What is the reason for this?
IQ of young people are declining, why is that?
>fewer whites and more shitskins are born
>oh god, why is the average IQ declining?!
Really makes me think...
Because they're raised by the internet
Probably smart phones and tablets having unforeseen effects on maturing brains
>Study is only Norwegian Conscripts since 1975.
Bizarre pool.
And IQ went down as women were allowed in. Makes you think.
IQ is somewhat based on problem solving.
education has stopped being about problem solving since the 80s. now it's just finding the solution (google, "work together" aka copy from smart kid, etc)
The paper that shows the decline doesn't show that the variance is only explained by ethnic groups. It's a general effect for everyone.
Increase of racemixing and the importation of the 3rd world
I think it's because of demographic changes in Norway. I don't think you would see a decline if you did the same study on Pakistani or Burmese conscripts.
Because white birth rates are down.
is it at all possible to improve your IQ?
Stupid immigrants and their retarded offspring are bringing the averages down.
coz iq test doesn't show a shit. it's a retarded test. u can only see a difference between 80 and 120 iq. 105 and 115 is same shit
Because of redditkin who now make up 95% of the modern populace.
Probably an over reliance on computers.
Don't need to think if you can google the solution.
Watch the video FFS.
He clearly says that the paper shows the decline was INSIDE FAMILIES. It's an effect (likely due to the environment) for everybody.
That funny. The video actually suggest that's the reason too.
It suggests that reddit is the problem?
They're putting fluoride in the tap water, you'd be better off with lead in the water table.
Yes, it's actually been concluded by several expert panels
"environmental, nongenetic changes such as social internet and electronic distractions"
The test was for men only. Says it twice right in the beginning.
Exercise, diet, antidepresants.
But it only helps boost it back up to your natural levels.
I had a good childhood filled with legos and playmobil and many friends so thank god my depression didn't make it tank completely.
>Source is Norwegian Conscripts.
Faking the "IQ" test is the easiest way to get out of service. Hardly reflective of the IQ the general population.
One part of that "IQ" test is also based on language skills and I can easily see how some migrants might test lower on that.
So you get a large group of teenager, who dont want to be on these tests, straight out of physical tests where you have to run for 20 minutes on a treadmill (Which they didnt do untill 5-6 years ago), 9-10-11 o clock in the morning (the hours we know teenagers are most sleepy) having to do a test they have to pass in order to spend a year doing something the majority of them doesnt want.
Am I the only one seeing problems with this?
The amount of conscripts have dropped significantly since the beginning of the 90's, hardly representative of the general population, more and more opt out.
The guy says that tests from other countries are reflecting the same thing but he kinda just mentioned it in passing.
>This man is in his 20's
That face says 30's at least how is this possible?
I blame technology
Probably all the binge drinking and weed. Booze Def knocked my iq.
It's the same thing across all of western europe.
He had his 30th birthday last month
>people in this thread are taking this crap seriously
Citation: Needed
Citation: Not Found
It's the kind of face you only get after having studied at blindern (public college) for 7 years.
BI (private college) will get you slicked back hair and a shit eating smug grin.
It's funnier if you're norwegian..
>taking a (((science))) that can't replicate 2/3s of its studies seriously
Psychology is a meme degree
Too much video games, netflix and internet and not enough study
IQ is one of the most robust, predictive measures out there.
holy shit, can you really get out of military service by pretending to be a brainlet?
in my country you have to pay like min. 3000 euro
Depends which domain.
Social psychology seems to have quite a few problems in terms of replicability, but it's getting much better.
Other psychology domains are more solid.
Also many other fields have domains with replicability problems, including medicine, pharmacy, economics etc.
When its attached to a soft science like psychology who EVERY DAY is finding out that studies that were citied 2000+ times and taking as gospel are non replicable. It makes it less concrete.
I think the problem is the psychologists though.
>Also many other fields have domains with replicability problems, including medicine, pharmacy, economics etc.
lol Economics is also not a real science. Any field where around 2/3rds of your studies are not even viable cannot be called a science imo. If those apply to other fields so be it
because fucking lazy millenials can't even open a fucking book. When's the last time any of them read books. They're addicted to their stupid meme sites and their phones. They don't do anything, they don't work, they don't even leave the house.
or you can just fake the physical, pretend you have undiagnosed asthma or some shit and give up on treadmill after 2 minutes.
