How do we save western civilization?
How do we save western civilization?
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We don't. Let it burn. Let the chinks take over. Who cares.
By cleaning this planet from undesirable genes.
u cannot. it's doomed
By ending neetbux and forcing your lazy asses to work.
Strongly advising nuclear winter.
if you didn't want Africans in your country you shouldn't have made Africa part of your country
stomp out the queers
The west is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it.
We need to pull it out by the roots! Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down!
I briefly used to lived in Paris in the early 20's. I can tell you even if it was all white. It still be shit.
>I briefly used to lived in Paris in the early 20's.
You must be old as hell user.
I'm 35 OC
Western civilization can't be saved. Our only hope is Russia and Eastern Europe.
>another retard getting riled up by cherry picked pictures
>he's so retarded that he doesn't comprehend that
>he's so retarded that he doesn't know that there have been black people in paris even in 1942
What to expect from a retard whose personality is void of anything worthwhile and who can only mimic and parrot other people's opinions that he deems edgy in a vain attempt to fake having a personality.
Here's the thing, though -
You could do the same contrast in many cities in the US using only white people. Using black people makes it more obvious - but the simple fact of the matter is that the average person roaming the streets of most cities who isn't on their way to or from work is a complete visual degenerate relative to the past.
We're fucking slobs. That makes us look gross in the background of pictures. There's no way around it other than to reimpose a social cost for being a slob.
>I briefly used to lived in Paris in the early 20's.
How old are you user??
I think that poster was making a joke of the fact that usually when someone says "back in the 20's" it means back in the 1920's.
>t. asshurt nigger
you guys are making it worse too so just saying
I dont think anyone is offended by the outfits, you brainlet.
It's racially cherry-picked, but otherwise informative and reflects something real.
You can examine the crowds in the backgrounds of photos from the past, and they just look different. That's true even for random candid shots where the crowd is incidental to the shot.
Stanley Kubrick was an art photographer before he was a film director. When you look at his candid shots of people from New York in the past, not only do the *subjects*, regardless of race or class, carry themselves better and with more dignity than their counterparts today, the *non-subjects* in the backgrounds don't look like they're the same SPECIES as us.
>has no way to cope with the realization that he's a retard, so his simpleton brain can only accuse the person exposing him as being something negative related to the thing he's being exposed of
Just fucking disconnect yourself from the internet and the world.
You idiot, the second shot the people look slovenly, disorganized, and disheveled. That's 90% of the visual difference. The race is incidental.
If the people in the second shot looked like Vogue models, but were all African, the contrast wouldn't work. The contrast works because the people in the second shot aren't black - they're *niggers*.
Every civilization that has ever existed fell or is going to fall. It's a natural cycle, pick up a history book.
Stop desperately clinging onto the past. Time changes things, deal with it.
What a bunch of bullshit. People didn't change the way they walk within less than 100 years. You are interpreting subjective things and trying to pass it off as objective observations while also heavily generalizing.
Damn, you are one asshurt nigger.
China has existed for thousand of years and still hasn't collapsed.
Paris is in France. France isnt in Africa. There shouldnt be that many brown people in a european country
>Our only hope is Russia and Eastern Europe.
davno ya tak ne proigryval
Pick one and only one.
>his brain is still displaying the acts he's being accused of, but he still can't become self-aware and become aware of his retardation
Holy shit, you must be really retarded. Is babby gonna post more epic collages that reinforce your superficial beliefs that you picked up, bite-sized and prepared from other retards?
You are as retarded as those niggers you hate, but you're too stupid to comprehend that. Everything about you is laughable and the extent of your pathetic persona is displayed by every post you make.
Go ask your mom to abort you, pretty sure it's not late.
>China has existed for thousands of years
Based American education
>i don't have a basic grasp on superficial history
>i get all of my superficial facts on pol
I bet you think black people started existing 5 years ago and moved to France during that time. You would get destroyed in any educational institute in the real world. But no worries, you're safe in your cope-cave and on your echo-chamber, hug-box websites babby.
Holyshit the asshurt.
Hurr durr the peoples republic of china is only 50 years old durr there fore china a young country herp
One- be civilized yourself
Two- marry a civilized wife
Three- have as many children as you can (4 minimum, health permitting)
Four- raise them to be civilized
>gets called predictable
>gets exactly told what kind of behaviour he'll display
>keeps displaying mentioned behaviour
You have the IQ of an ape. Another thing you have in common with those "niggers" that you hate. Is babby a "nigger"?
