At this point, what options do you have besides suicide?
At this point, what options do you have besides suicide?
Wait, was she expecting you to throw a drink at her? Who does that?
Damn, that's shallow as fuck desu.
Don't chase after women. Don't even accept any that come to you, they aren't worth it anymore.
Weak bait written by a bitter virgin lanklet.
>he hasn t accepted reality yet
Im 5 foot 5 and have fucked 47 women. The girl I fucked last night was 5 foot 8. Its called being Jow Forums and looksmaxing while not being a little bitch
>Im 5 foot 5 and have fucked 47 women. The girl I fucked last night was 5 foot 8. Its called being Jow Forums and looksmaxing while not being a little bitch
Right on, user! This is exactly what robots will never get, it's all about confidence!
You probably would fuck more if you were taller. I'm 5 foot 6 and have fucked over 100 women.
sure you did bro..... sure you did
I-I'm 6ft and have fucked over 600 women..!
Lanklet virgins always get so easily triggered.
Come on now, at least change the filename.
>Posts on a board notorious for having only failures
>"Y-yeah guys I fucked 47 w-women haha"
>Reeee like an autist when people don t believe him
Title doesn t mean it s not real
>She is out there. She just isn't me.
Says every female out there.
What did she do that even she realized she treated you like shit?
>At this point, what options do you have besides suicide?
find another girl who has different standards?
>spend years lifting and looksmaxing so you can put your penis in disgusting cows like that
I've had sex before without needing to "looksmax" like you, since I'm 6'2". Just be yourself, little guy.
yes it does, a genuine message would be on the dating websites or text message, girl's don't email
your bait is weak, you need to work on it
also height trolling went out in 2014 nobody cares anymore
Prostitutes don't count. At 6'2" you have an ugly body and face unless you spend all your time in the gym and taking care of your appearance.
I mean youre right but 47 different pussies is a good life bro
Lol lanklet incel triggered
>this cope
>He has never seen a slender woman naked sitting down and bent over
Lol, Im sooooo pissed and triggered! 47 pussies bro. Usually bareback.
Talk about a Napoleon complex! Yikes!
>LOL ur so triggurd lolol i am le ebin trole XD
>5 foot 5 and have fucked 47 women
Fuck sake man that is disgusting. Like sodom and gommorah degenerate tier disgusting. absolute man whore
>Wait, was she expecting you to throw a drink at her? Who does that?
I'm 5'7 and have fucked 10. Women.
Are you from melbourne?
THAT is a woman in your pic? Doesnt look like it. Do you take pictures of every ugly worthless slut you bang? This picture is so gross, makes me glad I have standards and only fuck the girls I date
Its actually pretty hot. I keep a list so when I am a sad old married man not getting any I can call back the memories and beat off in the attic
No Texas why do you ask?
>could have done this in a much more civilized fashion
What did she do?
she shouted and humiliated him in public when he attempted to convince her
Just ignore her, she'll start wondering why and then chase after you