All robot men can easily get friends and there's plenty of other autistic male weirdos that will be their friends

>all robot men can easily get friends and there's plenty of other autistic male weirdos that will be their friends
>if you're a weird autistic woman then there's no other women for you to be friends with and you're completely alone

women have it worse than men

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Women have reptilian brains incapable of grasping the concepts of friendship and loyalty so this isn't even a fair comparison desu

How come I have zero friends then stupid roastie

Also this

Okay, then do you want to be friends? I'm a man.

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i'm an autistic weirdo and I can assure you that no one wants to be friends with me.

Hardly. I got one friend, and that was the only guy in high school as autistic as myself.
also the only one from high school I don't avoid

>women have it worse than men
You actually don't, it goes both ways for trying to make friends but the difference is you could easily get a bf or have sex if you wanted to. It's a lot tougher for guys who are too autistic to even get a match or hold a conversation on tinder or other dating sites/social media

people of the opposite sex can't really be friends though. there will always be a sexual tension

tfw don't want robot friends because they are all misogynists

Well, I guess I feel a little bit more sad now than I did before. So something was gained, I learned that men and women can't be real friends because they would always want to have sex. :(

>all robot men can easily get friends
I have never had a real, human friend. The only "friends" I had used me and left me behind when they were done.
The only real friends I've had were my pets. They did more for me than any person ever has.

virgin mentality tbqhwyf

Lol you would get along with my friend group fine we are all a bunch of weirdos.

But like nah tho. I have plenty of female friends I have no interest in banging

I'm going to chime in on this and let it be known that it's not always who you think regarding the sexual tension. I had one brief (attempted) friendship with a girl I knew. I wasn't interested anymore (long story), but she was. Every time I refused her advances, she left to sulk, or would date other men to try making me jealous.
I don't talk to her anymore.

Keep your damn friendship if your pussy belongs to another.

I guess i never considered that. I know this must be the most played out and common thing on this board but I don't typically get a lot of women, especially the ones my age or older. I'm 21, and not a very attractive, or intelligent, or interesting man. I'm probably selling myself as a charity case but really I'm just trying to give feedback on what you said.

Be an autistic male weirdo's friend user, I seem to get along better with women

You can be friends with men

>or have sex
Why do people say this? Yeah, we can get sex pretty easily if we're slutty, but that doesn't mean we'll enjoy it or it will feel good in any way.

... you want sex, not friendship. Retard!

Here's what you do femanon, take advice from me. Get on a discord somewhere and enforce him/his pronouns. I don't care how whiny, how high-pitched pig squealing, how much estrogen drips out of your trachea when you cough on your microphone. If someone calls you a woman, or insinuates that you may have a vagina, correct them: you are a man, and you demand male pronouns.

The real reason why fems can't be friends with men is because men want to fuck them all the time, and it destroys their comradery. Follow my advice and I guarantee that no sane man will want to fuck you. Now you can start on the path of earning the respect of your peers like a normal human being.

I am sorry you are alone op. I hope you find a good friend soon

I don't really get a lot of women either, honestly. In fact, she was the only one who ever showed any interest in me. The fact that she was mentally ill doesn't reassure me. She said it was just bipolar, but I suspect it went deeper than that. Probably BPD, possibly schizo or something (she mentioned vivid hallucinations at times). It has to be serious, she gets neetbucks for it.
Aside from that, she was just kind of a garbage person in general. Treated me like shit, although she often flipped between abusive and normal. Once she dated a guy, dumped him, then tried to make him befriend me. I guess it was some weird display of affection.
You can feel free to discount my opinion if you'd rather, but I really think women aren't worth it. My experience wasn't even the worst case scenario, if some other anons are to be believed.

why are incels so stupid

Reminder that the only way to counter """""fembots""""" is to laugh at them


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>meetup group for autistic women in my area
should I go

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i wonder if they're really autistic though

Sure they can. Certain conditions must be met though.
1) The dude must find the girl unattractive or for any other reason not want to fuck her
2) The girl should be in a relationship with someone else.

It's funny becuase I believe you and kind of agree. I need a therapist. I've been coming on to omegle and Jow Forums to vent and type out huge paragraphs of bullshit I think up and I'm tired of it, I need help. I'm suicidally depressed and my biggest fear is dying having had one girlfriend ever, something got fucked up along the way and now I think it's appropriate to tell strangers my personal information because I'm so alone that I would prefer to read text replies than actually open up to someone about how sad and lonley I am.

