>sister graduates from USC (top tier school in Socal Los angeles)
>comes back to live at home
>she cleans up the house to her liking, throwing away most of the "useless" things
>one day i made hot dogs for dinner
>ketchup.exe not found
>ask my sister where was the ketchup
>"user, eww i threw that away because it wasnt kept in the fridge"
Also women hate thread
Sister graduates from USC (top tier school in Socal Los angeles)
Good, now you wont eat hotdogs with ketchup
Ketchup is for children op
>USC (top tier school in Socal Los angeles)
USC was a shithole designed for dumbasses
t. USC grad with 4.0
ketchup is disgusting on hotdogs.
I fucking hate you all.
In california theres only 3 schools better and a fuckton worse
Faggot eats ketchup with hot dogs u deserved it
Its cleaned up its image and is unironically elite academically, not our fault you graduated when it was still a party school
So, is she in half a million $ in debt?
10k only surprisingly, i though it would be 5x more
>inb4 school debt is an actual meme
>10k debt
so do you just have rich parents or are you a minority?
I literally graduated last year though
>shithole designed for dumbasses
Literally every California college. Melanin matters more than GPA in this cursed state
Thats pretty good op, was the course for only a year? also, why are american college fees so much. most i'm assuming are 30k to 100k for 1 year. most courses in Australia go for about 10k a year
USC provides a lot of financial aid, and is quite affordable compared to other private schools despite it's notoriously high tuition fee. Most of the students are able to get the aid, low-interest loans, and even get work-study loans. My family is middle-class with around $70,000 income and around 70% of the tuition was covered by financial aid, 20% by family contribution, and 10% by loans. I had a $7,500 debt but I paid off within 5 years which with interest I paid around around $8,100.
different user but there is a whole slew of problems with the american uni system
it's privatized and you have to go or else you're a retard and your parents will regret ever birthing you basically
that's pretty good. what were your stats to get that kind of package.
over here basically no private schools give you that level of tuition waiving unless you have connections or are a 1400+ student
>Melanin matters more than GPA in this cursed state
same for all the other colleges in major states and cities t b q h
> 30k to 100k for 1 year
only elite private schools. my state school was about 20k a year including living fees. Not cheap, but not as much as you were thinking at lease. most public schools are a lot cheaper... or at least they used to be when i went to college
My actual "scholarship" was around $2,000 per semester, which wasn't bad. I wasn't the top student but I probably was in the top 15% throughout. Financial aid from the state and national government only got me so far (around 20% of the whole tuition). What saved me was the financial aid from the university itself named "University Grant". That was around 50% of the whole tuition. It would always be around $15,000~$18,000. Quite insane actually now that I think back on it.
>one day i made hot dogs for dinner
You actually eat hot dogs? I am disgusted
Middle class and USC pays students to go because theyre rich
>was the course for only a year?
4 years (i know right)
>also, why are american college fees so much most i'm assuming are 30k to 100k for 1 year. most courses in Australia go for about 10k a year
I think my sister told me each semester was about 10k or less so nearly as much as you Aussies
what you're too good for hot dogs or something you fucking cunt???
everybody has to go and will pay whatever it takes but the costs aren't socialized
perfect conditions for bubbles and gouging
Not him but my tuition for the state sponsored school in the state I live in was about 13k. Every school has a similar option I believe you can get grants and scholarships its a lot cheaper
Thats why schools state UC or private are majority white or Asian or jew?
majority because they have the strongest stats
hispanics/blacks at the level of their admitted whites/asians/jews have a massive advantage
I don't know about other UCs but UCI has a shitton of international chinese students because they can get the full tuition from them.
It's how the school gets rich
You've not eaten a real hot dog. It's father's day this sunday so get grilling faggit
So this is why there are so many Chinese students at my school
>cleaned up its image
>just had an incident with a rapist gynecologist who is accused of assaulting countless women
Don't forget
>dean gets caught up in scandal and forced to resign
>med school dean got caught with dealing drugs and having a huge prostitute ring in downtown
USC is a joke lmao
>one doctor at a university owned hospital doing a bad thing is a reflection on the academic rigor of the entire university including the undergrad section
that being said the internal medicine program director at USC is a compulsive liar so...
Go to Maine and eat a "red snapper" hotdog
Most schools are like single digit percentage black. Hispanics depending on what school can be anywhere from 15 to 40 percent in a state that is majority Hispanic. I dont see the issue.
