Older fembots/femanons, why don't you just take advantage of us robots? there are plenty of young, inexperienced...

older fembots/femanons, why don't you just take advantage of us robots? there are plenty of young, inexperienced, innocent, cute little boys here that would love to make your acquaintance ;)

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i really don't like younger men

this. God damn fembots wont take advantage of me. I'm literally 18 yo prime teen boi pucci

>tfw no older femanon to take advantage of me

r9k is full of lonely robots but the roasties are just picky

brooke isnt picky. She gives all robots a fair chance

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Isn't she like 14 though?

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>18 yo prime teen boi pucci
Guess who wants that? It's not girls.

Whoa just take it easy man

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R9k boys are mean :(

I won't be mean to you! Plz be my gf, I really want to cuddle!

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>tfw old, busted, completely inexperienced virgin
>still feel small inside
this sucks

@FEMbotZ..hey..Um why won't you peg my butt? :D

All r9k boys are mean. You will not trick me into trusting you with Tsukasa's. >:(

Plz? Lemme let you feel good with a song
>I found someone who loves me *instrumental*
>I found someone who loves me *instrumental*
>I know it's true
>I loooove you

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Dumb r9k boy thinks I only like shitty girl animes. Whatever.

Not true, they all spaguetti out and make me sad

Femanon here (not old tho)
Um no thanks? Most of you all are ugly af

because none of you pathetic fucks have your fucking shit together.
I'm 28, just started dating a 40 year old and he fucking rules. I dated a few guys who were all younger than me and they were all beta as fuck.

>shitty girl anime
Lucky Star and K-on were clearly meant for men

You've never been more wrong.

I'm 40 and want to date a 28 year old. How did you meet?

>being on this site at 40
I would just suicide desu

Wow, you are actually the mean one. Maybe it isn't the Jow Forums boys.

Through work- I work a part-time job while living home. He has a full-time job already but also works part-time (at the same place as me), 3 days a week.

Meh, screw that. I'm not going to shit where I eat. Besides the amount of eligible girls at my workplace is nearly zero.

just get a random part-time stint you don't care about, you might meet someone.
honestly though, good luck.

I don't want kids

I don't like men

You sound annoying as hell and I'm sure 100% of the men that browse this board do.

Why would I want to take advantage of pathetic people who I can't stand? Why would I want to bring more men into my life, as if my life isn't already filled with bottom feeding XY scum that I can't stand.

Fuck off you weird manbaby fetishist

Is it that all men in your life are bottom feeding scum or that you simy think of them all as that?

Because for me, the men around me are so cancerous and annoying, I try not to generalize when it comes to men, but they all seem eother brutish and retarded or whiny betas.

Anyways, stay strong sister, we are the ones running this board!

Thanks, guess I will just stick with tinder and the likes.

I think the gays of this board would love that. Women typically like older men so you're out of luck on that front.

how often are there even threads on this board that have to do with ways to contact one another? robots aren't even putting out

No there aren't also that picture is hilarious for some reason I can't put my finger on, maybe because it looks like it's from a cheep gay porn.

No most men here want to rape toddlers and rant about how much they hate blacked.com or some shit because they are insecure about their dick size.

I want an actually sweet innocent kind guy; those for sure don't exist here. Most of you don't even stutter on mic. Logic dictates you aren't really that nervous if you don't even stutter..

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A mentally ill woman like you doesn't deserve a sweet innocent kind guy.

I'm mentally ill yet you people are the ones who are toddler pedos racist sexist misogynists who are running over people with cars & shooting up schools because you can't get laid?

Yet I'm the mentally ill one for wanting to be with someone in a romantic relationship who's loving, kind, and best of all wont rape me or beat me to death?

Oh yea that makes sense.

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I only like shotas and the ones that do actually look like a shota are much too shy to give contact info.
Its a shame really, i would take good care of a qt lil robot boy, turn him into a man and play video games with him.

