Morning virgins, just got my dick sucked by pic related in the car again. Why arent you fucking old women?

Morning virgins, just got my dick sucked by pic related in the car again. Why arent you fucking old women?

She sent me this last night when she got home from sucking my cock the second time and wanted more so she blew her neighbor. At 40 she is in her prime, and just loves sucking dick.

Attached: 8D8B8322-8266-436A-AD0F-7FA8898A76F5.png (1920x1080, 886K)

this story is 100% legit
I was the car

Old women only want young Chad

freaky fingers

>mutilated penis
Lel @ half-man.

Not true. I had been a virgin for four years before she started sucking my dick

She has vitiligo

>DAE still think circumcision is le ebin trole??

Enjoy your STD


Attached: 1524942245634.png (500x789, 187K)

>muh stds

Oh no! I might have to take penicillin after blowjobs! The horror!!!

>still didnt get near that pussy or suck her tits
Is she cucking you or something?

diseased dick
i bet you have mouth herpes too
normies are disgusting

I just want a nice girl I can start a family with one day.
I'm not really interested in random sex.

Most robots say this, but they just want a Stacey

Attached: 1528897510052.png (474x588, 509K)

Fuck her, post pics of thicc vitilgo milf.

I have a video she sent me of her boyfriend fucking her asshole. I will try to convert to webm

she has a boyfriend but they are both divorced so she is allowed to suck as many other guys dicks as she wants and he can get as much head as he wants but they can only actually have sex in threesomes.

i miss johnny neptune posting, where did that guy go

As in like they both have to be in the threesome with the other person. I might do it with them if the guy agrees

Attached: F8AE94AE-1D0D-42ED-98E4-424E20454697.jpg (591x826, 78K)

She looks like a fat spic, but whatever makes you happy. Certainly nothing to brag about though.

>tfw may have an older gf soon
All my life I wanted a younger gf
But now I truly see the light. Mature, understanding, realistic expectations... holy shit yes.

sounds like an actual gross whore. No idea why on earth you would be bragging about being near such filth.

jail for trying to defraud a dunkin donuts and then again for assaulting someone in a meth rage
true stories

Okay that's kinda gross honestly. You're gonna get an STD from this skank. Who the fuck sends vids like that besides the most bottom barrel gutter slut?

She is, and thats the best pussy that almost any robot can hope for.

I don't want Stacey.
I want somebody I have things in common with, who shares similar life experiences.
I want to be able to have a real appreciation and understanding of each other.

Chad and Stacey may as well live in a completely different world, their lifestyle is so alien and incomprehensible to me.

Can't beat that honesty. For some reason I'm much more comfortable hitting on older women than I am hitting on women my own age or younger than me. I think I still have some weird picture in my head of older women being kind and nurturing figures while younger girls seem entitled and bitchy,

Why are robots so obsessed with STDs? Theyre largely a meme and a black peoples problem

Once they hit thenwall and men stop flocking to spend money on them, their snotty bullshit attitudes melt away. Older women are hornier than 20-something Stacies, have more life experience to talk about, and arent complete cunts.

Well aged pussy is patrician.