UCI is just where all the Asians go. Im glad theirs a containment school just for them.
user meant the students have had their fun and are now focusing on academics. Rapist and insane fuckers are in every school ever so there's never a shortage of cases.
>helped my sister move her stuff
>white guy in usc attire stands guard outside usc apartments
>what the fuck
USC is turbo rich and actually looks out for them.
>UCI is just where all the Asians go
what is UCLA
what is UCSD
what is Cal State Fullerton
>it's privatised
ah, so they can get away with. most uni's here are public, so that's probably why it's not as expensive.
yeah, fair enough. private schools here cost a shit load to attend
>4 years
do you know what she majored in user? also 10k for 4 years is really good. it's not womens studies is it?
yeah, kids/teenagers are literally told they have to goto uni or they wont succeed in life or they will be a failure. its pretty fucked up having kids raised with that sort of mentality
yeah, the government here paid off like 8k for my degree, granted it was only for a year. So i was only 2k in debt.
and literally every other UC and most CSUs as well.. and stanford
>white guy in usc attire stands guard outside usc apartments
DPS (security) is needed in USC. USC is enclosed in a "bubble". Once you get out of there, it's the goddamn ghetto, highly-populated with lower-class minorities. Crime doesn't stop in those areas - you can hear the sirens going off almost every hour. Around once per week, there will be a report of a crime (usually burglary, theft, or sexual battery) that can be an armed robbery as well in the USC area. Those guards are there to protect the students as they are paying very high tuition to go there.
>do you know what she majored in user?
Electrical mechanic/engineer. I guess that has to do with automatons and machines.
>my sister will destroy the job market
Not Stanford. Stanford wants students who are interesting and have character. They don't want mindless drones that can only succeed academically. It's why they turn down some Asian students with 4.5 GPAs and 2400 SATs.
>my sister will destroy the job market
that's a pretty good degree none the less though
Lots of Asians for sure.
Literally not. When I mean lots of Asians Im talking about making up the majority of the school which is uncommon except in a few schools. Asians are always well represented at most schools. UCSB is majority white with Latinos second same thing at UCSC and Davis I believe. Stanford Asians arent as strongly represented as they are compared to other schools.
that's also why 23% of their class is asians, going as high as 50% depending on which major, right?
well you forgot UC berkeley then
And how many of those are the studious Asian type? There are normal Asians you know.
Define normal asians.
studious? probably all of them.. or else they wouldnt be getting into stanford...
but you're right they're probably less drone-like than average. the asian stanford kids i know personally aren't much different than other asian kids i know
USC is a decent school but definitely not top tier. It's very very popular among roasties. A lot of thots from my school went there, as did thots from other schools. I visited the campus when I was applying for schools and I saw tons of dumb thots. Anyone with a shit GPA can get into the school. The campus is amazing, the parties are crazy, and the tuition is insanely high.
Berkeley is a joke but yea also lots of Asians there. Majority I believe.
Just regular social people who look after their appearance as well as study but dont make studying everything.
Were talking usc here. The one thing I can say about usc is that their students are not autistic.
why's berkeley a joke but UCSD and UCLA and CSUF not?
>Were talking usc here. The one thing I can say about usc is that their students are not autistic.
but my post was specifically regarding stanford...
>tfw my sister went to stanford
>mfw i didn't go to college
also, only subhumans ingest ketchup
Well it all comes down to who you know. Most of the kids at Stanford have something interesting to say about them. It doesn't have to be crazy. Sometimes you'll find an Asian student who probably did community service since he was 5 years old. Maybe you can also find an Asian guy who traveled all across the world attending political conferences. Maybe the same guy loves video games and actually made one himself or became a well-known amateur critic.
I can guarantee you that most of the students in the top 10 universities have something unique about them that distinguishes them from your normal college student or high school graduate. It's with their unique accomplishments alongside their great academics that get them into those ivy league schools.
Of course, there are students who cheat their way in, making up such achievements but the same goes for every elite school in other nations.
berkeley is a joke because of their extremely liberal college culture, not so much their academics
they have violent protests every other weekend and daily protests by "feminists" and "activists"
Ketchup is garbage. Try mustard you faggot
of course, they wouldn't be getting into stanford if they didnt shine in some way. that said, those unique traits dont determine whether or not they are "normal" people. very few people have accomplishments that big. i guess we are just going back and forth on pedantic details, good chat.