Im 28yo and even now im only attracted to older men. I just never been attracted to younger guys or even my peers

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OP, your image made me retch.

Sounds accurate. The threads here of people fantasising about fucking their little sisters so they can have a "little sister / daughter / wife" is beyond me.

That kinda shit seems to happen on a image board that worships mass murders.

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I'm not even a man lol, I just think good men deserve better than being in romantic relationships with mentally ill women like you.

Everyone here is mean
That's why I don't talk to fembots anymore

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Yea I'm so mentally ill for having self respect.

No, you're mentally ill because of your insane views and are probably a closet pedo. I'm sorry you have issues but kind mentally stable people shouldn't be taken advantage of because of it.

Hello, older man here. Are you cute?

I only want guys who are 25 or older and that somehow makes me a pedo?

Over 25 man here, so if you had to rate yourself from 1-10, how would you rate yourself?

A five, original.

>hateful and bitter
>think all men are violent pedos
>wants an innocent, mentally vulnerable guy
I know your kind. You should be put on a registry.

Do 25+ girls think 25+ virgin males are pathetic and undateable?

Not all men, just 90% of men here on r9k.

Once again the fem""""bots"""" show their contempt for this board and it's users yet refuse to fuck off back to /soc/ or instagram.

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More specifically, is your body or face better?

I guess my body idk? Both fives though.

Five is good enough for me. I am a 27 yo man. Do you have a discord...qt3.14?

Are you a virgin? Original. qt3.14 15926

Yes I am, but I am not a bitter incel. Just to clear things up. I am going on wizardhood however.

I think virgins are cute as long as they are bitter or alt-right. Whats your discord?

*ARENT those thiings
typo. ARENT bitter or alt right


I added you, Im Corri but I'm about to go to sleep so Ill ttyl.

Younger men only like older women for sex and experience. I don't want to be practice gf.

Well if women only want older men and you're 18, guess who might be interested
It's not any women on this board
I don't think so anyway
hopefully not
you sick fucks

Yeah? Try being the secret boyfriend or the practice boyfriend who doesn't get to have sex because she's saving it for someone special and in her words it's not you. Fuck you lady, just because you have a cunt between your legs doesn't mean your experiences are any more valid or unique, you're just a robot like everyone else, kiddo

If you had a girl who made you her practice bf, please empathize instead of lashing out in anger. It sucked, didn't it. I'm sorry.

You brought this upon yourself fucking roastie

I like them because I want to be submissive to a mature lover who doesn't play emotional mind games like younger catty ones do desu

I just want a gf. I'm 23 and wouldn't take an anyone under 20. Its creepy to me. This alcoholic wamans I used to drink with/do hard work with tried to hook me up with her 14 year year old daughter when I was 18. It creeped me out, especially since she was 50 and was always trying to fuck me.

People are really mean, selfish and judgmental. Sorry my sweet dove.

Why would an older fembot want to fuck a young inexperience boy? What is the charm here?

If you're begging for pussy online you'd might as well just pay a hooker lmao. All these femanons that do want to fuck around with inexperienced manlets would at least like one with the balls to ask IRL

They are clay in your hand. You can mold them. They are a blank canvas. Their innocence and naivete can be refreshing and charming on its own. It can also make you feel younger.

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because I'm a dyke

this. i had terrible times talking to r9k guys on omegle, they're all assholes.

Robots usually are assholes, but don't forget there are also normies and chads on Jow Forums . If you talk to them they can be nice.

i dont want to talk to some normie losers lol wtf

Because creepy old men taking advantage of me from my early childhood MADE me a robot. All the shit they did made me fundamentally weird and broken in ways I can see with perfect clarity but can do nothing about. I just want all of you to find happiness, and somebody fucking with your head when you feel alienated enough from society to post here is more liable to make you off yourself than improve your life (like in your Chinese cartoons).

Not losers. Just normal or chad-ish.

Were you molested by relatives?