Is opening someones car door and taking the keys out of their car if they are a drunk driver a moral thing to do or not?

Is opening someones car door and taking the keys out of their car if they are a drunk driver a moral thing to do or not?

I did this recently and have been beating myself up back and forth as it goes against the basic principles I value like human freedom and shit like that.

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welcome to lawful good
you now realize you must do what other people can't do for themselves

>it goes against the basic principles I value like human freedom and shit like that.
does that mean you would justify letting some one kill some one else for no reason?

Good for you.

People do not get to do whatever the fuck they want to do because they just want to, especially not in a public fucking place. Imagine you'd disabled the starter motor to a plane that you knew a drunk pilot was about to fly over a city. This is no different. All the cunt had to do was NOT bring his car out when he was going to get drunk. If he had wanted to drunk drive his car round his private piece of land then that shit is his choice. In public areas we have PUBLIC rules based on what is generally the public WILL. Most people are not kosher with people driving around drunk and possibly smashing their pelvises to mush. This is what public laws are FOR.

Good for you.

I tend not to get involved in things that don't concern me, primarily out of liability considerations, for example I won't even help my buddy put his PC together just in case when I'm working on it static destroys one of the parts. In my mind, it's much better for both of us for him to either figure it out himself or pay someone to do it, because if I were to help him, and sure there's a 99% chance it'd go fine, but if it didn't, I'd fuck up a long-term friendship over material matters.

This same policy applies to shit like this. I could easily have just drove away quickly and turned my eye to it, that's what conflicts me. Tell the truth I'm still scared that I'm going to be receiving a letter in the post saying that I'm being taken to court for X Y Z reason.

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Good, bad, don't worry about that. Do what you feel is right.

Ya ding ding

fearing liability is much different than valuing the basic principles of human freedom, as you put it, and it seems like you're just describing the former.
i highly doubt you can get sued from just taking someones keys.

Why don't you just use an antistatic mat and strap?

>Do what you feel is right.
100% agreed

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I'm very muh individual freedoms, but when people do shit like that it also endangers yourself, and self preservation is the most basic human right of all. If he started it, slammed the gas and ran over you well you're just fucking dead, and now their life is ruined and freedom will be gone forever. You preserved the freedoms that day with your actions.

Yes, you stopped a dude from driving while drunk. Unless he had some kind of emergency he was supposed to be going to, you did good. Don't beat yourself too much over it, you did a good thing.

Take thier wallet too, but pick it so they dont know. And they think they lost it while drunk

>Unless he had some kind of emergency he was supposed to be going to
I didn't even consider this.

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If he would have crashed into someone now there
's two emergencies and he won't be able to help whoever needed him maybe ever again.

gib alternative milkies

Yes. In fact I believe they explicitly tell you to do things like this in college orientations and such. Even under libertarian philosophy it's justified, as drunk driving endangers others lives.

chris? lol

People have the freedom to act as they choose, as long as those actions do not inhibit the freedom of others. Drunk driving can lead to loss of life, which is a violation of the victim's right to live.

hey OP, is right. It doesn't sound liek you value human freedom here. it sounds like you fear getting caught

>human freedom
doesn't include recklessly endangering others

>>human freedom

What the fuck user, you might have just saved the driver and who knows how many innocent drivers on the road. You just achieved " Do no harm".

I'd give you a medal but I can't

Not allowing some idiot to actively endanger other peoples lives is a good thing. So don't beat yourself up over it.

And I'm saying this as someone who has drunk driven before

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Esd is a meme
modern consumer computer parts are robust enough for retards to assemble them