Robots, why do women always expect guys to act like idiots? For example:

Robots, why do women always expect guys to act like idiots? For example:
>Be me a year ago
>With a group of friends, most of them were bearable normally, a few anime watching autists like myself also in the group
>Leaving the movie theatre
>The rest of the people start singing for whatever reason
>*singing intensifies*
>People start taking individual parts of the song and singing it
>Even my fellow autists are going along with it
>Chads in the group are loving it, singing like total morons without any hesitation
>Everyone looks at me to continue the song
>I hesitate and half-assedly sing the part, face probably turns red
>Everyone continues on as if I killed the mood
Why are people like this? Why do women expect such retarded things out of a man? I can tear a car down and put it back together in under a month, I have 4.0 GPA and am attending college for Computer Engineering and Computational Chemistry, but for some reason, the status quo for obtaining a partner requires that I completely degrade my sense of normalcy... Anyone know why this is?

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Stop being retarded and get over it. Nothing happened, they wont remember unless you go talking about it. The fact that you had to list your normie achievements is pure insecurity.

It's a song user, who cares. Singing it with heart will net you more respect so it's the logical thing to do, no? Your over inflated who is holding you back.

now see, the whole point of you singing along is to just be a fucking part of the experience. your friends probably know they look retarded, that's the entire fucking point. to not care that you look retarded cause you're kicking it with your good homies. you are not an intellectual because you look up all the answers to your class problems and your major does not make you special.

I did not want to do do it, it is just a matter of why this behavior is expected of others in a social setting, nothing more. My achievements were simply a contrasting point to the social expectations of others, not to flex lol

also, fuck you for waving your gpa around like you are. I have a 3.975 gpa but you don't see me waving it around like my my dick size (which is 8 inches btw) anyways at the end of the day i'm just glad the internet is here to allow people to berate you into acting like a decent human being so GOOD SHIT MAN keep on keeping on

Because they assume you're a normally functioning human being and not an autist

Yes, but is acting retarded something that women expect, I am still severely confused by this notion of acceptable autism. If I were to do anything like this on my own, I would be branded as a autist for the rest of my days at uni, but in a group, /s4s/-tier retardation suddenly becomes acceptable... why?

It's expected in a social setting because it's a social activity. Your big brain should understand that.

What program are you in just out of curiosity?

Your normie gang wanted to test everybody, an autism test if you will. Only normies who could go with the flow, taking untold hints, and reacting according to plan could pass the test. You failed accordingly.

because the environment changes when you're in a group. if you start fucking randomly screaming song lyrics out loud, and you're by yourself, a random nearby girl gonna think you're on some sort of amphetamine. that being said, if the girl is IN THE GROUP WITH YOU and the rest of the group has ALREADY SUNG ALONG, you can assume that it is safe to sing

Have you literally never seen a group of friends walking around, singing and having fun together?

Which fucking planet do you live on, it's not "acceptable autism" it's not "shit that women expect from you" it's literally just having fun with your friends like a normal person you fucking sperg

info sec with a minor in data science

Trips of truth
Cool beans yo, pretty good GPA desu for that program, mine is prob going to drop anyways after quantum chem this semester

You're just a little faggot man. That's all. You know that back in ancient Germany the sign of a great man would be represented by how many men were willing to follow him. Yea, so back in bumfuck Europe when there were literally more wolves than humans the men would walk around with full on entourages of strong men who were willing to die for their leader. That was how men were judged. And look at you now. Expecting a woman to give her precious egg to you when you're just a weaselly little fuck with nothing to offer. Look at the size of your gamete for Pete's sake. You're expendable. Get used to it. One man could produce more than enough offspring for many, many women. We don't need men like you. You're the one who is in the first rank of the hoplite. You're the one who works the mines. You're the one who tills the fields with the ox. We treat you both like the animals you are. Stop trying to act like a man. You don't deserve women. Hahahahaha what a fucking cringe worthy moment you are.

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I have seen it before, but it didn't make it seem any less objectively retarded

>Following chad makes you a beta
>Not following chad makes you a beta
k den

If you are going to socialize, accept that People are irrational and work from there.

In that case you're either legitimately autistic or a fedora idiot

This. Fucking top kek.

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How does singing stupid songs in a movie theater translate to tribal leadership?

>I dont have a personality
You can get away with not singing the song so long as it fits your personality. If your personality is to just half heartedly follow whatever everyone else is doing then you are probably gonna be pretty miserable.

E.g. I am a pretty awkward dude. I dont go outside and I dont smile,laugh,talk a lot, even within my friend group. But my friend group knows this and I know this, so if they did what you explained in your OP, I would probably just tell them to fuck off and get away with it fine.

BASED OP making me feel good knowing Even i am not as retarded as him.

>completely degrade my sense of normalcy
You said so yourself because you are a normie. I wouldn't want to date a normie either.