Has anyone worn this unironically in real life?

Has anyone worn this unironically in real life?

Attached: ehguoiufead.png (1400x1400, 471K)

I just looked it up on amazon, i could pull off this look for like 80 bucks, considering it but im too poor.

Always thought those were yellow rain boots.

>45 bucks for a simple haircut like that
>expensive as shit meme pomade
>overpriced gay ass sneakers
chad wouldnt do any of that

you want the attitude and posture

Attached: 9ade917a7ebf591595e01df1325c31e3c0e7033ece57a7544c961fd64f5b62e1.png (1024x512, 395K)

He has no hair. That's just a yellow triangle.

wtf this is how you should dress these days

>lolololol so gay
girls like it somehow

Attached: 0tE137CzbJY.jpg (640x640, 93K)

Anyone else insecure about wearing pomade? I like how it keeps my hair, but I'm afraid other people will think I'm a tryhard since I'm fairly ugly

That looks comfy as fuck, apart from WEARING SHOES INSIDE

>Has anyone worn this unironically in real life?
Yes they have

Attached: 1517033118686-1.jpg (639x935, 70K)

>$50 for track suit
>$3000 for training shoes and yellow paint
Do people actually pay for this?

What about the virgin?

Attached: images.jpg (371x396, 26K)

He does not look like a chad. Nice cosplay though

Did OUCH! shirts exist before the meme or did the meme make them a thing? When I look it up everything I find talks about Chad which makes me think they spawned from it.

he has the face for it but his arms are too tiny

Who would dress like that? Haha! What a weird oufit, haha....

If you google "ouch tanktop" nad look at the google results almost all of them mention "chad". Its just users on spreadshirt and redbubble trying to cash in on the meme. The whole "ouch!" word on the shirt is meant to make fun of graphic shirts with meaningless words on them.

I literally look like Virgin and have similar clothes/ glasses.

The pants look neat tho.

Not enough bulge to be Chad. Nice try though.

>3000 dollar shoes
yeah no thanks.

The point of the "steal his look" meme is to pick absurdly expensive clothes that look like the clothes a famous fictional character wears.

Attached: Hank Hill steal his look.jpg (794x768, 88K)

>not even the Egyptian Cotton Kanye West plain white T-Shirt

I'm pretty sure that he was wearing that ironically, user...

??? how is chad comfy

females i swear

those boots look kinda feminine

>smoking a fag while inside

I'm pretty sure someone in Nintendo is familiar with the virgin/chad meme.

i really wish they would add these 2 famous characters to their games like smash and Mario kart as playable characters.