Have you ever considered becoming a serial killer/rapist? I have; I am

Have you ever considered becoming a serial killer/rapist? I have; I am.

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No and no? Pretty diamonds from that pic.

Nice, so this is the kind of guy I'll get to hang out with in hell. Seems pretty based.

Can't wait to meet you in the flames, friend.

I have now, after reading OP's pic.

>he was divorced 4 times
women would rather be with a sado killer than me.

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Nice, glad I could spread the good word

This. i feel pretty sick for having this reaction..................

You should, user, you should...
...as should the rest of us

serial killer is small time for me. I want to wipe out 1/3 of worlds population

If you kill a man, you're a murderer,
kill many, you're a conqueror,
kill 'em all...

now this is a niche hobby I can get into

literally only a virgin could get turned on by this shit

So why did a non-virgin do it many times over then?

mental illness and adaption to impotence/an inability to satisfy

there is nothing more hot, blissful and pleasurable than fucking a girl who's crazy turned on for you / screaming for more / with "enthusiastic consent"

people who can't get that (small dick, brain problems) eventually adapt to their own sexual shortcomings by finding fetishes to eke out some kind of satisfaction

i've never known a sadomasochist who doesn't use it to compensate because of their self-loathing

also because if you're fucking girls but they're not fucking you (rape), you're basically still a virgin dipshit

>uh ur a virgin because I don't like it!

I always wonder what my serial killer name would be
Knowing my luck it'd be something faggy like the pink unicorn killer or something


>You probably think you're gonna be raped and you're fuckin sure right about that

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My friend, right now you're in the home of mental illness.

no this is the home of youthful inexperience & synthetic autism, not true mental illness

people here want healthy relationships but they just can't get them, so they find ways to cope with that

it's not too late

If you're over the age of 20, have no friends and are a KV NEET, chances are it is too late.

A lot of us are legitimately mentally ill. I was depresed and hateful long before I even knew what Jow Forums was.

>I have; I am.
please get help

I hate people always telling me "it's not too late" when all the stats show that if you haven't grown up normal, then you'll never be normal. Highschool and college are massive times of growing, and they're massive predictors for how the rest of yohr social life will be, not always, but most of the time.

Exactly this. If you're an adult who's never had the chance to develop his social skills past pre-teen age, you likely never will.

>implying everyone here is a HS invader

N o r m a l f a g

i said this was original

let me post ffs this contains many very content originalio

why is this even
new record of oregano adaptation

surely dubs if i succeed now

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>there is nothing more hot, blissful and pleasurable than fucking a girl who's crazy turned on for you / screaming for more / with "enthusiastic consent"
Fuck off. You have to be chad for a girl to be that much into you.

This guy sounds like a real jerk.

ITT: crab bucket

yes, it takes a lot to get a girl literally begging, but there are lesser degrees of it that're still fun & satisfying

a girl who's actually in to you, in any way no matter how small, will make you feel fulfilled, like a man, the king of the world

there's none of that in nonconsensual shit. it's impossible to release massive amounts of oxytocin when fucking a girl who doesn't want you.

when you understand it comes from a position of weakness, you can't get off to it. it's just meaningless

You're preaching to the choir here buddy, we all know that. Why do you think we're so depresed and pissed that we aren't capable of attaining that? Destruction is the easy way out, and many of us are fed up enough to accept the easy way out.

I find the thought of forcing someone to be fucked very arousing. The stealing of their freedom, and their dignity as human, all for some carnal pleasure. It is extremely erotic.

>Googles serial killer love letters

>Suddenly understands he is an imbecile and that women are even more animalostic and primitive than men