>tfw sister goes to college for 4 years total
>still cant find a job and is being a NEET at my parent's house
>she's waiting to get married so she can cruise life without working
Fucking women
sure i suppose. those arent things i even pay much attention to so our viewpoints drastically
I hope you choke on mustard gas faggit
>"normal" people
Well I wasn't the one who said that. I'd say most of them are far from my definition of normal. They're too motivated if I were to put it.
>all these ketchuphaters
Ah, fuck all of you, first-world faggots. Ketchup is best way to make your shitty food more tasty.
NYU here. Dont move east. Unless you love rape (financial rape)
i grew up in a wealthy neighborhood. many kids i've grown up went to these places
>Asian student who probably did community service since he was 5 years old
they all did this
>Maybe you can also find an Asian guy who traveled all across the world attending political conferences.
they all did this
>Maybe the same guy loves video games and actually made one himself or became a well-known amateur critic.
less standard, but not impressive, maybe like a couple lines on their application essay, if that.
there's a checklist of standard things you do to be competitive, all of that shit is boilerplate and admissions knows this.
the majority of the the harvard, yale, princeton, stanford, etc bound students i've interacted with were some of the most normie people i've met in my life.
normie tastes in media, normie hobbies, normie ambitions.
obviously they were hardworking and socially well adjusted, but i cannot discern anything distinct about them
I feel that schools in the East are generally more strict and conservative on financial aid. Why is it?
berkeley is elite enough that you can probably find likeminded people who went their for the academics even if it's against the culture tbdesu
Well then I guess they got in because they're academically well-off but also well-adjusted to mainstream culture and social situations?
they were normies but they were generally popular and well liked normies, so they had a lot of things going for them
yeah, it's always the few select snowflakes that ruin the whole school/system
They probably had a shitton of leadership activities. Student council president, founder of a school club, founder or president of a volunteering organization, founder of some charity organization, etc.
maybe it's just culture? private schools are considered much better than public schools here so people are more willing to go to a private school since public schools are seen as a meme by many people
>private schools are considered much better than public schools here
Yeah I wondered why this was the case over there.
UCs and public schools generally rank very high here in the West but I noticed most of the SUNY schools are quite low to their private school counterparts. Then again, most of the private schools over there have a long standing history so I guess it makes sense.
USC is toptier, you are dumb. Likely a east coast poster 40 years out of date.
Thing with Berkeley is it is part of the UC system, and the UC admission system is completely racially blind. Which is why the Asians can get in while east coast schools secretly limit them to 15% of students. What zi am saying in a wordy way is a lot of students go to Berkeley becuase they have good grades a
But would be rejected from other schools for not being a black transgender (who actully grew up richer than 95% of the white students he displaced, but whatever white people are evil right?)
all white people are born racist and all middle-class or above though
The thing is, schools like Harvard are only 8% merit based. Everyone else gets in becuase thier parents went there, or thier parents are rich and they went to a feeder highschool. Feeder high schools cost more than a public college, and almost all high lvl ivy leature students go to one. People pretend we dont have a class system in America, but we do.
tfw women put chocolate in fridge
can't give you a definite answer, it's probably a lot of different symptoms that are all caused by the fact that the schools already low ranked. i.e. competent people want to gtfo, lack of funding, having to dumb down the curriculum for all the admitted kids, so on.
At least the whole escalator/feeder high school bias is less prevalent in America than East Asian countries. In Japan, your college is pretty much decided by where you went to middle school. Same thing in Korea too. Absolutely crazy over there.
Thats good. Here is an example from my area
Polytechnic in pasadena
>858 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 7 to 1. Tuition is $34,800 for the highest grade offered.
And another near me, Flintridge prep highschool
>tuition is $38,000 a year
There are the people that never show up to class and get decent grades and have a job the day they graduate. They dont have to study becuase they took college lvl calculus/biology/business/chemistry in highschool, so this is all review for them, they get to spend their time fucking and networking
AP/IB courses all pretty common not just in private schools but in public school though user.
I'd say many students in the top 30 schools think that their intro courses are all review. When I went to college, nearly 80% of the class didn't show up to lecture for the intro level courses for biology and chemistry.
AP courses tend to actually be much easier than those at the college level in my experience
unless you're premed you usually just place out of those and jump straight to the advanced ones if you already took the AP
AB courses at a public highschool are a joke compared to AB at a feeder school. Trust me on this one.
actually can somewhat confirm
AP classes have to teach to the test but some honors classes taught beyond AP level