How do I get a qt azn bf as a wh*toid female with a shitty personality and no job who also happens to be stuck in a town filled with niggers
How do I get a qt azn bf as a wh*toid female with a shitty personality and no job who also happens to be stuck in a...
I'll tell you, but for a price.
What's the price, I'm willing to pay
Eeeeeeeeeee I'm standing by
what if im a mexican/azn bf
How many eyelids you got?
I am a qt azn boi. What's it to you? I will date you if you have a pretty proportional waist to hip ratio. Where are you from?
>what if im a mexican/azn bf
No spics ruined my life
I don't know if you would be okay with dating a manjawed fridge sir
>manjawed fridge
Ooh, this might not be 100, but I will strongly consider it. Do you have a discord?
>not knowing how to attract 80% of males despite being female
it's too late for you OP
Yeah but I also have a deep dark secret that will also undoubtedly make us incompatable for the next few years
I didn't expect this to happen desu I thought I would just get a bunch of replies calling me a whore
I'm mobileposting so fuck you mods ban me
Qt azn bf, you want it? It''s yours, as long as you have enough rupee.
sorry im looking for a viet gf not white lmao
Morshu actually says rubies in that game.
What happened to your other gf
you don't but you're stuck with me and i'll be your white bf
What about her? She's right here until i get the viet gf.
Listen you are misunderstanding. We talk via text then meet irl with the Idea that we scan each other for compatibility. If we don't click than you block me and never hear from me. If not then we get into a relationship. That is what dating is for. I am not asking to marry you, I am asking for your discord...qt
Mr, I don't think you understand. I'm the thing that begins with the letter l and ends with the letter i. But if you have absolutely no other options and can wait many years then you will recieve.
Go to Asia. It can be done.
I'm the thing that begins with the letter l and ends with the letter i.
What the actual fuck does that mean?
The only thing that can come to mind from that context is you being underage but wtf is a L-I word for underage
Have you never watched an anime in your life dude
No, the only anime I've watched was dbz as a kid
I get what you mean now tho
I'm sorry user, I should have just said it sooner. But if you keep persevering you will find a qt feminine looking gf someday in the future. I'm sure of it.
Oh ye, if you're that young why did you point out that you don't have a job?
You're either close enough to 18 to actually text the asian user or far enough from 18 to not have to worry about a job
Oh I'm not the asian user, I'm a white norman. The last few posts were me being curious about the whole situation
Can I be your asian bf?
White people are scary but i always wanted a white gf
Because I was trying to find a way to say that I can't leave this town to find one, because not having a job makes me a poorfag. I made this thread for some suggestions on what to do in the future
Oh, that's cool. You suck at riddles my friend
Read the thread and decide for yourself lad
Well, are you euro or american? Country/state would be ideal. Different advice for different locations
what if i'm not qt and don't want a gf
can we still hang out
does anyone want to hang out
Ive read it. Ummm is the the thing that makes you incompatible really that bad? Like can you drop a hint to what it is. I cant guess the i i thing
yo im down dude
The only white burger in a 100% mutt town.
Here's another hint for you pal
No one here is fooled and is just role-playing with you.
uhhhh fuck i dont even know
a little kid
sweet. what are some stuff you like to do
i've been trying to get into gardening but i think i'm doing something wrong since all of my potted flowers keep dying
I'm fine if the anons here see it that way, still a pretty comfy thread. I'm on r9k of all places so of course most people won't believe me.
So what's your answer
You like teasing other people into submission?
fuckk i mean, im just a normal ass dude who just plays games and watches shows
do you like those little plants that resemble trees? i saw one the other day and it was beautiful. or what kinda plants do you like planting
oh shit i mean, we can be friends and stuff. im relatively young i turned 18 like a half year ago
Except as some one who has been on here since they were like 12, if you're underage, you don't talk about it, and you can't type for shit. Also you wouldn't quite *get* how being on r9k is special. So many holes. Fucking roleplayers.
I'm white in a 99.99% white euro country, feelsgoodman
Anyways I'm still down to talk and hang, I don't date ldr though. Discord?
