Virgin thread

You may post in this thread if you're pure.

No filthy disgusting unvirgins allowed.

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A girl once kissed me on the lips after losing a bet. Can I still join?

Men lose their virginity the day they pull back their foreskin. Women lose theirs the day they are penetrated.

Mutant dicks need not apply.

Only people who have put their p***s in a v****a are not allowed. You are very welcome!

Do i count as a virgin if i had sex in a dream

I lost my virginity at 27. Hahaha. You can't stop me from posting here

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Yeah but you aren't welcome in ethereal virginity threads those are off limits.

Too bad. Pussy feels weird, since I usually fap dry using my underwear.

if i had put my dick in a woman but it couldnt fit in, does this count as virginity

Any fellow wizards here?
Have seen a few posting over the last few weeks.

I'm only lv26 my powers need 4 years to master

You will see that 4 years are nothing.
The older you are the faster the time passes.

>had sex with prostitutes
>not a virgin but not graduated from non virginity

43 year old virgin. do i qualify?


What do you do to kill time?
Still playing games, watching anime, reading manga?
Or just browsing imageboards?

play vidya now and then. go for comfy night walks. spend time at my mums place most weekends. watch trek.

>Tfw pure physically but inpure mentally.

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I like being virgin desu, in society that is over sexualized i feel sometimes like better person even if i'm not :3

>try to feel like this
>can't because
It's not fair

Stop watching porn and take the purity pill
Sex is for virgins (mental virgins)

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>43 year old virgin
How the fuck did that happen how do I avoid this

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Married and only dump my seed in my wife's vagoo, pretty sure I'm the pure one m8

It's already too late, enjoy your magical powers.

kissless virgin who hasn't even had a wet dream reporting in.

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Same. Wet dreams are a meme I think. Never happened to me.

24 v here
I kissed and had a (bad) bj before tho

Stop masturbating so much
I've had numerous since I stopped

>tfw 23 kissless virgin
>tfw growing more powerful by the day
Just a few more years and I will be unstopable.

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This meme is stupid because people lose their virginity at 16-22 meaning losing it at 20 isn't bad
Are we really so fucking degenerate that people below the age of consent losing their virginity is considered healthy?



Okay then have fun with no wet dreams

One time I could've had sex in a dream but I declined because the girl that offered was a slut, and also I don't believe in casual sex.

I think it means that I'm technically a virgin by my own choice, since if given the opportunity for a meaningless root, even from an attractive woman, I wouldn't take it.


The image was tampered with over the years to mess with newfags. losing your virginity at 20 is still pretty normal, 25 is the real point of no return IMO.

how havent you killed yourself? life gets worse for me everyday I doubt I will make it to 30 before I an hero

>24 and a half
I'm not going to make it lads

You had a sex dream? I never had one
t. 25 khv

never cared for casual sex and the thought of sharing my life with someone else 24/7 seems like hell. i'm ok and rarely get lonely. take pleasure in the simple things.

i had sex with myself today cant say im virgem

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Do people have an idea that you might be a virgin?

wait what??
dick size? no homo

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do tell how

22yo incel checking in

>Here comes the wizard apprentice

die retard

21yo KV reporting in.

No suprise that this wasn't orginial