Who gives a shit when niggers started existing? They are barbarous apes incapable of civilization with IQ's that are lower than dogs. Fuck them and fuck you.
>People didn't change the way they walk within less than 100 years.
Sure they do. The change in average body weight ALONE would change that.
>You are interpreting subjective things and trying to pass it off as objective observations
This is actually a significant part of what made the change. We collectively decided that the social mores around appearance, dress, and carriage were arbitrary, and we discarded them in favor of comfort.
We simply didn't believe that holding people up to a "superficial" standard accomplished anything real. I think the history of the last 50 years shows that we were wrong. Abandonment of superficial and admittedly culturally-relative standards has debased us - and the poor most of all.
You can browse through old WPA photos of displaced migrant farm workers during the Great Depression - people who were objectively poorer than virtually anyone other than the chronically homeless in America today - and the contrast is immediately apparent. These were simply *better people* than our "People of Wal-Mart", in virtually every way.
>Nigger is still asshurt
>tries to change the topic after being exposed for his lack of basic knowledge
You are feeling pride for not knowing basic history. You are feeling pride for being uneducated. That's another thing you have in common with those "niggers" you hate. Can you go to your white supremacy daddy and tell him you've been retarded? Perhaps they can abort you instead of your mommy.
>MUH clean your room
Who gives a shit if my room is clean when the entire world is going to hell?
Why should we care about saving a civilization that is content with outcasting us and letting us rot, I say let the muslims invade and kill everyone serves the normalfags right
>tries to change the topic after being exposed for his lack of basic knowledge
I'm not the one you were relying to, you complete and utter fuckwit.
Niggers are feral savages worthy of only a nuclear holocaust no matter how you twist it.
Africa is France
Start by nucleary holocausting yourself.
Jokes aside you can't save western civilization as you know it. It's impossible. Because the demise of western civilization is not the """"degeneracy"""" as poltards think but in fact a raise in education and iq of people. You can't be intelligent and truly follow the traditional ways it's just not possible because traditional ways are almost always irrational and not practical on individual level at all. That's why dictatorships like Russia always promote retardation as a domestic policy.
Sminem will prevail!
>but in fact a raise in education and iq of people.
No it isn't, you deceitful weasel kike as proven in here.Western civilization is degenerating and keeps letting in vermin that are unworthy of the title ''human''.
I'm sorry ivan I'm not reading your magnum_opus.jpegs.
>Gets btfo
Scorched earth motherfucker
As would be expected of a toddler of your intelligence.
The jews have nothing to do with anything.
Blaming the jews for anything is a sad meme
With Trump we learned that SHOCK, the jews actually don't control the media
I don't know why they say the Jews control the government, I mean shit, if you were a bunch of Jews, would you want a shit ton of Muslims spreading out all over the place as refugees. I would want them all in one place before I bomb them
Jews didn't do anything, it's just PC self hating white people who are getting tricking into destroying themselves
Superpower countries aren't really about being for one racial population anymore. They're about conquering weaker countries and dominating their peoples by taking the people for their own. You see this as a negative thing but from the perspective of the ruling class, it's victory.
>The jews have nothing to do with anything.
Stopped reading right there. KYS kike.
Chateau Rouge station ayy lmao. Nice cherry picking.
Not the guy you're replying to but blaming Jews for everything really is the biggest scapegoat and most shameful copout of all human history. It's literally no different than Blacks blaming all the world's problems on White devils.
you'll notice all these "tha west is doomed!!!" images are cherrypicked
Where the fuck do you think Civilization comes from, a box?
It is built, family by family.
Know why Feminists hate
>muh Patriarchy
Because the basis of Civilization is healthy families.
You sound like this
>why would I get a water hose, my house is on fire? I obviously need to throw more wood on it
>marry and have a lot of kids
Pick one, fuckwit
Opposite of this
Wagie is going to lose his job to AI
>robots will take away all manufacturing jobs! AAAAAAH!!!!
In reality there are more manufacturing jobs now, they are simply in different areas
>computers will eliminate secretaries and such! AAAAAAAH!!
In reality it led to more support jobs
1990s, 2000s, 2010s
>robots and AI will wipe out all jobs
We are going on 2 full generations of this shit and yet there are more job openings than workers right now.
So - bullshit
Blacks blaming all of their problems on the white devil actually makes way more sense than the historic scapegoating of jews which isn't much