>that edgy atheist kid who thinks everything is a chemical reaction
That edgy atheist kid who thinks everything is a chemical reaction
I hate that kid. Im genuinely prejudiced against fedoras
Yeah wtf my brain is just a bunch of chemicals influencing my brain giving me the illusion of free will???
free will is not real because ur just atoms xD
>the chemical reaction of the Cheeto dust on my hands and my fedora making contact.
you guys just are up set that you ain't smart like us. but don't worry your chemical reaction does that.
Everybody worships an imaginary man in the sky *smirks* if only they knew the truth
It sucks that the 'holier than tho' atheists are the ones that you always see/hear. Plenty of them are actually nice people that quietly hold their beliefs.
I feel like every religion has people that are assholes about it though.
big bang was just a chemical reaction too theoretically
Pick one, underage.
Your body is actually a large chemical reaction and if you deny this you're genuinely stupid. It's impossible to refute this.
not with philosophy. from our observable reality everything is chemical reactions. doesn't make it objectively true
Have you seriously never met an edgy atheist?
By that logic, nothing can be proven, and thus we can assume any point of view may or may not be right.
Are you suggesting there's something spiritual about the universe that leaks into humans?
Found the edgy atheist
lol brainet *tips fedora*
hypocrite you are, for it is those chemicals in you brain telling you that everything is only chemicals in your brain
will you fight for what you believe in, or will you perish like a dog
If god real y bad thing happen xd *tips fedora
irony located
commencing reaction image post function
>everything is a chemical
Why does that notion fill you with such dread though? What's so terrible about it? I'm personally very indifferent to it but it seems you fedora-meming people are teetering at the edge of total mental breakdown all the time.
Actually, based on the atomic model we are all particles with different charges and amounts of smaller particles. But based on the quantum model, those smaller particles are composed of 3 even smaller particles that have different rotations based on energy levels. But based on string theory, those smaller particles are all harmonic strands of energy resonating at different frequencies that make up the basis of how matter functions.
Top that fedora wearing neck beards *flairs lab coat*
It's pretty scary to think that whatever I'm thinking is the result of chemicals bumping into each other, boiling and breaking down or whatever, and it's all a big chain reaction down to the birth opf life.
It makes me feel like "I" am only applied mathematics, that with perfect knowledge and calculus abilities someone could have predicted the day I was born, the day I'mj going to die and everything I'll ever see, do and think in between.
>He doesn't accept that Allah is the One True God and Muhammed is the prophet
When will fedoras learn?
>But based on string theory
String theory is a big fucking meme though, and quantum mechanics is up there.
>doesn't accept scientific facts because he is scared
nothing new here
I'm this guy and I'm not religious you absolute mongoloid
>believing that everything is a chemical reaction is silly
>but your religion isn't
>if you don't do what daddy said you will be tortured in the fiery depths of hell FOR ETERNITY brah
>but atheists are the edgy ones
Christians being idiotic and hypocritical once again. Whoa, how surprising.
The characteristic of religious is to answer God when they do not know the answer.
Human stupidity is curious.
This is actually true and I don't regret saying it in front of my 12th grade philosophy class. What's wrong is using it to draw any sort of conclusion about what course of action to take or how to organize society. Just because the universe is a cold and meaningless place, it doesn't mean we should live like it is. This is the mistake that every teenage nihilist makes because they are obsessed with finding a master theorem whose totality encompasses everything and stems from some raw, universal principle. It's the same reason that they're drawn to communism and libertarianism.
Theism is usually a mental crutch for people who never develop into adolescence, but remain stuck in childhood forever.
It's not just theism, though. Most atheists have a similar crutch in their worship of social norms and group approval.
It's not stupid or scary, it's an exaggeration. It grossly exaggerates the sufficiency of your analytical prowess. You don't actually know that matter is the defining feature of reality. And no, you don't know it well enough, either. Scientific standards of evidence don't do much to establish answers for history's most important questions.
I think the kind of people who make such characters up just to laugh ta them are more cringe folder tier 2bh
>that edgy christian who nervously laughs off anything science related
stay low iq
>that dumb edgy psuedo-christian kid who thinks chemical reactions are heresy and doesn't understand theology
>social norms
>group approval
what are those
>that actual retard who rejects all philosophical notions that make him feel bad
Modern christians aren't like that
>not being an atheist meants you're a christcuck
>quietly hold their beliefs.
"beliefs" being the operative word here
>"you can be a good person without being religious"
Jow Forums conservative christians are the new edgy atheists
Eh. I wouldn't say it's 100% chemical reactions since circumstance and environment as well as personal upbringing tends to influence a lot of what our decisions are but the chemicals in your brain can definitely make a difference. I just don't think there's a benevelont creator that's guiding our fates or anything like that. At best it's indifferent, at worst it outright hates us and it not existing altogether is somewhere in the middle.
We're very, very, very insignificant in this universe. Our entire existence has only been a flash in the pan on Earth. If the entire history of Earth was made into a 24 hour clock, human history from the very start only makes up about the last 2-4 seconds on that clock. The universe is incomprehensibly huge, we don't know the full size of it let alone it's origins and true nature. It's existed for billions of years and maybe even longer. Despite it's huge size we've never met any other alien species let alone any intelligent civilizations.
Science, religion, these are all things that we use to help us cope with our existence, nothing wrong with that but I don't think there's anything wrong with accepting the fact that we truly are nothing in this universe. Why are we here? Well it's whatever you make of it.
is this satire?
Ten bucks says they're all bronies
Nihlists btfo
Wow pseud post this ones going in the cringe comp
Is gravity a chemical reaction?
>In no point during the thread was Christianity brought up
>Butthurt atheist does it anyways
Really got my checmials reacting
>he stil belives in gravity
Lmao fucking qeer keep looking for your imaginary particle
Why do you have to be such a faggot user I was just asking.