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What's the motives of these fuck ups? Who or what drives these mentally degenerates? Why?


it's always autism.

There's no way all signs point to autism. There has to be something they want that we dont see.

Most of them are ugly fucks anyway

literally ugly men in dresses

not even real transsexuals they just have fetishes and want to powerplay anonymously because they're pathetic men in dresses

Gay men have issues. People who have r9k also have issues. Combine the two and you get the best of both worlds.

I used to be a huge libcuck but men in dresses turned me into a hard-right conservative traditionalist. And I'm a woman.

The wall didn't do it, Chad rejecting me didn't do it, Muslims didn't do it, even pedophiles didn't do it. It was all trannies. 100% deranged trannies.

could you bait any harder?
kys polfag

T. assblasted tranny freak

shut the fuck up you man in a dress

I don't even have a problem with real trannies

but you discord fucks are only on hormones out of your sick porn-induced fetishes and now you carry on with your sick pathetic fetishistic behaviour by shilling on Jow Forums of all places

You aren't a 'hard-right conservative traditionalist' you're a reactionary conservacuck. I used to think the far left was cancerous then I saw the invasion of Jow Forums on this site. Literal 100 IQ drones that only exist to reproduce and consume.

hurhur muh 2 sides to one coin
fuck off

You didn't even try, did you?

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Just report those types of threads and always sage when you post in them user. Eventually mods actually occasionally do stuff. Not usually though.

>you're a reactionary conservacuck. I used to think the far left was cancerous then I saw the invasion of /pol
you literally implied that the far right is somehow just as cancerous as the far left
that sounds exactly like the "2 sides to one coin cope don't be a dumbass
the far left is by FAR a thousand times worse

You can fuck off you flaccid larping parasite. In a couple years who knows, you might decide to be a leftie again and then a rightie. It doesn't really matter as long as you can pretend to adhere to a simplistic moralistic ideal and stand on your pulpit and preach the good news about whatever cunty trendy political movement you're a part of.

I mean she's right. I'm a chick too and I think trannies are gross and weird. You will never be women, and you will never get as much attention as a woman, no matter how many dresses you put on. You're just a freak and the only other people that will like you will be freaks like you. Trannies are literally the bottom of the barrel.

Right wing samefagging central ITT

kek holyshit you sound like an assblasted tranny yourself

kill yourself aero

your sick fetish has no place here

what exactly separates a failed normie from robots and normies?

who's samefagging? u mad tranny?

a failed normie is a reddit piece of shit who finds quirky facebook memes funny

Similar to how redditors come here but obviously don't belong, do you think some 4channers go to reddit but don't belong there?
Also, how long has reddit just been the new tumblr? And which is worse?

shut up you cuck nobody gives a shit

That wasn't me.

This is me.Politics are a complete fucking joke and you're a joke for putting your faith in the false god that is conservatism.

Not true, by the way. A certain percentage of trannies disgust me but that doesn't make me go full brainlet right wing larper and it certainly doesn't make me hate a whole group of people who I haven't even met a fraction of a percent of.

A failed normal is pretty self-explanatory: Someone who has the mentality, dispositions, outlook and yearning of a normal, but it's unable to reach the outcomes due to one factor or several e.g. being particularly ugly, dumb, weak, unhealthy, unlucky, terrible parents, abusive parents, etc. Failed normals at the core are people who are in constant pain and suffering because they can't achieve regular normalhood. For example, if the source of your misery is your inability to find a girlfriend, a social circle or climb the work ladder, you're almost guaranteed to be a failed normal.

A robot, on the other hand, is a person who doesn't align mentally with normals and their dispositions, is invariably introverted, and does not year for the things normals want, nor suffer because they can't achieve it. Most of robots' source of suffering is the inability to remain a NEET or a hikikomori, having to deal with normals, being unable to avoid socializing or social situations, etc.

There's a fourth category: The outliers. People that don't belong to normals, failed normals or robots. Those like legitimate psychopaths (wholly unable to feel or understand empathy) and severely autistic to the point of disconnection to the world.

mfw another tranny hate thread is hijacked by trannies and turned into a pseudo-political shit fest

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Fucking discord has ruined this board and turned it into /soc/. Fuck off with your orbiting servers and discord drama, I don't give a shit.

A failed normie is a normie that cannot cope with the fact that other normies instinctively do not like them. This is usually because they have nothing of value to provide to the group, thus they become the omega in every social circle. They go into autist spaces to lord over people more introverted than themselves. You can identify a failed normie by their angry, bitter attitudes towards the world and themselves. This anger and bitterness is released by petty drama and idiotic psychopathic social "games" such as the one these trannies attempt to play on Jow Forums. These people are resentful that they have no life of their own due to their own failures so they seek to bring down people they perceive as more vulnerable than themselves. Discord is truly a cancer and should be b& on Jow Forums, none of the good users end up making it there for long because they are chased out by all of these disgusting failed normies who try to make it the social life they couldn't have offline. Don't they realize we go onto the internet to escape these exact social games?

