Should female streaming be banned as a form of prostitution?

Should female streaming be banned as a form of prostitution?

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i have that same recliner chair

They should be immediatly perma banned for breaking TOS just like another other male.

Duh, but they fucking won't. Twitch is just a lite camwhore site for findom cucks.

i like having hot paid sexy times with streamers over the internet, pls dont ban the prostitites

This thot's hotter than the real thing.

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Thats not a very capitalistic thing to say

Prostitution shouldn't be banned.

No it's an optimal solution.
They are creating fap and waifu material for incels to occupy themselves with so that they don't snap and go shoot up a kindergarten.
And the females don't even have to blow up their roasties by taking endless cock to do it.
There's no point in feeling sorry for these men. They choose to do this to themselves and if you try to tell them the truth they just get angry.

I feel bad for the fathers, bf's and husbands of these prostitutes

What the fuck if anything they just make all incels go "HOW COME I CANT GET A 10/10 WAIFU, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

That being said it might be a slippery slope but Im sure most of these female streamers are breaking ToS and didnt Twitch lay down the hammer a while ago for some of these borderline/past-the-border offenders? Ofc more work to be done.

Business owners doing what is needed to appeal to customers and grow is exactly how capitalism works. I can tell it's summer because underage socialist retards are out in full force.

Are there any good written pieces on the mentality behind donating money to some woman for no reason other than she's wearing a tank top
I genuinely don't understand the thought process behind it, what do they get out of it

You dont think theyre desperate manlets hoping for QT gf? Did you learn nothing from this board lmao

Actually the answer is that prostitution needs to be legal

That wont curb Twtich streamers, if they wanted to be prostitutes they would have found a way already. The escort business is doing just fine in terms of profit

twitch should just get age restricted and allow them to show boobs, than it would finally be open for the last idiot that they are camwhores and not gaymergurls
also there wouldnt be hundrets of thousands of nine years olds giving money to those hags in hope for some cleavage controlled totally by therir puberty hormones

My thinking is that these streamers fulfil a base desire for non-sexual female intimacy, which is not satisfied by regular porn. The donations are made for the same reasons as donations to camwhores.

if i was one of those instagram stacys i would be on twitch all the time. it would be piss easy taking men's money

Isn't it weird to think that for hundreds of thousands of kids in this generation, Twitch thots are going to be their first fap?

I remember my first fap. It was Tori Black in a Redtube Video. It was also the second time ever I watched porn. I was in 12th standard

>Yes I first masturbated when I was 17 years old

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i just realized all these streamers stream from living rooms and not their bedrooms because they dont want leet hackers to hack into their webcam while they have sex

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I kinda agree with the non-sexual female intimacy part. I actually can listen to some not so wide mouthed roasties on twitch. Pokimane and STPeachy being 2 of them. I never donated anything tho. Never even subbed

No it's not their fault you want to spend money on them.

my first fap was to one piece, lmao

I would destroy that ass, desu

But why? Prostitution is legal.

Sex appeal just sells like hot cakes. That's been human nature since day one. Fuck, there's even studies of monkeys and other primates doing similar things.

Not here in the States.

Newsflash: Most booby streamers, instagram models, smaller actresses and even some youtubers are also escorts.

STpeach is no exception, her husband is the one that takes care of the logistics.

ha, got you beat, 20 for me
>tfw i was near elder god powers in my nofap quest and i gave it all away

Where do you get that information from?

>There's no point in feeling sorry for these men. They choose to do this to themselves and if you try to tell them the truth they just get angry.
this this this

It's just pathetic lonely looser betas donating, or horny 12 year olds

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If I had boobs I would utilize them to get ahead especially if I worked a job where looks is 60% of your appeal like acting or streaming.

Please send me the info thanks

not sure about all of that but it's pretty much common knowledge that Instagram girls and youtubers go on paid vacations to Gulf states where they literally are escorts for some rich Sheijk.
Why do you think there are so many travel-vids of these girls going alone or with a friend to Dubai out of all places?

The only good streamers are virtual ones.

You are on a slipperly slope down the absolute omega cuck route if you even watch any girl streamer that isnt a top professional player in a game for even 2 mins my dude.

3 words for you

Fuck off cunt

Ops, sorry dude. Im too harsh sometimes.

he's right, you know. DOn't dismiss his advice