What's wrong with eating dog?

what's wrong with eating dog?

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Honestly nothing. I don't imagine it's very tasty though, they seem too lean.

Nothing, we eat pigs and they're incredibly intelligent. It's just a cultural norm

Personality goes a Long way. Why do you think you have no friends and no pussy but other people do?

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muh fee fees
originally yours, user

The only morally acceptable animal to kill for food is cow because it can feed so many people. Shrimp is the least moral for the opposite reason.

nothing. like the other anons said it's just a cultural think not to eat dogs.
i would eat one if i had the chance just to see how they taste, but it's illegal here.

Dogs only live about a decade so you should just wait for them to die. Killing them is what's wrong. Eating them after they die of natural causes I very good.

They're a part of human society, they live among us, follow our rules, and belong to our families, so it's like eating a human child.

you are a genius lets breed whales for food

its a waste of energy
dogs are carnivores so you have to feed their food
you could just eat the chicken or whatever the dog eats or step it up and eat the grain you feed the chicken

What's wrong with eating humans? Just think about all of the human meat that goes to waste everyday, it could easily end world hunger.

Absolutely nothing, why would it be any different from eating any other animals in the first place?
>muh intelligence
pigs are smarter
>muh royalty
more like extremely low iq
>muh less meat than other animals
yeah what about rabbits?

I eat dogs on a regular basis and im telling this, you are missing on some really tasty shit. I mean look at pig related and tell me if its not making your stomach boiling.

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no one cares about what you think is moral or not

And solve the over population problem.

just some more pics to prove my point

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Well ok it's a combination of size and availability. As I recall a lot of whales are endangered.

That's what the threads about. I don't understand why you felt the need to say this.

Your opinion doesn't matter though because gooks are soulless.

Just so damn delicious, isnt it?

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Its so easy to mindlessly insult others to look like you are on a higher ground. First worlders are so entitled and stupid i swear. Anyway do you have a single argument to back up your claim?

they wont be if we breed them though

LOL fuck you hypocritical first world retards

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Here is a picture of a rational english man eating dogs without childish guilt like you all have

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Calm down fatty you'll give yourself a heart attack.

Well if that works then I'd agree. Barring any other complications. I'm not particularly familiar with the breeding or harvesting of really any animal. My point is just that I agree intelligence isn't the best gauge. However if all things were considered equal then it would probably be useful. But yeah how many people could one whale feed, 10,000? That seems like a fair trade off.

you are truly an autist user, never change.

Try a quarter fucking million people. All day.

LOL, shut up fat fuck. At least over here there is no mcdonald and such.

How do you figure I'm autistic?

It's not a fun as eating pussy.

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gross and submissive.

Whatever you say, virgin gayfaggot.


not him but dogs are not prey
>pretending eating dogs in china is the norm for any reason other than necessity

>be mans best friend
>work together with man
>develop family like relationship with species
>get eaten.

Why would you kill an animal so loyal and friendly to humans?

You might be be being sarcastic but...
We can't their pregnancies take to long, not to mention their 10+ year maturity age.

plus they're migratory animals,and since they're huge it'd be a mother fucker to domesticate. also just think of how many Shrimps we have to breed to feed them.

Probably nothing. Its a cultural norm to only eat certain animals.

Where could one get dog meat if they live in northern europe? I want to taste it

I don't really think personally it's wrong morally to eat dogs (unless you're a subhuman chink that tortures them before death beacuse they prefer shitty meat ruined by adrenaline) but it's just dumb.
The reason why we don't eat dogs is that it doesn't have a simple diet and doesn't produce much meat, it's simply not worth it since it's much easier to feed pigs and cows that also produce much more meat.

Our relationships with animals weren't chosen at random, we like dogs and keep them alive beacuse they had better senses, they helped us hunt in exchange for food and security, cats helped us dispose of rats in exchange for food and security, cows and pigs however had no real use but they produced much food so they were used for that.
It is not uncommon for different species to co-operate and eventually over generations develop a bond, the same bond we now feel with cats and dogs that makes it feel morally wrong to do anything bad to them.

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According to normies, it's because dogs are adored by almost everyone, normie or not.
So they don't want them to get hurt, which is what would happen if they made into food.
Well, the process before they're made into food.

I've heard (not sure if it's true) that dogs and cats aren't very tasty, and that's also a reason we don't eat them.

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dogs are delicious

nothing really it just seems like a very inefficient food source

If selective breeding can make a chihuahua out of the wolf, it should be possible to breed a fast growing, tasty whale.

>uses chopsticks

We've spent thousands of years breeding dogs to be companions, not livestock. Eating them is a sick betrayal.