR would seriously fuck you up if you used it on your brain.

Why is everybody in this thread an actual idiot. The kid was dying from a natal degenerative brain disease. The NHS could do nothing about it other than palliative care. His desperate parents (understandably, but still wrongly) thought otherwise, sued, tried to run off to the US, etc, but nothing can actually be done. This entire case is about grieving parents, not the weaknesses of nationalized health care/the government in general. Don't be stupid.

There was an actual case of a man keeping his son from being disconnected from life support using a handgun, cuckboys

Weren't the Italians willing to care for their brain dead baby?

That's a nigger with a blonde wig btw.

Holy shit ur a moron I laugh at you

it's not about drones idiot. the notion that citizens armed with rifles could overthrow a government with access to modern military technology is delusional.

>no mass shootings have been stopped by drones; therefore, citizens armed with guns can overthrow an oppressive government

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Unsure about this aspect but either way, their problem was incurable in ANY country. The kid's brain was messed up to the point where the brain activity required for voluntary muscle control (ie, walking, moving around etc) gave him seizures. His parents reaction is understandable but taking him off of ventilation was the right thing to do and it was 100% within the NHS's right, morally and legally, to do so.

Sure it is

USDA Organic

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Cause the government dosn't care about you and wants you replaced

Imagine being the dumbfuck who thinks the government could ever get away with using drones on civilians

Why are tards, cripples, babies with hereditary disease and other fucked up babies allowed to live? Why? why let them live I mean what good do they bring? Especially if it's got a hereditary disease I mean shit man they make documentaries about how their life is a pain and how difficult it is just to live and function.

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If he was braindead as the doctors claimed then he was not suffering you retard

a government could and would if its citizens posed a threat to its existence

The US does this in Pakistan and Yemen already, it wouldn't take much for the kind of mental gymnastics that Americans have to go through every single day to convince a lot of them that its totally okay they're droning x place because 'criminals' or whatever.

Then Russia and China send in agents to train the rebels, send them guns and equipment and the UN sanctions the US government to death.
There's the issue of other superpowers wanting to destroy us, and the issue of the rest of the world condemning it for humanitarian reasons.

You're not a smart person.

You're also a fucking moron

Fuck you. NO outside group or person has the right to tell PARENTS what to do with THEIR child.

The moment the US tries to stop anything by openly killing civilians is the day it's going to die. You're thinking "drone good kill" and absolutely failing to see the whole picture.
Overnight you'd have politicians being assassinated, foreign agitators, and the UN declaring a humanitarian crisis. The government would be signing its own death certificate.
The only realistic result is other superpowers trying to get a piece of the newly balkanized USA after the government is destroyed.

Yeah, get fucked tripfag.

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nigger hate thread?

no way this is original

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>Letting your child go unattended in a neighborhood with niggers in it
Shame on the parents.

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it was the governments infrastructure, protection and technology that allowed this life to exist in the first place

oh it's ok for whites to have done this for centuries up until 50 years ago but god forbid there be an instance of this today../

>How come governments are just allowed to dictate whether this kid lived or died
Because it was government property.
>inb4 edgy

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Even 100 years ago this wouldn't have been any kind of question, this kid would just be dead. The reality of modern medicine is that we can fight diseases and death well enough to stave them off basically forever in many cases, but sometimes that's without any chance at a real life, creating a terrible limbo where your child, or your friend, or your mom, is technically alive but might as well be dead, and limbo is worse than either state.

We'll have to get more comfortable with drawing a line as to where we say a battle isn't worth fighting if we don't want to be pointlessly supporting legions of vegetables in the near future.

we're talking about the u.k., not the us. there are you plenty of historical examples of governments committing atrocities against their citizens while facing external threats from adversaries, and the U.N. isn't exactly effective at protecting human rights. i don't really feel like arguing this, and i assume you'll respond with another post about how human society is so different now that governments couldn't commit atrocities like have occurred in the past, so i'll just concede and say you're right

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>and everyone you've ever met
Think about what happens afterward, if they do that.
Why did USA lose Vietnam?

Hey man, that's racist. Nigs are people just like you and me

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I'm not sure why we don't just wall off all the niggers in their own areas of cities. They literally already have it with their "PoC safe spaces".
Segregation is a good thing.

I knew it! Twerking is a african tribal mating ritual.

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I posted in your other thread, but since you're apparently part Russian you ought to learn the history of giving the state this power. The govt always must always serve the people.

Well, they weren't telling them what to do with their kid. They WERE telling them there was nothing they can do and they were taking him off of life support. They were 100% free to take him elsewhere but they were already at the limits of medicine as it is, so it was always futile. You're dumb.

>tfw aroused by this
>not even black or 56%

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yes and the nhs refuuvto let them go. Italy even offered citizenship

I deleted it due to my not being sure if ENGLAND would bomb it's own.

The USA does and would.

Guns don't help so my point stands, but only if your country still is as much as an ass to it's people as it's always been.

How's that wanking loicense going for jew again?

To clarify, the UK is even more of a tyrannical force to it's citizens than the USA, you can't rebel.


by running away.

You can't win unless you're literally on the opposite of the world, and they still would fight you like they can control you, way back when the US fought the brits.

But whatever. I deleted it rather than argue that your country would delet your rebellion. It would though.

This is a fucking lie. They decided not to move him because any actual moving him caused seizures.

>In September 2017, Italian doctors from Bambino Gesu Hospital produced an assessment report on the possibility of transferring Alfie to Italy. According to their report on the case, they could offer prolonged ventilator support, with a surgical tracheostomy and would remove a nasogastric tube, replacing it with a gastrostomy. During assessment, Alfie suffered "epileptic seizures induced by proprioceptive stimuli", the report warned "due to stimulations related to the transportation and flight, those seizures might induce further damage to the brain, [putting] the whole procedure of transportation at risk."

Why tell such an easily debunked lie? Its even in the actual court documents:

He was never officially diagnosed with anything. It was just speculation

One of the lead doctors also suggested that it was an undiscovered illness, if that was the case then why wouldn't they study it?

>The NHS could do nothing about it other than palliative care

They could at least document the condition. The same doctor said full genome sequencing should take place but they never did it.

It's very strange situation and there's a lot of misinformation about it. I am suspicious about it

>They were 100% free to take him elsewhere

This is just wrong. You have missed the entire point of the debate if it think this

Also is that an archive shot web?

I deleted it when one minute old, the ones I use don't pick up on very recent posts.

Or are you just using that awful color/colour?

>They were 100% free to take him elsewhere
Bullshit, they forbade it and put up police to prevent them from doing just that, as they had a special chartered flight to the US waiting to bring them to a US doctor.

It's desuarchive
It's a horrible looking website.