Engage in degeneracy to ease the pain if you like, hell I've been there, but someone had the courage to call me a faggot for it, and eventually life got better.
Don't let these literal sadists destroy your life Jow Forums. Blackmail is their weapon of choice.
what Jow Forums doesn't realize is that their breed of white supremacy has the same effect of trap degeneracy, thinning down their mate selection and ultimately leading to them being removed from the gene pool.
Ayden Moore
not all of pol is white supremacist I'd say more are white nationalist.
Sebastian Turner
dislike of niggers is not supremacy
Kayden Long
t. can't tell the difference between Jow Forums memes and serious ideology
Jason Brooks
But would still support genetic purity, yes? >hur dur just a meme okay
Asher Martinez
you need to lurk moar on Jow Forums
Zachary Green
yes, some mutt children look like fucking aliens the most disgusting of all are nigger ones
Dylan Butler
Didn't a bunch of them run away in tears just recently after their bullshit was exposed and suddenly everyone "hadn't really been involved and dindu nuffin!"? It's basically a bunch of morons ERPing, getting off on dragging others down alongside them. Seriously people falling for this were mentally ill to begin with and quite often they likely end up interacting with one another both thinking they succeeded.
Caleb Powell
Le larp face
When did you start browsing OP? 2016?
Kevin Jackson
Im an eugenecist Jow Forumsack & I support the pinkpillers because they are takimg out weak men out of the gene pool. The white race does not need weakilings, we only need the men who are capable of not succumbing to mental illness.
we need to get rid of our weak men, stop defending dysgenics kike shill
Grayson Thompson
yes, so a part of the population that are multiracial or black, according to US census 12.6% are black, would be out of the gene pool for you, therefore narrowing chances of reproduction.
William Collins
Um, retardddd, we need cannon fodder for the war. Stupid fuck
Xavier Turner
i am against dysgenics but that does not make me pro fags fags can chose to eather die or get treated with electroshocs
Easton Hughes
Kill the strong of the enemy, not the weak of your own. Fucking mongoloid.
Thomas Roberts
those are casualties anyway, they have a lot of health issues and transfusions and transplants between parents and children have a lot of compatibility issues
Eli Smith
Whats so bad about mate selection?
Caleb Nguyen
>they have a lot of health issues and transfusions and transplants idk about that but transplantation or medical care is irrelevant to the fitness of the genes to reproduce. maybe if you're a female you'd care about mate selection, but if you're a male the most effective way to spread genetic material to fuck as many women as you can
Grayson Ramirez
You fags really have no life, huh? E-war? Holy shit, this is beyond pathetic. The gays are pathetic but going down to their retarded mindset to "counter spam"? Really, if this makes you happy maybe suicide is the best option.
They have spammed dozens upon dozens of threads and we have only made about 2. Call it "counter spam" all you want but it's nowhere near as bad. This guy specifically made a Discord for the purpose of spamming r9k with HRT trannyposts to raid the board endlessly.
If you sit there and do nothing it will only get worse.
Who fucking cares if some weak willed faggot transitions because of these spam? They will kill themselves later anyways or will waste their youth chasing a dream they will never achieve. Let them kill themselves. It all balance out.
dude let the tranny mind virus spread on the type of life they live is not sustainable and will lead them to suicide in 5 years tops if having to deal with 5 years of trap posting on a shitty fringe board for virgins is what helps cleanse the gene pool I'd gladly accept it
Jeremiah Taylor
>Kashii Yui posters all over the shop...You will originally be one of them, sooner or later...
Thank you Jow Forums unironically for watching out for these kids.
James Barnes
>newfags think femboi threads on r9k are new Jesus fucking christ.
Kevin Ortiz
>newfag thinks that the constant femboi threads are old I never thought I'd say this but I miss the furry threads it was a simpler time back then
Mason Smith
I'd say before they gave back the robot last time tranny threads have been a thing. Right by your occasional diaper thread. So. I wouldn't call them new.
Jace Flores
Wait is this the discord which blackmailed one retard from here to take HRT? They have already won desu.
Evan Reed
It's a continuation of it lead by a new person (Aero) who is even more militant than Reiko. Reiko is in on it too.
Brody Nguyen
>newfag thinks that the constant femboy threads are new but user, they date back to 2008!
Gabriel Adams
>therefore narrowing chances of reproduction. Narrowing chances =/= eliminating chances. Jow Forums acknowledges this and considers it an acceptable spike in difficulty. Not to mention, simply reproducing is not their goal but rather producing white children is.