Finally get a lunchbreak at work with some girl who started taking to me

>finally get a lunchbreak at work with some girl who started taking to me
>all I can muster up is "what did you bring for lunch?"
>She answers "pasta"
>I say "oh that's nice"
>conversation ends
How do I be more talkative and not just pointless smalltalk?

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>>all I can muster up is "what did you bring for lunch?"
>>She answers "pasta"
>>I say "oh that's nice"
>>conversation ends

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dont be a fag brah, grab her by the pussy and start kissing her right away. tell her babe I want to take you downtown to poundtown and then fist bump the air like your favorite anime, play a gaijin sound effect on your phone too and she will wetter than a jar of pickles in the sun if you know what I mean brah!

>oh cool, you make the sauce yourself or use a jar?
>jar? You should try this recipe I've got
>home made? Whats in it? Lookin to improve my recipe
>so you made it yourself? You like cooking? What else can you make?
>its a jar sauce? Do you usually eat quick stuff like that? Or were you busy the other night

Its really hard to work without a persons response. Basically you repeat what they said and ask another question about it.

>its a jar sauce? Do you usually eat quick stuff like that? Or were you busy the other night
You know how I know you're a woman or a Jew?

Why do you think shed respond to any of that? If her first answer was just one word she aint interest in a conversation

I have a penis with its foreskin attached. The store bought sauce tastes like absolute trash, it takes some time but making your own sauce pays off in taste not dollars.

If your second and third questions are given one word answers then you know for sure they aren't interested. One question isn't enough to know for certain.

It's not because of your preference for fancy sauce. It's the level of nosiness, judgment and non-subtle suggestion that you're superior packed into a single question.

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Eww youre that guy.

haha rite ladies?
why does gross loser not-chad think that he has the right to have conversations with us that we don't initiate?

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You sound exactly like the guy people at my workplace literally hide from to avoid having to talk to him.

Thats how it works. You cant just outright tell a coworker that you dont wan to talk to them so if you keep pushing after being politely rejected youre in the wrong

>ask questions designed to illicit more than a one word response
>stop being judgemental and thinking you are superior

Maybe you should stop trying to project your issues on to others.

Not "that guy." I actually hate small talk and talking to people in general. I just know ways to encourage people talking. I developed such strategies to force people to keep talking aboit their shit so I wouldn't have to talk about myself.

>greentexting something that isn't a quote
misrepresenting what I was responding to doesn't make it go away

You called me a nosy, judgemental and claimed I feel superior over a sauce. I don't think I misrepresented you at all. If you're trying to start a conversation you need to ask questions, this does not make me nosy it only means I'm trying to help OP.

The sauce is irrelevant, so is the kind of stuff they eat, the questions are designed to generate an answer longer than "pasta." Something like "no I usually eat..." or "I made it myself, its an old family recipe" and for people that don't cook "nah I like the bottled sauce"/"I got home late and didn't have time for anything fancy." I used cooking examples because of its link to what OP had already asked, I can't suggest he ask about a new topic because that would flow like shit.

So again, sort out your own personal insecurities.

You should have said, "if you want more, I have several pocketfuls."

1. get over newfaggotery.
2. start shitposting
3. Profit

Women hate talkative men, it is effeminate

Women like laconic men

You indicated that upon finding out they use prepared sauce for whatever reason you voiced your surprise and derided it as 'quick stuff' and then came up with unsolicited excuses for why they used this [inferior] sauce to white knight for this roastie (were you busy?)
Did I spell out my objection enough for you, Schlomo?

The point is to sneakily peruse a certain topic. "what did you bring for lunch?" is a good start. that's a perfect opportunity to talk about food habits.
favorite food, favorite restaurants, diets. if you're lucky someone has a story? dont let the flame die out.
>t. total loser but decent armchair faggot

No I was suggesting alternative questions to ask depending on the persons answer. I don't care if the person cooks or not, nor do I care what they eat.

Either way, store bought sauce is the fast solution and asking if they use it often or if they were just short on time the night before is a reasonable question. When I get home late I also use store bought sauces for a quick dinner instead of making a more complex base. You really shouldn't imagine people asking you questions like this actually care nor should you think you know what a person is thinking. "Mind reading" is a common trait in people with anxiety issues, whoever asked what or how you usually cook wasn't trying to belittle you they were very likely just trying to make friendly conversation.

>getting this mad over a shitty work lunch
And yeah, making "excuses" for people - that is, being nice to them and showing esteem for them in conversation - is an excellent way not to embarass them and make friends, you turbo autist.

This. Or just make up a story.

>You really shouldn't imagine people asking you questions like this actually care
This is precisely why people like you should fuck off.
I'm inept at, and uninterested in, conversation so I don't try to force it like the faggot OP. Yes, I am autistic. Your brilliant people reading skills do have application.

>why people like you should fuck off
Some people like conversation.

>inept and uninterested in
That may be true. May also be sour grapes. That's for you to reflect upon.

>force it
Just because OP is inept doesn't mean he isn't interested. If he's interested, discouraging him is absurd. Would you disavow the cultivation of any other skill?

Not really why I enjoy them, but thank you.

>all I can muster up is "what did you bring for lunch?"
>She answers "pasta"
>I say "oh that's nice"
>grab two fistfuls of her pasta
>shove it in your pockets
>"pasta huh? HUH? HUH? HUH?"
>put the tupperware on your head
>mmm oregano
>"you just got spag yeti'd"

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Back to /ck/ with ye, spag yeti.

>I like conversation therefore I should get people to perform for my entertainment even though I don't care about the answer
>May also be sour grapes. That's for you to reflect upon.
Just because I don't come to the same conclusions as you, doesn't mean I don't think, you colossal faggot.
If I had no legs, I would be uninterested in jogging. I wouldn't begrudge you your interest, but if you tried to make me jog or talk to me about jogging, I would be unreceptive.
>Would you disavow the cultivation of any other skill?
Only if cunts tried to rope me into their practice of it and it would be considered the height of rudeness to decline.
>Not really why I enjoy them, but thank you.
You're welcome.

l wish you were right

Just talk personal shit.
Like the last time you ate pasta or some story relating to pasta.
Maybe some exercises to improve creativity and connecting things in your head can help improving your ability to come up with random memories or other things to talk about.