>be me
>talking to dad earlier
>says i have 2 months to pack my shit and leave
>I ask why
>"Because i hate you user"
>doesnt even sugar coat it, literal quote.
>i dont have a job
>no friends
What do i do
>be me
>talking to dad earlier
>says i have 2 months to pack my shit and leave
>I ask why
>"Because i hate you user"
>doesnt even sugar coat it, literal quote.
>i dont have a job
>no friends
What do i do
Unironically kill yourself user
...wait for it...
USMC origgi
What city and/or state do you currently reside in?
I can't imagine this happening , seems to meme-y
Just imagine hating your own son. Like nigger, you raised him, it's your fault he's fucked, fuck you
Actually live stream your death, I want to be front row seats, and or be following until then. I will be keeping tabs if you link
Get a job and split rent for apartment with some fag
Need a job and hold onto what you get.
Swipe shit he wouldn't notice is missing and shit in the toilet without flushing before you leave.
I''ll take you in a pay for everything if you start taking HRT. No bamboozle
>go to craigslist or govdeals
>buy shitty van for cheap
Live like pic related till you find a job
I'll pay you to take HRT yourself and kill yourself.
Do what makes you happy, and put aside the opinions of others that inhibit your happiness. Letting go of everything you are afraid to lose is the only true path to enlightenment.
End his life by shooting him point blank in the head before taking your own, all recorded on YouTube live
Turn your life arround, user. Find a job first and foremost. With your first paycheck fill up the fridge and tell him you need to save up some money before you can afford to move out. He will see that you are trying to change and support you.
Looks like you better get a job in the next 2 months and offer to pay your dad.
Shit, you anglos are cold as fuck, all sociopaths. I could never see a latin doing that to his son, you're animals.
an hero in his bedroom
are you white? Is this a cultural thing.
Nobody is obligated to love you. What a whiney piece of shit. Get yourself together and move out. become independent.
How old are you user? Why would your dad say he hates you?
Unironically university
You can live off of student loans that pay for your housing and food for 4 years
What if he thought it was the best thing for them?
It's literally the other way around. Whypepoh let their failure kids live with them way longer than non-whites
he probably doesn't hate you but just wants you to change and thinks this will work in his mind
>have kids
>treat them like shit
>hurr hurr nobody's obliged to take care of you
Fuck of normo
Become a trap & put an ad on adopt a neet /soc/
He's probably a narcissistic piece of shit that only gives a fuck about himself
Mamacita wouldn't let.
No, latins are all about family and madre. I live in a shithole country and never seen anyone being thrown out. If latins do this in anglo countries they learned with anglos.
Good idea
user I could use a maid
Sue him for pain and suffering and emotional distress.
Based terryposter
If this is actually the case OP should get a job and leave