NEET cousin failed his driving test

>NEET cousin failed his driving test


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I thought they had unlimited free time to better themselves? Fucking lmao

Death squads to eliminate neets when?

>tfw a neet but have my own car

you're fugIy

why are you laughing at your neet cousin?


I occasionally draw and code web designs which provides a little income. I live with my mom so i dont pay any bills so that little income is enough for me, sometimes mom gives me some money as well

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Same here, although I'm thinking of getting rid of it because it eats up like half my NEETbux every year

Because he is useless he thinks he can change his life by getting a license and have his mom buy him a car lol his plan failed.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2017.08.16_10.56.09].png (376x600, 308K)

Serious question isn't avatarfagging a bannable offense? Have the mods stopped caring? because I see your ass everywhere.

there are people impersonating him to get him banned

>Have the mods stopped caring?
Our janitors work hard to ensure that Jow Forums is a place of quality threads and thoughtful discussion, I'm not sure why you think they're doing anything wrong.

>tfw NEET who failed his driving test 4 times

normalfags have no empathy

>yuifag isn't even real at this point
>every post is people pretending to be him
this sounds fun

What a brainlet failure. At least he's not an anime poster.

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>quality threads and thoughtful discussion
oh that's how women hate threads are now called, good to know

It's like you guys don't want me to have a legacy here.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.22_[2018.06.05_17.38.08].png (539x715, 420K)

>never had a problem with my driving test
>everyone else i knew had to take it 3-5 times

that's pretty fucking sad