>ARTEMIS is a social/activity group for adult women and femmes (though diverse gender expression is welcome) of any adult age
>femmes (though diverse gender expression is welcome) of any adult age

so not actually real women then

>"autistic" women meetup

It's just a front for lesbian bipolar sociopaths to take advantage of socially incompetent women who think they're entering into a safe space. I mean go if you're into having yourself gaslit, desu. I bet if you cut yourself for one of them they'll eat you out.

It looks like mine is more "we're just calling it a women meetup but it's really for anyone interested in autism". To be honest I'm thinking of going to one of these early 20's meetups instead because most of the people look spergy in the group shots anyways. I don't want to go to an aspergers meetup and have it just be me sitting among a bunch of parents trying to talk about their kids

Is this from a personal experience? That sounds oddly specific and disgusting.

You're a separate human being from me, right? I haven't finally lost my mind and started replying to myself thinking it's all (you)s?

Ok we have it better at one thing. I'd still rather be a girl...

Is there a better friendship than one where friends fuck the shit out of eachother?

No lol we're two different people, it's juat a more common problem than I think we all give it credit. I need help but I think I'm too lazy or afraid to get help. Maybe I should explain, see I have what's commonly known as bipolar depression. And mild paranoid schizophrenia but I'm not worried about that.

It's just common sense. Predators congregate to these sorts of public social situations. If you're heading out there, you're already admitting a problem; that means you're already declaring your weakness. That gets a hungry bitch's blood pumping. If you're cute and she thinks she can wrap you around her finger, watch out.

Luckily you can solve this problem by literally being too autistic to pick up. So there's a silver lining to every cloud.

I am a reverse mysoginist, as in my opinion of women is the exact opposite of a mysoginists one

Am I good enough?

What is bipolar depression? Like, is it genetic, or can it occur if someone has kind of a fucked up childhood? I figured I was just highly avoidant after that, but maybe it's something else

Well the way it works is my brain, specifically the center glands that produce the chemicals we need to act normal, aren't ever firing off right. My brain almost can't produce the right chemical ever. I'll feel suicidally depressed one day then manic and absolutely ecstatic the next. It can be genetic, it's more common in children exposed to second hand cigarette smoke. You absolutely can develope mental illnesses if you have had a bad childhood. I would get diagnosed first before you decide anything however, you never know what you might not have or what you might need treatment for. It works, I just stopped doing it willingly, which was my mistake and I really wish my father had never let me do that but I was 18 and he didn't want to impede on that I think.



>you're an autistic girl but you're also really religious and that scares away everyone

I'm a soldier of the cross, I'm anointed, I have the word of God, I'm covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, I can take the sword of the truth of God and attack the gates of hell

the bible says God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword and a spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord"

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It's probably filled with traps and other mentally ill men who think woman is a feeling.
They use these groups to improve the female character in their head by observing women. This is why trannies get so upset when women create women only spaces, because then they can't parasite off women.

If you be my gf I'll go to church with you and hold you while we listen to scripture.

It doesn't sound much like me, honestly. The most I waver is between deep depression and numb complacency. Maybe a mild good feeling on a rare occasion.

Hail, sister in faith.

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So just have sex then you dumb bitch. You get to make friends from the opposite sex which means easy relationships and fucking. We get to spend time with other autistic manchildren and talk about anime. Fucking kill yourself.

Really religious scares people who are outcasts.

>you will never date an autistic religious girl and fight against satan together and pull down the demonic forces of abortion and pornography

>religious girl
why does this make me hard??

Only if at least one of the sides find the other attractive

You can hace male friends

> tried to befriend a robot
> really funny and interesting boy
> reveal myself as a g*rl
> he says hes a faggot
> I say that i dont care
> blocks me
Fucking fags and traps they should be massively executed

Please be my gf, we can raise children in the forest away from our degenerate society run by Satan's influence.

There's a guy in my class that's pretty cool, spoke to him one to one a few times but can't develop friendships since I'm too autistic

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>since I'm too autistic
In what way?

>Blank face
>1000 yard stare
>spaces out
>does work during free time

Hapas have it worse than everyone. Nobody wants us.

That's not that bad. Probably just spergy.

I can spontaneously hold a well thought out monolog when I'm alone about fucking anything and could probably convince even the most inbred ignorant fuck, but when I'm with people my mind goes completely blank and even forming the simplest coherent sentence is
suddenly impossible for me. I'm staggering around mid sentence like a fucking autist who got out of the basement for the first time in his worthless life. It's not only the talking part, but my whole thinking process is clearly on drugs. This is usually the moment where I wanna rip off my head and throw it against the wall. I'll always be angry about myself at least a day. Wtf is going on here?
It's not like I'm nervous or something.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit about the first part but come on something's not right here at all.
Anyone similar problems? Solutions?