Too many vidya?
I'm worried
Have they ever watched the movie Idiocracy?
s.oy, oversexualized culture, and excessive videogames. excessive pleasure in general.
>social media
>omnipresence of government spying
>decline in birthrate
>increasing cost of healthcare
yeah I wonder why everyone's all fucked up right now
increased miscegenation (regression to racial means) could explain the effect "Inside families"
people don't eat healthy anymore and they like to eat McDonald or microwave food.
>my hobby is better than yours
This is what happens when you let women run education.
>Who cares about math and problem solving skills, you need to talk about your feefees and (((networking)))
you mean 'being female'
It's because more intelligent people are less likley to have children and more likley to have fewer children and more likley to have children later in life while stupid people are more likley to have children, more likley to have more children, and more likley to have children earlier in life.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that formula is going to go sideways really quick. We've made a society where success is predicated upon intelligence but survival isn't, so as it happens there's a very good chance that these are the last couple of centuries of good times we have left without some sort of intervention to stop the slippage.
That's what the (()) are for.
This doesn't have to do with race, it just has to do with who's having kids. Supposedly, two 115 IQ parents will have a child who's IQ is closer to 100. I don't know how that works but that's what papers have said
even SJW tier publications are reporting on it, and they usually like to pretend race and iq both don't exist
earlier sexualization and not keeping the genders separated into adulthood
not even memeing
regression to the mean of IQ?
Holy shit that article is so poorly written
>huffington post
>poorly written
Who could have possibly seen this coming?
dysgenics. the IQ of Whites has been declining for some time
offloading their brains to google
There's three things that can lower your potential IQ as an adult.
The first is child abuse, sexual or simply violent. Even neglect or lack of parental involvement can have significant impact.
The second is malnutrition.
The third is poor socialization.
As you see this new generation of daycare/formula/tablet computer children mature, only the uninformed will be surprised to find that they're retarded.
Eugenics is the aswer.
How its now: le 'love has no lables', le 'marry shitkisn', le ''pure kids are nit beauitufl, mixed are!;
How it should be: 'marry only the men/women of your status and achievements'
Breeding is not a meme.
Look at breeding of dogs or horses, until sjw did not flood it.
Did you know that female pigeon get killed if she accidently get fucked with hobo pigeon? telegony, it was proven
Where do you get the idea that we've magically never read anything because of some arbitrary year we were born in? I was antisocial since childhood and always reading. Oh we also don't get assigned books to read in school. That's magically gone away because not the year we were born in. Oops. Also not working doesn't mean you don't read. I can outsmart you any day of the week.
You aren't even reading the posts you're responding to, aren't you?
The reason being proposed is social media, not dysgenics (which obviously couldn't happen within a couple of generations)
Shut the fuck up man, some hobbies are genuinely superior for cognitive development
I think there are three reasons that are intertwined:
1. Technological progress and peaceful times make life easier. You don't have to try at all compared to any other time in history.
2. Socialist principles are also applied, which makes the already easy lives for the bottom feeders even easier. High IQ people have to work even harder to support the children of the low IQ population, which means they don't have time to get children themselves.
3. Globally of course, you see whites and asians getting less children than subhuman races.
I think we only have 1000 years at most until the average "human" has genetically regressed to the level of a higher ape, but I wouldn't be surprised if within 200 years the entire planet will be like Africa.
The world average iq has been declining for quite some time now, from low 90's to high 80's or about 5-6 points in the last 200ish years.
Not significantly. If you have a depressed iq, however (f.e due to psychosis or malnutrition), you should be able to increase it back with the right diet, medicine and such. So it's difficult to increase it on the individual level, while increasing the iq of your children compared to you, or another demographic, should be doable.
I think that he is one of those who's IQ regrressed user
I bet you were going to correct me on my spelling of regressed so you could feel like you're smart. What a faggot.
First thing that comes to mind is that modern tech, modern entertainment and social media have absolutely destroyed attention spans. If there isn't an emotional pay off within 30 sec, then people have been trained to look elsewhere.