I could be Luigi for all you know.
Sounds good. Post discord or whatever if you want although I will warn you I suck at communication
I have never stated being underage at any point on this site before now, and that's only because I'm permabanned on my computer and can switch mobile ips whenever I want. I see plenty of my peers spell just fine, maybe you were just a brainlet. Also I have autocorrect shit too so that helps. I get how being on r9k is special or weird because everybody on here won't shut up about being a hikki
oh yeah bonsai are sick as hECK i adore them
flowering bonsai in particular are super pretty, i'd love to take care of one but as i am now it'd probably die
i don't really know what i'm doing wrong, everything i touch just seems to die
i've got a mini cactus that's still alive though, or at least i think it's still alive. i've had him since i graduated high school, so he's a little bit old for a cactus i think. i hope he doesn't die
besides gardening i like lifting and playing video games and stuff too. i think you'd have to enjoy sort of solitary stuff like video games to be posting on Jow Forums in the first place, really. i'm excited for the resident evil 2 remake, but i'm kind of weary that it's going to be re4-styled over the shoulder instead of fixed camera angles.
Kel. Mobile isps are filtered and banned, fucking dingo.
No they aren't, what the fuck are you talking about. It wasn't working 1-2 days ago but it's working fine again now, try again and see.
You want a pic or something?
you take a flight to Guangzhou (a city in China)
>asians are becoming more popular due to Asian pop culture
>SE Asians are still the blacks of Asia.
It's not fair bros.
I lifted 4 years for my asian bf in Guangzhou (a city in china) and he still chose a fat spic over me. 4 FUCKING YEARS. It's not fair bros
If you look east asian enough just get a kpop memecut and you should be fine. I've seen it happen.
to be fair, the only asians i've seen getting popular are already good-looking to begin with
seasians meanwhile are still the most popular asians, or at leas the most social ones. every filipino and vietnamese guy i've ever met has been a super duper chad. shit, even the prettiest boy i'd ever seen was vietnamese, i would legit start blushing and get bashful around the guy because he was just so good-looking.
but yeah, i don't think it's race or height or whatever so much as it is confidence. i mean there's a reasonable point at which looks or height or etc. will have a negative impact, but just being a social dude generally makes up for most of it.
aw jeez man you really have a lot of passion. yeah man idk maybe its the type of soil sunlight or pots that fuck up your plant. who knows. oh yeahh my sis had cactuses because they barely need anything to survive, i think yours still got years left.
duuude i really am basic i only enjoy a few games rn like r6 siege and fortnite/pubg. Ive played resident evil 4 and 5 but they scared the hell out of me lol
I had a red cactus, my mom was visiting once and she drowned it by accident. It bloated and then shriveled away
that hurts my soul
its not fair only if you live in Asia.
alright well my discord is travis#9079
im very boring and not even cute so there you go, but im down to talk. i probably wont reply in a bit cause something came up :0
I'm boring as shit too but that's also boosted by my young age, maybe we can bond over that.
I'm the one with the R at the start of the name.
i'm beginning to think it was the watering schedules as well. i might be too used to how soil that's good for a cactus feels as opposed to how soil for not-cacti feels. maybe i'll start misting them or buying plant feed or something.
do you like to do anything besides video games? besides lifting/anime/video games/gardening, i like reading as well. most of my interests are very solitary now that i think about it. i should try picking up something that will let me meet people. do you do anything like that?
oh shoot i'm sorry for your loss my dude. i don't really know what my cactus is, he's kind of a small guy who sprouts a little flower every now and again. he's been looking kind of bloated ever since i changed my watering schedule, i might let him drain out a little longer between waterings.
You can add me too if you'd like, sentinel#1620
Down to shoot the shit and talk about whatever
Sounds like youre looking for a pet not a man.
asians are usually shy. Just approach them.
Wtf user? How can you plan to just leave her like that? That's terrible.
I think being racist is the most unatractive trait a female can have after piercings and tattoos
go find one and go near him and pass a silent fart.
Ravioli ravioli
You go to jail if you fug the loli
Beware robots.