Think I'm going to leave, I just don't feel comfortable about a bunch of men larping as girls. I really hope you guys do get yourselves figured out, my guess this is all just a phase. Just because you wear skirts and makeup does not mean you can be a girl, you really have to have the spirit of being a woman, and obviously the reproductive organs, I don't know what the devil told you, but he is really getting to your head, please be safe guys, I'm about to puke from what you guys are d oing but that's ok, it's not my fault you're stuck bye

pretty much and all I can add is that robots can't become normies and neither regular failed normies can't become robots... robothood is wired in your brain and can't change it... you can just pretend or fake it

Some of the more closed discords have less faggotry in them. I personally think the idea of a small discord of robots where there is no bullshit social ladder to climb sounds good. However, it'd probably either become chaotic due to females or boring due to the lack of females

I feel like I can somewhat identify with both descriptions though. Like, I am super introverted unless I am around people I know I don't have to filter myself with or around people who require little filter. I want to meet more people like my close friends.
The idea is to form a huge social circle with carefully hand selected people whom I specifically care for an none else.

Just ignore trap threads. That's what I do. It doesn't interest me so I scroll right past it

This. Robots don't seek the approval of normies. They are completely detached from and understand their place outside of the rat race.

It boils down to -what- makes you ache. Only you can answer this. Is not having a huge social circle an issue for you? If so, why? Why isn't the amount of friends good enough for you? So far it seems you're definitely a failed normal, because you yearn for an inordinate and unnecessary amount of social validation and/or influence. Mind you, this isn't a competition, which is what most of this sick board doesn't get. It#s not better to be a robot than a failed normal. There's are no winners here because we're all losers in this wretched world unless you worn born into money or had sub-atomic-level probability play into your hands (e.g. winning the lottery)... and even then you see rich people commit suicide here and there. The point of realizing to what category your belong to is for you to be able to work around the things you need to achieve to be happy, and lower your expectations to suffer less.

post invite to aero's harem plz

Oh no no nothing about social validation. I just find people interesting and I like to laugh. It is difficult for me to find people who can get a genuine laugh out of me so I just want more of that. Also people have ideas of things to do. I get awfully bored all by myself and having someone to spend the day with is entertaining.
The number of friends I have feels like it isn't enough probably because I have been growing distant from old close highschool friends.
I also don't care for influence. I mean it is nice, dont get me wrong. But i am mostly just there for the ride



Yeah, you're a normal or failed normal, guaranteed. Dead giveaways:
>I just find people interesting / so I just want more of that
>I get awfully bored all by myself
>having someone to spend the day with is entertaining
Seems you're not introverted and don't really understand what it means; no offense meant.

it expired

vertebrae cucumber ostrich

What's this discord? I'm for this shit.

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I am though. I swear it is such a fickle to describe this. It is only specific people I am interested in. Very specific people I am friends with. Anyone else can go die and I wouldn't blink. Anyone else I'd just sit quietly and not say a word because they haven't been selected by my brain as worthwhile I guess. It sounds edgy typing this out but I've got to put it bluntly. Normies irritate the absolute fuck out of me and are boring, bland, and vapid human beings that I barely consider to be "people"
In times I am around those etc people who I dont care for my mind is a refuge that I go to. I will zone out and think and daydream even. It has gotten to the point that locking myself in my own head is more interesting than what is going on around me.

Boredom is my personal Hell. I will do anything to escape or avoid it. Shitposting and playing vidya get boring after a while and I can't seem to retain an interest for more than a month so no hobbies can form. So i just seek entertainment from people and live vicariously through them.

You are the one replying to someone on an anonymous image board, you obviously need to reach out too even if its just to call people normies and shit.

>be you
>a mentally ill tranny
>talk a bunch of crap on discord
>screenshot yourself
>post on Jow Forums

kill yourself, repeatedly

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Sorry, but it just seems to me like you're in denial. Let's agree to disagree.
I'm just killing time while looking for E3 news and discussions on /v/. Practically all games-related news sites are very annoying to browse to, so I prefer imageboard format.
>you obviously need to reach out
>Being so much of a normal that can't realize other people don't put faces or intentions behind posts.
You're all just images to me, and I mean this in the most polite way.

I feel the same way but that's part of why I think you are still trying to reach out. Because of how goddamn easy it is for an autist (like me, maybe you) to reach out anonymously. In this setting there's no pressure to be anyway. It's anonymous.

I think we have a disagreement on what "reaching out" entails. I'm just keeping myself busy by browsing boards on the site and seeing if I can find something interesting to reply to, to keep myself awake. I opened Jow Forums, saw the first post I replied to being the last post on the front page, and I came in. I'm not trying to connect with others here, so I don't see how that means I'm trying to reach out.