Serious Advice Needed

I said I'd leave this place forever but screw it.

I'm 19 years old heading to my first year of college in around 3 months. It's currently the summer of my graduation year and I have absolutely no idea what I should be doing to get myself mentally prepared for the next 4 years. I'm heading to a small private school in large city to study computer science, the school itself is well off academically so I'm thinking more of just immersing myself in my studies and bettering my future than socializing and having fun.

wat do

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get therapy now, not wanting to socialize is something youll regret and whatever is making you feel that way will be easier to reverse now than in 10 years

ABSOLUTELY focus on your studies and disregard unhealthy social interaction (partying and stuff like that)

Having a SMALL circle of friends is fine and optimal but not needed

I know this may sound like a meme but please BE yourself don't do anything cringy trying to come off as cool; if you're a quiet loner then so be it

Don't get in anyone's way and don't let anyone get in your way

I forgot to add: bullying in college is for humongous faggots; if someone is trying to start shit with you, just call them a faggot and disregard them, they're not good people

The faster you understand that you will not learn anything useful at some school the better. If you want to be programmer, do online courses. Treehouse, Pluralsight, Egghead and Codecademy are the one's I do. Universities are daycares for overgrown children. That's the advise I would give my past self.

if you don't consider yourself to be a sperg, make friend with your dorm floormates
the only way to actually make long-lasting friends is to make friends with roommates/floormates/dormmates/housemates.
if you fuck up your first year at the dorms, you'll never have any long-lasting friendships
clubs don't help at making good friendships
making friends in class is near impossible for a robot
good luck

Lawfag here. When I was in undergrad, I didn't have many friends. Now, I am a fairly social person, but I spent a vast majority of my time in the library and loved it. My undergrad's library was open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. So, I was there well into the early hours of the morning. I'd then sleep until noon -- or whatever I had class. I don't get the anxiety surrounding the undergraduate experience. If you want to be social, be social. But don't be a fuck up. Don't do drugs. Don't do adderall. Show up for class. Participate when required. Study for your exams. Stay away from fucked up people -- and you will meet some fucked up people. Then decompress by drinking your ass off. What's so difficult?

OP here

School I'm going to is close, i.e within 100 miles of my home town where my parents and the rest of my family live. Aside from my father, everyone in my family is a complete nutcase who I'd like to avoid if at all possible. I have a few buddies from high school that are going to be living a train ride away from where I go to school but that's about it. What can I do to keep my head down from all the undesirables?

I have a hard time believing someone is the same age as me subjecting themselves to more years of society's expectations and school. I took a break after high school and dont see that i should go back to fucking school of all places.

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School is honestly the best place for me user. Just knowing how I think and behave, I know that If I don't force myself to be responsible for at least one thing, I'll run away from my problems with drugs and alcohol. If I don't go to school it will be hard for me to resist the temptation to become a NEET or hikki.

>dont want to use alcohol and drugs
>school is honestly the best place for me user
Yeah that'll go real well user, real well.

If you are serious about studying computer science and want a job, seriously, do online courses. Being able to build a phone app, backend server or do some design shit is a million times more impressive to a potential employer than any piece of toilet paper you get from an institution with a super important name.

get laid


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You misunderstand.

The school I'm going to is small. Less than 10000 people with a 60 40 foreign domestic split and a 70 30 male female split. There are virtually no sports teams and there is little to no fraternity presence on campus.

It's as technical as a school as it gets.

I wasnt talking about your social wet dream. You're going to be sucked into "i want to die" mode and cope with drugs and alcohol. Mark my words user.

not everyone is a druggie like you pal

You're a retard OP neck yourself

Get a cute dress and prepare to be boarded. Sell your boipucci to older men and you'll be rich.

19 years old rising college junior double majoring in math and physics here
I browse Jow Forums and /b/ everyday and I've got a GPA of 3.9
You're completely fine, no prep needed unless you want to get laid, which is outside the scope of things I can advise you on, unfortunately.
As far as friends go tho just be yourself, you'll find plenty of interesting people to hang out with unlike HS chads
Also browsing Jow Forums is considered cool among certain people here which is weird lol so maybe try that sometime if you're comfortable enough with a person? (don't say you browse Jow Forums though kek)

>19 years old
>first year of college
thanks op, i'm also at your age and you reminded me that i dropped out of hs in the first year

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Go back and finish it!!

maybe, i signed in the army and i'm waiting them to call me. if they do then fuck it, i won't.
but if they don't, then i'll try to finish it

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Sounds pretty good either way man, you got this

Which city/school... if you don't mind my asking. I've been at a fair amount (5) of "high rated" small tech schools in big cities. If you want a feel for the environment I might have some advice. But by no means dox yourself.

underage and sage

>Also browsing Jow Forums is considered cool among certain people

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>tfw browsed pictures of mutilated niggers on Jow Forums on the computer of my high school library three years ago


Some advice user, if you don't make friends during 1st year & frosh, then the rest of your degree will be social suifuel

Make friends, get social. Don't neglect your studies but you NEED to make friends 1st year with your dorm mates